eng Proclamation. (IMVO_1885-12-16_i033)
Found in Newspaper
Article Type
xho Royal Notice
Newspaper Code
eng IMVO_1885-12-16
eng IMVO_1885-12-16_i033
Word Count
eng 371
Print Page
eng IMVO_1885-12-16_p004
Page Spread
eng 4.2
Start Page of Article
eng 4
Print Column
eng 2
eng Siphenkosi Hlangu
Great Place, Pondoland West, 16th November, 1885. H AVING seen in the paper that UMHLANGASO J. S. FAKU, OHAM (a son of MQIKELA), MDILIZA, KETSHE, W. BARNABAS. and DONALD STRACHAN have been to Cape Town to negotiate with the Government, among other things about the Mouth of the St. John's River, which I made over to Government, and to which they say I had no right; now, therefore, I hereby proclaim and make known, both to the Colonial public and to the Government, that, first, on crossing over to this side of the Umzimvubu my grandsire, FAKU, made over Pondoland West, in meeting assembled, to my father, DAMASI, saying that he should have complete power, and be an independent Chief. FAKU said he should content himself with Pondolond East; if any person should commit a crime in either territories no Court messenger would be sent, but a diplomatic agent would be sent—thus fully testifying to the complete independence with which he invested him. I, therefore, declare and proclaim that Pondoland West is mine, and I have full jurisdiction over it. The Deputation that has been to Cape Town had no right to treat about the Umzimvubu. They did not consult me. To show that they are filibusters, ever since I sold the Mouth of the Umzimvubu to the Government, MQIKELA has never questioned my right for having done so, because he knows perfectly well that I can do what I please with mine; so can he with his—without either of us interfering. The land I have sold to the Government I have sold, and I mean to abide by the transaction. I am Chief over it. If MQIKELA has anything to say he must address me, and not clandestinely see the Government. Let him come forward openly. My information of what he is doing is from the newspapers. He enjoys the taxes and the fines that are collected on the other side of the Umzimvubu, and I am doing so with those of this side. He is Supreme Chief on the other side, and I am Supreme Chief on this side. Given under my hand, and with the advice of, the Council. CHIEF NQWILISO his X mark PHILIP CHARLES QUMBELO his X mark QEKETO his X mark SIROQO his X mark MAYOLI his X mark