Climate Challenge for 7-11 years: Explore the human impact of climate change


Title of Resource

Climate Challenge for 7-11 years: Explore the human impact of climate change

Main Topic

Climate systems and extreme weather impact
Greenhouse gas emissions


General focus (e.g., if the resource covers several topics)



Other - notes or issues

Date Created


Audience Education Level

Learners grades R-3
Learners grades 4-6

Resource URL

Publisher URL



Publication Continent



Science Approaches

Scientific method & process skills
Adaptation strategies
ESD and ESD learning processes

Learning Approaches

Collaborative small group learning
Inquiry-based learning (active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios)
Experiential learning (learning through experiences and reflection)

Includes References


Suggested Usefulness

Indigenous Voice

Yes. Local context

Women and Children Agency

Yes. Yes: "For example, in Uganda women already walk 6 hours a day to fetch water - as dry seasons become longer, women will be forced to walk further still for water and firewood.5 Men are often in a stronger position to cope (in other words, are less vulnerable) because of their access to the cash economy and greater decisionmaking power. Globally, women are 14 times more likely than men to die during a disaster.. Women's coping ability is considered weak

Social Inclusion

Not sure. The social impacts of climate change on communities is discussed

Entrepreneurial Opportunities


Sustainable Development Goal

SDG 13 - Climate Action

Interpersonal Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship
Cultural diversity

Strategic Planning Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship
Cultural diversity

Normative Competency Areas

Human rights
Global citizenship
Cultural diversity


Universal responsibility - (sense of global responsibility)
Health and resiliency

Item sets