Teacher Education Workbook for Environment and Sustainability Education


Download Teacher Education Workbook for Environment and Sustainability Education

Title of Resource

Teacher Education Workbook for Environment and Sustainability Education




General focus (e.g., if the resource covers several topics)



Audience Education Level




South Africa

Publication Continent



Science Approaches

Mitigation strategies
Outcomes-based education
Change-oriented and action learning

Learning Approaches

Collaborative small group learning
Service learning (type of experiential learning by doing work in community)
Place-based learning (type of experiential learning within a local place and community)
Inquiry-based learning (active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios)

Sustainability Big Idea

Earth love - (respect Earth and life in all its diversity)
Equity and justice
Health and resiliency

Includes References


Suggested Usefulness

Indigenous Voice

Yes. Cultural heritage practices, Indigenous knowledge systems

Social Inclusion

Yes. The resource aims to provide environmental education for teachers to assist learners so values like active and responsible citizenship are instilled and people to develop a sense of responsibility and commitment

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Yes. The resource urges "schools which cannot recycle glass, tin and paper can team up with charities or start new
social entrepreneurship initiatives to provide the needy, such as victims of crime, shack fires
or floods, with clean, used toys and clothes."

Sustainable Development Goal

SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 3 - Good Health & Well-Being
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
SDG 12 - Responsible Production & Consumption
SDG 13 - Climate Action
SDG 15 - Life on Land

Normative Competency Areas

Human rights

Anticipatory Skills Competency Areas

Global citizenship

Systems Thinking Competency Areas

Global citizenship

Intrapersonal Competency Areas

Global citizenship

Action Competency Areas

Human rights

Item sets