
Mossop 1931 VRV 12 followed the travelers on the foot and declared O.M. 'Not identified. Probably Hartebeest River, South of Zuhrakk, and IF, Derived from Hot. Xkamab, The Hartebeest (Bubalis Caama) '. It will then hit the gam; of the Bantu Orthography. The question is still open. We probably know (i) that it is a river, and (ii) that there was good pasture. What (i) is concerned, the -kana can be like old-Cape - Kama = river, again poorly written off (like more meals at Schrijver and Hartogh). Then (ii) may be like have. To believe that Hartebeest River is a translation of the old inland name of this farm, which in turn had to get its name of an eponymous stream.Schrijver's recording should then be rewritten as Gamkama , So as Nama ǀǀ Kham (a) - = Hartebees + ǀǀ Gama- = River.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3420 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Hartebeeste Rivier
eng Writer 1689 GM RZA 3 120 'If when we did with Dark Lugt, on good meadow, in the Hottentots River Gamkana is navigated ...'
afr Schrijver 1689 GM RZA 3 120 'Als wanneer wij doen kwamen met donkere lugt, op goede weide, an de rivier van de Hottentots Gamkana genaamt...'
eng Mossop 1931 VRV 12 followed the travelers on the foot and declared O.M. 'Not identified. Probably Hartebeest River, South of Zuhrakk, and IF, Derived from Hot. Xkamab, The Hartebeest (Bubalis Caama) '. It will then hit the gam; of the Bantu Orthography. The question is still open. We probably know (i) that it is a river, and (ii) that there was good pasture. What (i) is concerned, the -kana can be like old-Cape - Kama = river, again poorly written off (like more meals at Schrijver and Hartogh). Then (ii) may be like have. To believe that Hartebeest River is a translation of the old inland name of this farm, which in turn had to get its name of an eponymous stream.Schrijver's recording should then be rewritten as Gamkama , So as Nama ǀǀ Kham (a) - = Hartebees + ǀǀ Gama- = River.
afr Mossop 1931 VRV 12 het die reisigers op die voet gevolg en verklaar o.m. 'Not identified. Probably Hartebeest River, south of Zuurbraak, and if so, derived from Hot. xkamab, the hartebeest (Bubalis caama)'. Dit sal dan slaan op die gam-; die -kana kan ons ook nie dui nie. Met die xkama-b skryf dr Mossop wel ǀǀkama-b, d.i. hy gebruik die laterale slag van die Bantoe- ortografie. Die vraag is nog oop. Ons weet seker (i) dat dit ’n rivier is, en (ii) dat daar goeie weiveld was. Wat (i) betref, kan die -kana soos Ou-Kaaps -kama = rivier wees, weer swak afgeskryf (soos meermaals by Schrijver en Hartogh). Dan kan (ii) wees soos ǀgami = wei (vgl. opgawe van Schultze by GAMIGAB), 'Weidingsrivier' dus. Nogtans meen ons dat dr Mossop gelyk het. Die vermoede het ons omdat op hierdie plek vandag ’n plaas is met die naam 'Hartebeeste Rivier' nr Sw.Q.3-1 dist. Heidelberg (vgl. Topo- kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 3420 Riversdale). Hierdie feit gee rede om te glo dat Hartebeeste Rivier ’n vertaling is van die ou inlandse naam van hierdie plaas, wat op sy beurt sy naam van ’n gelyknamige stroompie moes gekry het.Schrijver se optekening moet dan herskryf word as Gamkama, dus soos Nama ǀǀkham(a)- = hartebees + ǀǀgama- = rivier.
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