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The Medicine Chest

Compound of Tincture of Chloroform and Morphine



Compound of Tincture of Chloroform and Morphine

Is Part Of

Special Collections
Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine


"Directions: For an adult, from five to ten minims may be taken in a wineglasful of water, and repeated in three to four hours, if necessary. In severe cases, the dose may be increased to fifteen minims. As this preparation contains potent posions, it should be used with caution". (As read on the lable of the bottle)

"Action and Uses: In addition to its well-known use as an anaesthetic, Chloroform has been highly recommended for the relief of asthma, and in the form of vaporoles can be employed safely during the passage of calculi from the gall-bladder or kidney. The vaporoles are the most useful in obstetric practice. A vaporole may be crushed and the vapour inhaled from the palm of the hand" (BWC 1896: 38).

"Morphine Sulphate: Anodyne. Use with caution. One swallowed gives great relief of pain"(BWC 1925:132).

Access Rights

Currently locked away in Strongroom 3 in the UCT Jagger Library. Prior appointment to the library staff needed in order to view the object. Object should be handled with gloves, and a form signed in order to take any photos of it.


Burroughs Wellcome & Co.

Date Created





UCT Special Collections - BC666
Burroughs Wellcome & Co.1925. ‘Tabloid’: brief medical guide for explorers, missionaries, travellers, colonists, planters and others. London: Burroughs Wellcome & Co.




Nina Liebenberg

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