
The Rushkloof (on S.A. The name (which has many interference games) comes from Khoekhound and applies the car-pobrotus deliciosus, with a large yellow edible fruit, also medicated, a plant that is in the area of ​​Riversdale native (look further Smith 1966 CNSAP 227 and what 3 SV)

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3421 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1972 'Ghokkomskloof, old name of a mountainaloof 7 miles [11 km] east of Albertinia. Called to a kind of hotnotsvy '
afr Opmeting 1972 'Ghokkomskloof, ou naam van 'n bergkloof 7 myl [11 km] oos van Albertinia. Genoem na ’n soort hotnotsvy'
eng The Rushkloof (on S.A. The name (which has many interference games) comes from Khoekhound and applies the car-pobrotus deliciosus, with a large yellow edible fruit, also medicated, a plant that is in the area of ​​Riversdale native (look further Smith 1966 CNSAP 227 and what 3 SV)
afr Die bergkloof (op S.A.-reeks 1973 skaal 1:50 000 vel 3421 BA Albertinia ingeskryf as 'Ghokumskloof') le tussen Dikberg en Wingerd se Berg, dit loop in Diepkloof wat die Gouritsrivier van die weste uit bereik. Die naam (wat baie wisselspellinge het) is uit Khoekhoens afkomstig en geld die Car- pobrotus deliciosus, met ’n groot geel eetbare vrug, ook medisinaal gebruik, 'n plant wat in die gebied van Riversdale inheems is (kyk verder Smith 1966 CNSAP 227 en WAT 3 s.v.)
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