Teaching Marine Biodiversity, Life Sciences Grades 10-12


Download Teaching Marine Biodiversity, Life Sciences Grades 10-12

Title of Resource

Teaching Marine Biodiversity, Life Sciences Grades 10-12



Main Topic

Biodiversity and Ecosystem impacts


Specific topic (e.g., focusing on a particular topic)


Collection of text-based resource


Audience Education Level



Publication Continent


Science Approaches

ESD and ESD learning processes

Learning Approaches

Collaborative small group learning
Place-based learning (type of experiential learning within a local place and community)
Inquiry-based learning (active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios)
Experiential learning (learning through experiences and reflection)

Sustainability Big Idea

Universal responsibility - (sense of global responsibility)
Earth love - (respect Earth and life in all its diversity)
Equity and justice
Health and resiliency
Systems thinking - (process for understanding the interrelationships among the key components of a system)
Earth limits - (focuses on respecting planetary boundaries of Earth)

Includes References


Suggested Usefulness

Indigenous Voice

Yes. Local context

Social Inclusion


Sustainable Development Goal

SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 13 - Climate Action
SDG 14 - Life Below Water

Interpersonal Competency Areas

Global citizenship

Strategic Planning Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship

Normative Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship

Anticipatory Skills Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship

Systems Thinking Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship

Intrapersonal Competency Areas

Global citizenship

Action Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship

Item sets

Site pages