MA Final Project | Keleketla

MA Final Project | Keleketla
Production Type
Masters Final Production
Keleketla: A story of a chef who died of hunger

An old eagle weaver bestowed with a gift to tell stories, lives in a world that is different to our own.
A world where no child goes missing.
But no great gift comes into the world without a curse.

The thesis production concept is derived from the isizulu idiom "S'bindi uyabulala, s'bindi uyaphilisa", loosely translated as: Courage kills, Courage saves. This is my re-telling of the tragedy, Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus. The tragedy is based on the myth of Prometheus, a Titan who defies the god Zeus by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. In response, Zeus punishes him by chaining him to a cliff and sending a bird to devour his liver. The punishment continues ad infinitum as his liver grows back every day and again the bird returns to eat his liver.

This re-imagination of the Prometheus story shifts perspective by asking why does everyone focus on the man chained to the rock, what about the bird chained to the man? His gift or rather a curse of being forced to eat his liver ad infinitum.

Mmoho and Tat’uhobe take turns in narrating a series of different stories around the central theme: courage saves, courage kills inspired by sePedi proverb, “Ke “khomo ya mosate, wa e gapa o molato, wa e lesa o molato”Loosely translated: “It's a Royal cow, you take care of it, you are guilty, you leave it you are guilty” - which in simple terms means getting caught between a rock and a hard place.

This re-telling follows its historical context, it challenges authority and poses the question: “who has the liver to save us?
Script Type
Year Created
Opening Date
22 November 2022
Start Time
Performance Venue
Geographic Location of Performance
Cape Town
Co Production with
Text By
Future Bukho Menjenjalo
Musical/ Sound Composer

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