Gwaing (Gwajang, Gwayant, Quayang Ens.)

On Topo Cadastral Card 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn comes the following: Gwingrivier coming out of water on K 3422 AB, to Horn Gwayang No..q.q. 15-9, which probably got his name from the river, and a sideline gwaing on K 3422 AB on the farm and who got his name of the farm. A few cases fall on: The Gwingsrivier connects whore with the Malgas River. A few kilometers north of the farm Gwayang le the farm Malgaskraal. Apparently, the farm and river names with ingredient show malgas - that this feeling is full here. We believe that the part of the Malgas River flowing in the mainstream and is called Gwaingrivier, reflects the in the Country Name Gwaing. If, and we are convinced because it follows the usual pattern, then the river and farm name happened to keep the Khoekhoense name for a Malgas in the eastern dialects, a name that we still found in this form. . In fact, it struggled that this river name was translated by no single spokesman to our knowledge. The translation only occurs indirectly in the alternative Dutch name of the tributary. [The Sula Capensis was recorded by Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 45 for Suidwes as Landa.]

About this item

Gwaing (Gwajang, Gwayant, Quayang Ens.)
Alternative Title
Gwaing (Gwajang, Gwayant, Quayang Ens.)
Georeference Sources
K 3422 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Gordon 1778 ms 6 7 '... Gwajang's mouth three o'clock on horseback from Kaaymans Riv.' Janssens 1803 GM RZA 4 113 'The river, the Quayang ... that goes through a strip of land there for the only wey rocks, cliffs or stones, and that are precisely in a twin of that stream cliffs, Of which Zommigige the water booty to do it about other rolls, which causes a waterfall in a place, not far since Begende finds the water again in its loop by other rocks, of which Zommige, spooled through centuries To be ... Cavities have milled, which allows many bowls made by konst. This is the famous exhibition that we have found ... '. Lichtenstein 1803-6 R1SA / 301 '... Der Quayang, Dessen Schmaler Strom ... Right Romantic Parthien Bildet ...' Collins 1809 Moodie 1960 Records J 29 '... A Fine Stream Called The Quoiaung, Issuing From The Mountains On Its Northern Skirt ... 'Backhouse 1838 Narrative 124' ... in Descending To The Guayang River ... 'PNK 1941' Gwayang = GWAING '. Railway stability 6 km Suid van George, decline name to river, from Khoekhoense origin, ruling with emphasis on GWA, those in turn. G-op. George Sonder Sonder Frit Seniene, Prachante, Regrepaktisyns, subwyss and ou inspesponsors. Die.
afr Gordon 1778 ms 6 7 ' mond van de gwajang drie uur te paard van de mond van Kaaymans riv.' Janssens 1803 GM RZA 4 113 'Het riviertje, de Quayang...dat door een strook land doorloopt daar zig voor het nog maar weynig rotsen, klippen of steenen opdoen, en dat juist in een kronkel van die beek klippen van byzondere grootte zijn, waarvan zommige het water opstuyven om het over andere te doen heenrollen, hetwelk op eene plaats een...waterval veroor- zaakt, niet ver daar beneeden vind het water zig weder in zijn loop gestuyt door andere rotsen, waarvan zommige, door eeuwen lang bespoeld te worden...uithollingen gekreegen hebben, die zoo veel kommen door konst gemaakt gelykenen. Dit is de fraayste vertooning die wy nog...hebben aangetroffen'. lichtenstein 1803-6 R1SA / 301 '...der Quayang, dessen schmaler Strom... recht romantische Parthien bildet...' Collins 1809 Moodie 1960 Records J 29 '...a fine stream called the Quoiaung, issuing from the mountains on its northern skirt...' Backhouse 1838 Narrative 124 ' descending to the Guayang River...' PNK 1941 'Gwayang = Gwaing'. Spoorwegstasie 6 km suid van George, ontleen naam aan rivier, van Khoekhoense oorsprong, uitspraak met nadruk op Gwa-, die g- soos in Afr. g-aan. Die landdros van George het sonder vrug sendelinge, predikante, regspraktisyns, onderwysers en ou in- woners geraadpleeg oor die betekenis van die naam.
eng On Topo Cadastral Card 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn comes the following: Gwingrivier coming out of water on K 3422 AB, to Horn Gwayang No..q.q. 15-9, which probably got his name from the river, and a sideline gwaing on K 3422 AB on the farm and who got his name of the farm. A few cases fall on: The Gwingsrivier connects whore with the Malgas River. A few kilometers north of the farm Gwayang le the farm Malgaskraal. Apparently, the farm and river names with ingredient show malgas - that this feeling is full here. We believe that the part of the Malgas River flowing in the mainstream and is called Gwaingrivier, reflects the in the Country Name Gwaing. If, and we are convinced because it follows the usual pattern, then the river and farm name happened to keep the Khoekhoense name for a Malgas in the eastern dialects, a name that we still found in this form. . In fact, it struggled that this river name was translated by no single spokesman to our knowledge. The translation only occurs indirectly in the alternative Dutch name of the tributary. [The Sula Capensis was recorded by Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 45 for Suidwes as Landa.]
afr Op Topo-kadastrale kaart 1969 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn kom die volgende voor: Gwaingrivier wat uitwater op K 3422 AB, aan horn plaas Gwayang nr Geo.Q. 15-9, wat waarskynlik sy naam van die rivier gekry het, en ’n sylyn Gwaing op K 3422 AB op die plaas en wat sy naam van die plaas gekry het. ’n Paar sake val op: die Gwaingrivier verbind hoer op met die Malgasrivier. ’n Paar kilometer noord van die plaas Gwayang le die plaas Malgaskraal. Klaarblyklik toon die plaas- en riviername met bestanddeel Malgas- dat hier- die voelsoort hier volop aangetref is. Ons meen dat die deel van die Malgasrivier wat in die hoofstroom invloei en dan Gwaingrivier heet, die in landse naam Gwaing vertaald weergee. Indien juis, en ons is daarvan oortuig omdat dit die gewone patroon volg, dan het die rivier- en plaasnaam toevallig die Khoekhoense naam vir ’n Malgas in die oostelike dialekte bewaar, ’n naam wat ons in hierdie vorm nog nerens opgeteken gevind het nie. Dit het trouens opgeval dat hierdie riviernaam deur geen enkel segsman na ons wete vertaal is nie. Die vertaling het slegs onregstreeks geskied in die alternatiewe Hollandse naam van die sytak. [Die Sula capensis is deur Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 45 vir Suidwes opgeteken as lhanda-.]
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