
Molsbergen consulted Hartogh's manuscript in The Hague and gave it a brief summary, believes that the first letter disappeared. Mossop who consulted the Cape Copy says (Old Cape Highways 1927 81 UN) 'The Cape Copy Reads 'OS Kamma' Without A Missing Letter'. Molsbergen's member 'stem' is a mal reading of -kamma (Nama ǀǀ Gam-I) = River, stream. Hartogh does not say that Oskamma has the meaning of 'drying river'. As far as we know, no one has declared the member os- yet. A possibility is to lay a mortgage with Nama ǀ or-o- = dry, dry. In this, we are strengthened by the following consideration. Versus 'Dry River' to the Breede River is given on the topographical series 1973 sheet 3420 Riversdale 'Meestrif' but Merestrif appeared on the Topo Cadastral Series 1965, the same reference number, as 'Horedrift A', No 10151/1950, Dist. Swellendam, on the southern bank of the Breede River. The fact that against each other on either side of the river lies the places dry River and Hereesdrift, with the farm name outgoing on a -th at 'Drift' and which allows a time to encourage the fact that Heresdrift has the inland name of Dry River can be, at least in the first member. The first member is then like Nama ǀ Oro = dry and the -es will be locativating. This dry run is in the village of Swellendam.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3420 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van droërivier
eng Hartogh J 1707 GM LV 12 9 'Finally Zag Men Coopman's beads to the 'dryer river, acidifying the Hottentots (?) Os Tribal'.' [Footnote is hereby declaring the question mark: 'The initial letter is not more readable'.] SHJ 1973 Gazette 48 'Drought R., Swellendam. Synonymyl Oskamma '.
afr Hartogh J 1707 GM lV 12 9 'Eindelik zag men Coopman’s kralen aan de ‘Drooge Rivier, door de Hottentots geheeten (?)os stamma’.' [Voetnoot hierby om die vraagteken vooraan te verklaar: 'De beginletter is niet meer leesbaar'.] Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 48 'Drooge R., Swellendam. Syntonymyl Oskam- ma'.
eng Molsbergen consulted Hartogh's manuscript in The Hague and gave it a brief summary, believes that the first letter disappeared. Mossop who consulted the Cape Copy says (Old Cape Highways 1927 81 UN) 'The Cape Copy Reads 'OS Kamma' Without A Missing Letter'. Molsbergen's member 'stem' is a mal reading of -kamma (Nama ǀǀ Gam-I) = River, stream. Hartogh does not say that Oskamma has the meaning of 'drying river'. As far as we know, no one has declared the member os- yet. A possibility is to lay a mortgage with Nama ǀ or-o- = dry, dry. In this, we are strengthened by the following consideration. Versus 'Dry River' to the Breede River is given on the topographical series 1973 sheet 3420 Riversdale 'Meestrif' but Merestrif appeared on the Topo Cadastral Series 1965, the same reference number, as 'Horedrift A', No 10151/1950, Dist. Swellendam, on the southern bank of the Breede River. The fact that against each other on either side of the river lies the places dry River and Hereesdrift, with the farm name outgoing on a -th at 'Drift' and which allows a time to encourage the fact that Heresdrift has the inland name of Dry River can be, at least in the first member. The first member is then like Nama ǀ Oro = dry and the -es will be locativating. This dry run is in the village of Swellendam.
afr Molsbergen wat Hartogh se manuskrip in Den Haag geraadpleeg het en daarvan 'n kort opsomming gegee het, meen dat die eerste letter verdwyn het. Mossop wat die Kaapse kopie geraadpleeg het, se (Old Cape Highways 1927 81 vn) 'The Cape copy reads 'Os kamma’ without a missing letter'. Molsbergen se lid '-stamma' is 'n wanlesing van -kamma (Nama ǀǀgam-i) = rivier, stroom. Hartogh se nie dat Oskamma die betekenis van 'Drooge Rivier' het nie. Sover ons weet, het niemand die lid Os- nog goed verklaar nie. ’n Moontlikheid is om 'n verband te le met Nama ǀor-o- = droog, dor. Hierin word ons deur die volgende oorweging gesterk. Teenoor 'droërivier' aan die Breerivier word op die Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 3420 Riversdale aangegee 'Moreesdrif' maar Moreesdrif verskyn op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1965, dieselfde verwysingsnommer, as 'Horeesdrift A', nr 10151/1950, dist. Swellendam, aan die suidelike oewer van die Breerivier. Die feit dat teenoor mekaar weerskante van die rivier die plekke droërivier en Horeesdrift le, met die plaasnaam uitgaande op 'n -t by 'drift' en wat ’n hoe ouderdom laat ver- moed, die feit laat dink dat Horeesdrift die inlandse naam van droërivier kan wees, altans wat die eerste lid betref. Die eerste lid is dan soos Nama ǀoro = droog en die -es sal lokativerend wees. Hierdie droë lopie is in die dorpsgebied van Swellendam.
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