
According to Gordon's usual use, we must consider 'Nabega' as the Khoekhoian equivalent, mostly it is the translation, quietly the alternative name. We do not know which of the uses were followed here. The most likely is that 'Keurbooms River' is a translation from Khoekhens. Our trouble is that we have no recording of the tree name in Khoekhens. According to this, it could have been Nebe, and the -ga would then be understandable like Nama -Xa, 'rich / abundant, many', d.w.s. 'River Empire to Choice Trees'. For the time being it earns o.i. The preference.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3423 AB by uitmonding
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitmonding (ou naam van Keurboomsrivier)
eng Gordon 1792 Ms 5 89 '... The Great Flats LEW to the side of Keurbooms river From:] 'Nabegea'.
afr Gordon 1792 ms 5 89 ' grote vlakte legt aan de syde van Keurbooms rivier als men keurbooms riv: overgaat...' ǀen bokant die tweede benoe- ming van die rivier staan ingeskryf, klaarblyklik as die inlandse naam daar- van:] 'nabega'.
eng According to Gordon's usual use, we must consider 'Nabega' as the Khoekhoian equivalent, mostly it is the translation, quietly the alternative name. We do not know which of the uses were followed here. The most likely is that 'Keurbooms River' is a translation from Khoekhens. Our trouble is that we have no recording of the tree name in Khoekhens. According to this, it could have been Nebe, and the -ga would then be understandable like Nama -Xa, 'rich / abundant, many', d.w.s. 'River Empire to Choice Trees'. For the time being it earns o.i. The preference.
afr Volgens Gordon se gewone gebruik moet ons 'Nabega' beskou as die Khoekhoense ekwivalent, meestal is dit die vertaling, heel selde die alter- natiewe naam. Ons weet nie watter van die gebruike hier gevolg is nie. Die waarskynlikste is wel dat 'Keurboomsrivier' ’n vertaling uit Khoekhoens is. Ons moeilikheid is dat ons geen optekening van die boomnaam in Khoekhoens het nie. Hiervolgens kon dit gewees het nabe, en die -ga sou dan te verstaan wees soos Nama -xa, 'ryk/volop aan, baie', d.w.s. 'Rivier ryk aan keurbome'. Voorlopig verdien dit o.i. die voorkeur.
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