Canca, Canca (Se Leegte)

We get no help from the saying at all, nor of the people questioned by them. The farm name 'Canca' no SW. Q. 8-14 occurs on the section 1890 of Riversdale. The early farms carry names that are still reminding which game was plentiful by the time of their nomination, especially buffalo, tigers and eland, in addition to vascilies, porcupine e.d. Above Canca le a farm 'Elands Back'. 'Canca's emptiness' Le west of Canca on the farms 'The Groote Fountain', 'Stebys head', and then on Canca itself. The 'void' starts at 'Elandskop' (SA series 1973 scale 1:50 000 sheet 3421 BC Rietvlei). So there is a geographical relationship between Elandskop and Canca's void. We believe there is also a linguistic relationship , viz. between the parts 'moose' on the one hand and 'can-' on the other ), It is Ikhani in Nama. Ikani: The Elanantilope (Nach der Gelben Farbe des Felles so gennt,ǃ Can-ǃ Ga: Hell- Gelb, Gelbrau ... 'Theǃ Khan- agrees with our can- and means' Eland ', theǃ GA corresponds with our -ca that the skin color Other place names in here The environment is what the mortgage calls. Survey's questionnaires contain under many the following: 'Elandsbaaikop' at 3421 AD. 'Elandsgat' at 3421 AC, 'Elands-Kloof' at 3421 AC. and 'Elandskop' at 3421 BC. As for the first part, we have no doubt about it. Over the second part, we are less sure, about the -ca. We think of the name of that farm that just north of our Canca le, the said 'Elands back' No MBQ 4-1 lying on the Mossel Bay side of the Gourits River (it is eastern). In Nama, 'Elands back' hot:ǃ khan (i) -ǃ ga. The memberǃ Ga- (cf. Kr.-R. 86), or if one wants. The member backs, gets a topographical application here, viz. of a mountain ridge, which fits very well according to the said map on scale 1:50 000. We believe that Canca may be the old Cape form of another farm across the river, more northern, with its old Dutch form of 'Elands back'.

About this item

Canca, Canca (Se Leegte)
Alternative Title
Canca, Canca (Se Leegte)
Georeference Sources
K 3421 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1962 'Canca's void, old name of a low 22 miles [35 km] southeast of Riversdale. First part presumably comes from Hottentots. Meaning unknown. Halled to the farm Canca '. Surveying 1974 'Canca, name of an area 46 km Easty to Riversdale. The farm Canca lies in the middle of the area '
afr Opmeting 1962 'Canca se leegte, ou naam van ’n laagte 22 myl [35 km] suidoos van Riversdale. Eerste deel kom vermoedelik uit Hottentots. Betekenis onbekend. Heet na die plaas Canca'. Opmeting 1974 'Canca, naam van ’n gebied 46 km oossuidoos van Riversdale. Die plaas Canca le in die middel van die gebied'
eng We get no help from the saying at all, nor of the people questioned by them. The farm name 'Canca' no SW. Q. 8-14 occurs on the section 1890 of Riversdale. The early farms carry names that are still reminding which game was plentiful by the time of their nomination, especially buffalo, tigers and eland, in addition to vascilies, porcupine e.d. Above Canca le a farm 'Elands Back'. 'Canca's emptiness' Le west of Canca on the farms 'The Groote Fountain', 'Stebys head', and then on Canca itself. The 'void' starts at 'Elandskop' (SA series 1973 scale 1:50 000 sheet 3421 BC Rietvlei). So there is a geographical relationship between Elandskop and Canca's void. We believe there is also a linguistic relationship , viz. between the parts 'moose' on the one hand and 'can-' on the other ), It is Ikhani in Nama. Ikani: The Elanantilope (Nach der Gelben Farbe des Felles so gennt,ǃ Can-ǃ Ga: Hell- Gelb, Gelbrau ... 'Theǃ Khan- agrees with our can- and means' Eland ', theǃ GA corresponds with our -ca that the skin color Other place names in here The environment is what the mortgage calls. Survey's questionnaires contain under many the following: 'Elandsbaaikop' at 3421 AD. 'Elandsgat' at 3421 AC, 'Elands-Kloof' at 3421 AC. and 'Elandskop' at 3421 BC. As for the first part, we have no doubt about it. Over the second part, we are less sure, about the -ca. We think of the name of that farm that just north of our Canca le, the said 'Elands back' No MBQ 4-1 lying on the Mossel Bay side of the Gourits River (it is eastern). In Nama, 'Elands back' hot:ǃ khan (i) -ǃ ga. The memberǃ Ga- (cf. Kr.-R. 86), or if one wants. The member backs, gets a topographical application here, viz. of a mountain ridge, which fits very well according to the said map on scale 1:50 000. We believe that Canca may be the old Cape form of another farm across the river, more northern, with its old Dutch form of 'Elands back'.
afr Ons kry van die segsliede hoegenaamd geen hulp oor die betekenis nie, ook nie van die mense uit die omgewing wat deur hulle ondervra is nie. Die plaasnaam 'Canca' nr Sw. Q. 8-14 kom op die Afdelingskaart 1890 van Riversdale voor. Die vroeë plase dra name wat nog daaraan herinner watter wild teen die tyd van hulle benoeming volop was, veral buffels, tiers en elande, benewens aasvoels, ystervarke e.d. Bokant Canca le ’n plaas 'Elands Rug'. 'Canca se leegte' le wes van Canca op die plase 'De Groote Fontein', 'Stebys Kop', en dan op Canca self. Die 'leegte' begin by 'Elandskop' (S.A.-reeks 1973 skaal 1:50 000 vel 3421 BC Riet- vlei). Daar is dus ’n geografiese verband tussen Elandskop en Canca se leegte. Ons meen daar is ook 'n taalkundige verband, nl. tussen die dele 'eland' aan die een kant en 'can-' aan die ander kant. Die Khoekhoense naam vir ’n eland is reeds in 1655 vir Ou-Kaaps opgeteken in die vorm van cana (kyk HOTT 264-5), in Nama is dit Ikhani. Kr.-R. 1%9 NW 225 gee hierby ’n verduideliking wat tegelykertyd die vorm van ons naam Canca mag verklaar. nl. van Can- en van sy uitgang -ca. Hulle se: 'Ikani: die Elanantilope (nach der gelben Farbe des Felles so genannt, ǃkan-ǃga: hell- gelb, gelbgrau...' Die ǃkhan- stem ooreen met ons Can- en beteken 'eland', die ǃga stem ooreen met ons -ca wat die velkleur aangee. Canca is dan hiervolgens die 'Plek waar die (geelhuidige) elande voorkom/wei'. Versterkend vir die argument om die Can- te verklaar as slaande op die elande, is die feit dat daar nog baie ander plekname in hierdie omgewing is wat die verband oproep. Opmeting se vraelyste bevat onder baie die vol- gende: 'Elandsbaaikop' op 3421 AD. 'Elandsgat' op 3421 AC, 'Elands- kloof' op 3421 AC. en 'Elandskop' op 3421 BC. Wat die eerste deel betref, daaroor het ons geen groot twyfel nie. Oor die tweede deel is ons minder seker, oor die -ca. Ons dink aan die naam van daardie plaas wat net noordelik van ons Canca le, die genoemde 'Elands Rug' nr M.B. Q. 4-1 wat aan die Mosselbaaise kant van die Gouritsrivier le (dit is oostelik). In Nama vertaal sal 'Elands Rug' heet: ǃKhan(i)-ǃga. Die lid ǃga- (vgl. Kr.-R. 86), of as mens wil. die lid rug, kry hier 'n topografiese toepassing, nl. van 'n bergrug, wat baie goed inpas volgens die genoemde kaart op skaal 1:50 000. Ons meen dat Canca die Ou-Kaapse vorm mag wees van 'n ander plaas oorkant die rivier, meer noordelik geleë, met sy ou Hollandse vorm van 'Elands Rug'.
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