Breath-Body-Self: Reflections on Performance-Based Approaches through a Women's Theatre Project in South Africa


Breath-Body-Self: Reflections on Performance-Based Approaches through a Women's Theatre Project in South Africa


This article explores the relationship between breath and emotion and between breath and image in an attempt to make theatre and performance that is inspired by a biography of the body. It investigates the body as a site for generating images for the purpose of performance-making. The article is a methodological study that draws from various traditions, methods, and somatic practices. It explores the relationship between body, breath, and feeling and how these impacts on the imagination in processes of producing images for performance-making. It further investigates whether breath can be experienced as an embodied element that is sensed somatically by performers. The author argues that it can, and in so doing may, act as a catalyst for activating memories, stories, and experiences held in the body of the performer.


Date Issued

19 March 2019


Journal Article


