
Iprojekti ye-isiXhosa Intellectual Traditions iquka ukucishilela ngekhompyutha, izibhalo ezibalulekileyo ezigcinwayo, ukukhusela nophando lwezibhalo zesiXhosa zamandulo (ngakumbi amaphepha ndaba neencwadi) ezenziwe ngeminyaka ka1800 kunye nasekuqaleni kwe-1900. Siyiqale leprojekti ngo-2019 ngenjongo yokwenza ukufumaneka ngeekhompyutha kolulwazi lubalulekileyo lwamandulo ngendlela apho eyenziwe lula ukufunda nokuphicotha nokwenza uphando.


The isiXhosa Intellectual Traditions Project entails digitizing, archiving, preserving, and researching early isiXhosa texts (especially newspapers and books) produced in the 1800s and early 1900s. We began this project in 2019 with the aim of enabling online access to these important historic materials in a format that make it easy for anyone to read, explore and undertake research.


Injongo yethu kukwenza zombini kwi-inthanethi “igumbi lokufundela’ apho unokwazi ukujonga nje, ukuphicotha nokuxabisa izibhalo okanye iincwadi kwi-inthanethi, kanye nokwenza indlela yokuba kufumaneke zonke ezizinto ngendlela egciniweyo kwikhompyutha. Injongo yethu yeyokuba ezincwadi “zilungiselelwe uphando” ngokwendlela yefomathi yekhompyutha zenze kube lula ukusebenzisana nohlahlelo leencwadi ngokulwenza lubelula ukufumaneka.


Our intention is to create both a virtual ‘reading room’ where you can browse, explore, and appreciate these texts online, and to provide access to downloads of these materials in digital text format. Our aim is that this ‘research ready’ digital format will facilitate engagement with and analysis of these texts by making them more accessible.


Ezi zibhalo zicishilelwe ngekhompyutha kwingqokelela yogcino ziguqululelwe kwimifanekiso zaqwalaselwa zaze zalungiswa ukuze zinikezele inguqulelo yezibhalo yodidi olphezulu.  Iphepha ngalinye lijongiwe liqela lethu lengcaphephe zesiXhosa abaye bajonga bejongisisa nomgangatho we-OCR ukuqinisekisa ukupelwa nokuba ikhuphele lendlela iphepha belibhalwe ngayo. Ukuba uyewafumanisa ukuba kukho impazamo, sicela uze usazise.  


The digital texts provided in this archive collection have been converted from images and carefully checked and edited to provide high quality text conversion. Each page has been checked by our team of isiXhosa experts who have edited and quality checked OCR conversions to ensure accurate spelling and to replicate the original page layout. If you happen to find an error, please let us know. 


Umbono wethu kukuqubekeka ukwakha ezibhalo ezibalulekileyo ezigcinwayo, nokwandisa ezinye iphepha-ndaba neencwadi - zonke zifakwe yefomathi yekhompyutha into eyokwenza ezi zibhalo lula ukuba zifumaneka kwaye sizebenziseke lohlahlelo.


Our vision is to continue to develop and build this archive, adding other newspapers and books – all in digitized computer format which will make these texts easy to access and available for analysis.


Ukuba ufuna ukunikeza izimvo, imibuzo okanye incebiso siqakamshele ku: Jacques.dewet@uct.ac.za


If you have comments, queries or suggestions email us at jacques.dewet@uct.ac.za