
Kedoma' is farm no SW. Q. 7 ^ 4, Dist. Bredasdorp. To its southwest side and adjacent Le the farm 'Nooitgedacht switches to De Zoute Kloof' No S.. Q. 7-5, and south of it and adjacent again 'Zout Kloof' No. 4016/1955. About the two farms 'Nooitgedacht Located at De Zoute Kloof' and 'Zout Gorge' flows the 'Soutkloof', a northwestern branch of the Karts River. The 'Soutkloof' flows over the farm 'Salt Gorge' No S.. Q. 10-38. North of the farm and adjacent is 'Brakke Kloof', farm No S.. Q. 14-47, and on its east border again 'Zoutkuil' No S. Reported 'Great Zout- Gorge' Zoute Kloof ',' Zout Gorge ',' Zoutkloof ',' Salt Gorge 'and' Sotkloof 'Everyone translations of' kudoma '. The member' cow 'of' kudoma 'is like Nama + 6- = salt,' Salz '(Rust 1960 DNW 51), the Anlauting K- present the palatal sucking consonant = ¥. The member' -doma 'of the name' Kedoma 'is like Nama Dommi =' Kehle '(Rust 34), an anthropomor - Fee thus of the gap as throat that carries the water - cf. for other examples of the same view Heiadom, Nto (I). If, 'Koedanna' is in the name 'Kedoma ( or newsna) possibly a modified pronunciation of 'kudoma'. On the topographical series 1973 Skin 3420 Riversdale only occurs for this place 'Koranna', clearly a nation mutual adjustment that sees a reference to the tribal name.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3420 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 3420 Riversdale 'Kedoma (or Cow Ranna)'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 3420 Riversdale 'Koedoma (or Koe ranna)'.
eng Kedoma' is farm no SW. Q. 7 ^ 4, Dist. Bredasdorp. To its southwest side and adjacent Le the farm 'Nooitgedacht switches to De Zoute Kloof' No S.. Q. 7-5, and south of it and adjacent again 'Zout Kloof' No. 4016/1955. About the two farms 'Nooitgedacht Located at De Zoute Kloof' and 'Zout Gorge' flows the 'Soutkloof', a northwestern branch of the Karts River. The 'Soutkloof' flows over the farm 'Salt Gorge' No S.. Q. 10-38. North of the farm and adjacent is 'Brakke Kloof', farm No S.. Q. 14-47, and on its east border again 'Zoutkuil' No S. Reported 'Great Zout- Gorge' Zoute Kloof ',' Zout Gorge ',' Zoutkloof ',' Salt Gorge 'and' Sotkloof 'Everyone translations of' kudoma '. The member' cow 'of' kudoma 'is like Nama + 6- = salt,' Salz '(Rust 1960 DNW 51), the Anlauting K- present the palatal sucking consonant = ¥. The member' -doma 'of the name' Kedoma 'is like Nama Dommi =' Kehle '(Rust 34), an anthropomor - Fee thus of the gap as throat that carries the water - cf. for other examples of the same view Heiadom, Nto (I). If, 'Koedanna' is in the name 'Kedoma ( or newsna) possibly a modified pronunciation of 'kudoma'. On the topographical series 1973 Skin 3420 Riversdale only occurs for this place 'Koranna', clearly a nation mutual adjustment that sees a reference to the tribal name.
afr Koedoma' is plaas nr Sw. Q. 7^4, dist. Bredasdorp. Aan sy suidweste kant en aangrensend le die plaas 'Nooitgedacht geleëgen aan de Zoute Kloof' nr Sw. Q. 7-5, en suid daarvan en aangrensend weer 'Zout Kloof' nr 4016/1955. Oor die twee plase 'Nooitgedacht geleëgen aan de Zoute Kloof' en 'Zout Kloof' vloei die 'Soutkloof', 'n noordwestelike tak van die Karsrivier. Die 'Soutkloof' vloei oor die plaas 'Sout Kloof' nr Sw. Q. 10-38. Noord van die plaas en aangrensend is 'Brakke Kloof', plaas nr Sw. Q. 14-47, en aan sy oostekant grens weer 'Zoutkuil' nr Sw. Q. 10-36. Op die Topografiese vel 1:50 000 3420 AC. Protem word aan die suidwes- telike kant van en aangrensend aan 'Koedoma' aangegee 'Groot Zout- kloof'. Ons het al telkemale die verskynsel teegekom dat ’n Khoekhoense toponiem as komponent van 'n naamkerngroep in die Nederlandse en Afrikaanse komponente van dieselfde naamkerngroep vertaald voorkom. Ons meen dat ons hier dieselfde verskynsel het, m.a.w. dat 'Zoute Kloof', 'Zout Kloof', 'Zoutkloof', 'Sout Kloof' en 'Sotkloof' almal vertalings is van 'Koedoma'. Die lid 'Koe-' van 'Koedoma' is dan soos Nama +6- = sout, 'Salz' (Rust 1960 DNW 51), die anlautende K- ver- teenwoordig die palatale suigkonsonant =¥. Die lid '-doma' van die naam 'Koedoma' is soos Nama dommi = 'Kehle' (Rust 34), 'n antropomor- fiese siening dus van die kloof as keel wat die water meevoer — vgl. vir ander voorbeelde van dieselfde siening HEIADOM, NUDOM(I). Indien juis, is 'Koeranna' in die naam 'Koedoma (or Koeranna) moontlik 'n aangepaste uitspraak van 'Koedoma'. Op die Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3420 Riversdale kom vir hierdie plek net 'Koranna' voor, duidelik 'n volksetimologiese aanpassing wat in die naam ‘n verwysing na die stam- naam sien.
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