And then... 2018 production album


And then... 2018 production album



jackï job of Spiral Productions in collaboration with The UCT Centre for Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies brings to you the production of “And then…”

“And then…” is all about desire that lies beneath the surface and thus, often kept secret. Desire vibrates, agitates and encounters what seems strange and different to convention.
This production awakens and reveals what is secret and takes audiences on an insatiable journey of yearning. And then… uncovers salacious appetites, cravings, and wants of something or someone that is not immediately available and remains out of reach.

“And then…” is an original new work conceived, directed and performed in the signature innovative dance language of Jacki Job in close collaboration with pianist, José Dias and performer, Owen Manamela-Mogane.
The nuanced stratums of desire are also evoked in the costumes, set and light designs, giving this production an “other-worldly”, immersive atmosphere.
“And then…” will fluster and inflame, tug at the heart and expand how we imagine and play ourselves in everyday life.



Owen Manamela-Mogane
José Dias

