
On p. 60's Stevens that he uses 'Koranna' as opposed to Bantu, M.A.W. He understands about the same as us with Khoekhoens. 51 he acknowledges the help he received from his brother G H Stevens, an expert of Korana. This statement of their opens new possibilities. It is strongly reminiscent of the derivation of Swakop and its motivation. In fact, the member soon - is the same word as the second component of Swakop, viz. Like Nama Xou-B [Xau-B] = 'Scheissdreck (Von Vogeln, Hundred, Menschen)' (Kr.- The hyponoia is in line with the Khoekhoense view in comparable cases. With the slot member of Gourits, the Stevense does not know good advice: 'And Ritz is Probably A Be Imitative of the Noise or Something Rushing Down A Narrow Channel, with Sudden Force ...' The statement is made for the case, after It occurs as it is known that the gourits can come quickly, unawares, genuine. Janssens, and as a river by the 'residents before one mad' (GM RZA 4 111). Other travelers also point out. Acommented that Stevens' statement hides, maybe for the closing member may rather be thought of the IntensiveFuffix -Ri- -S (also -ts) as a locative At urble ditch or . Over the immovement of one or the other statement we have no judgment. Both are possible, both have parallel. This has Krenz FK 1979 farmer 'a note that can be based on sound agreements and be fascinating. 'Igouri = uberqueren (fürt, drift)'.

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Georeference Sources
K 3421 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
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by uitmonding
eng Stevens 1877 Remarks TSAPS 1 51 '...the Gouritz flowing into the sea to the west of Mossel Bay. This is another pure and unaltered Koranna word and means Diarrhoea River, from the habit it has of coming down with a mighty rush after rain, muddy and filthy, bearing trees, bushes and debris in its downward rush'.
afr Stevens 1877 Remarks TSAPS 1 51 '...the Gouritz flowing into the sea to the west of Mossel Bay. This is another pure and unaltered Koranna word and means Diarrhoea River, from the habit it has of coming down with a mighty rush after rain, muddy and filthy, bearing trees, bushes and debris in its downward rush'.
eng On p. 60's Stevens that he uses 'Koranna' as opposed to Bantu, M.A.W. He understands about the same as us with Khoekhoens. 51 he acknowledges the help he received from his brother G H Stevens, an expert of Korana. This statement of their opens new possibilities. It is strongly reminiscent of the derivation of Swakop and its motivation. In fact, the member soon - is the same word as the second component of Swakop, viz. Like Nama Xou-B [Xau-B] = 'Scheissdreck (Von Vogeln, Hundred, Menschen)' (Kr.- The hyponoia is in line with the Khoekhoense view in comparable cases. With the slot member of Gourits, the Stevense does not know good advice: 'And Ritz is Probably A Be Imitative of the Noise or Something Rushing Down A Narrow Channel, with Sudden Force ...' The statement is made for the case, after It occurs as it is known that the gourits can come quickly, unawares, genuine. Janssens, and as a river by the 'residents before one mad' (GM RZA 4 111). Other travelers also point out. Acommented that Stevens' statement hides, maybe for the closing member may rather be thought of the IntensiveFuffix -Ri- -S (also -ts) as a locative At urble ditch or . Over the immovement of one or the other statement we have no judgment. Both are possible, both have parallel. This has Krenz FK 1979 farmer 'a note that can be based on sound agreements and be fascinating. 'Igouri = uberqueren (fürt, drift)'.
afr Op bl. 60 se Stevens dat hy 'Koranna' hier gebruik in teenstelling met Bantoe, m.a.w. hy verstaan daaronder so ongeveer dieselfde as ons met Khoekhoens.'Op bl. 51 erken hy die hulp wat hy van sy broer G H Stevens ontvang het, ’n kenner van Korana. Hierdie verklaring van hulle open nuwe moontlikhede. Dit herinner sterk aan die afleiding van Swakop en die motivering daarvan. Trouens, die lid Gou- is dan dieselfde woord as die tweede komponent van Swakop, nl. soos Nama xou-b [xau-b] = 'Scheissdreck (von Vogeln, Hunden, Menschen)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 48), wat met buikloop verbind word, die afvoer van vuiligheid, naamlik. Die hiponoia is in ooreenstemming met die Khoekhoense siening in vergelyk- bare gevalle. Met die slotlid -rits van Gourits weet die Stevense nie goeie raad nie: 'and ritz is probably a word imitative of the noise of something rushing down a narrow channel, with sudden force...' Die verklaring word vir die geval gemaak, na dit voorkom, aangesien dit bekend is dat die Gourits vinnig kan afkom, onverhoeds, se genl. Janssens, en as rivier deur die 'inwoonders voor een der moeylijkste gehouden' word (GM RZA 4 111). Ook ander reisigers wys hierop. Aangenome dat Stevens se verklaring steekhou, kan vir die slotlid miskien eerder gedink word aan die in- tensiveringsuffiks -ri- ('deutet Wiederholung oder Intensivierung der Tatig- keit an', in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 336), dan met die -s (ook -ts) as lokatief. Die gevolg is dat die verklaring dan goed klop met wat Stevens voorstel, nl. dat die ontlasting (weergegee met die werkwoord xou, in Rynse spelling vir xau), geintensiveerd verloop (ri-) soos by buikloop of skittery. Die ander verklarings wat in A* gegee is, word hiermee dan presies omgedraai. Die rivier kry nie sy naam van 'n volkstam daar op sy oewers nie, die volkstam neem sy naam aan van sy woonplek, van die rivier. Oor die gel- digheid van die een of die ander verklaring eee ons geen uitspraak nie. Albei is moontlik, albei het parallelle. Hierby het Krenz FK 1979 Boer 'n aantekening wat op klankooreenkomste berus en boeiend kan wees. 'IGouri = uberqueren (fürt, Drift)'.
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