
Malunga - About


Iprojekti ye-isiXhosa Intellectual Traditions iquka ukucishilela ngekhompyutha, izibhalo ezibalulekileyo ezigcinwayo, ukukhusela nophando lwezibhalo zesiXhosa zamandulo (ngakumbi amaphephandaba neencwadi) ezenziwe ngeminyaka ka1800 kunye nasekuqaleni kwe-1900.


The isiXhosa Intellectual Traditions Project entails digitizing, archiving, preserving and researching early isiXhosa texts (especially newspapers and books) produced in the 1800s and early 1900s.


Eliqela likhokhelwe nguJacques de Wet (umgcini), Amandla Ngwendu (umphicothi zincwadi), Jonathan Schoots (umlondolozi wobuchwepheshe beteknoloji) kunye noZimingonaphakade Sigenu (2019-2020). Abancedisi ngooSiphenkosi Hlangu, Sipile Nqiyama, Philisa Plamana kunye noLikhona Qazisa. Lomsebenzi uxhaswa ngokwemali yiMellon Foundation kunye neWits Institute for Social and Economic Research.


The leadership team includes Jacques de Wet (curator), Amandla Ngwendu (quality auditor), Jonathan Schoots (digital archivist) and Zimingonaphakade Sigenu (2019-2020). Research assistants are Siphenkosi Hlangu, Sipile Nqiyama, Philisa Plamana and Likhona Qazisa. The project is funded and supported by the Mellon Foundation and the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research.


Injongo yethu kukwenza imibhalo yesiXhosa yokuqala ifikeleleke lula ‘kwi-fomathi elungele uphando’. Lamaxwebhu siwazisa kwi-fomathi equka imifanekiso nemibhalo ukuze ifikeleleke kubantu abaninzi. Ngaxeshanye, oku sikwenzela ukuphuhlisa ukusebenziseka kwalamaxwebhu kuphando lwemfundo. Ukuguqulela kubuchwepheshe beteknoloji ke kona sikwenzela ukulondoloza imibhalo yoqobo, ingamoshakali.


Our goal is to make early isiXhosa texts easily available and accessible in a ‘research ready’ format. We present these documents together with meta-data in digital image and text format with the aim of giving access to the broadest possible audience while at the same time increasing the capacity for academic research. Digital text documents have been produced with the aim of preserving the original hard copy layout.

Indlela yokusebenzisa nokufumana amaxwebhu - Access and Use of Files


Onke amaxwebhu kule-site afumaneka lula.  Sigcina imifanekiso yephepha ngalinye lamaphephandaba kunye nexwebhu kwi-fomathi ka-Word documents ukuze silondoloze amaphephe oqobo. 


Files hosted on this site can be easily downloaded. This project hosts images of each newspaper page and word documents which preserve the original format of the newspaper page.


Uxhaso ngokwemali - Funding


Lomsebenzi uxhaswa ngokwemali yiAfrican Digital Humanities grant yeMellon Foundation kunye neWits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER).


This project is supported by the African Digital Humanities grant by the Mellon Foundation and the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER).


Amalungu - Project Team


2019-2021: Abakhokheli: nguJacques de Wet (umgcini), Amandla Ngwendu (umphicothi zincwadi), Jonathan Schoots (umlondolozi wobuchwepheshe beteknoloji) kunye noZimingonaphakade Sigenu (2019-2020). Abancedisi: Siphenkosi Hlangu, Sipile Nqiyama, Philisa Plamana kunye noLikhona Qazisa.

Ngenkcukacha nemibuzo, nxibelelana noJacque de Wet apha: jacques.dewet@uct.ac.za


2019-2021 Team: Leadership Team: Jacques de Wet (curator), Amandla Ngwendu (quality auditor), Jonathan Schoots (digital archivist) and Zimingonaphakade Sigenu (2019-2020). Research assistants: Siphenkosi Hlangu, Sipile Nqiyama, Philisa Plamana & Likhona Qazisa.

For any queries contact Jacques de Wet at: jacques.dewet@uct.ac.za


Umanyano - Affiliation


Lomsebenzi uqukwa kwileqa lophando likaJacques de Wet, IsiXhosa Sociological Concepts and Intellectual Traditions, efumaneka kwicandelo leSociology eUniversity of Cape Town. 


The project is included in Jacques de Wet’s research group IsiXhosa Sociological Concepts and Intellectual Traditions, which is located in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town
