Napkei, Napkeis(Kop), -(Rivier), Napky, Napkys(Mond), Naptkys(Rivier)

There is no direct assistance on the meaning, but we believe the meaning is determinable. The name applies to a river (one spokesman for surveying - we did not cite - call it a 'sprout'), on a farm 'De Napky' No S.. Q. 12-25, also on the farm 'Napky's mouth' no SW. Q. 14-39. On a region there at the river's eruption in the Bre River, and finally on a head just north of the Napkei River. West of Napkeyskop Le Aal Wine Coop with Land Surveyor Nr 75 on it, and above him is the Aalwynskloof. Adjacent to the farm Napky's mouth southward the farm 'Milk Houts Bosch' No S. SW. Q. 13-62, and further south-east on the same side of the Breede River le the old farm 'milk wood river' No SW. Q. 12-30. The terms 'Melkhoyt forest' and 'Melkbos' had old-time a wide application for latex-contained plants, cf. o.a. Smith 1966 CNSAP 230 for GNAP. An Euphorbia Sp., for NAP at 347, and for Naboom at 345 for more interference and for the ground. After (Boomspruit) in th a ** 834-5) and read what Smith's over the milk tree / Melkbos / Melkbossie, all for the Euphorbia spp., On p. 335-6, and about milkwood (tree) for O.A. The Siderox- ylon inerme. The Khoekhozen name, at Smith spelled Gnab, NAB and na- correspond to the NAP of NAP (T) KY or -Kei. It seems pretty sure we are dealing with the same word in both cases, and that the name Napkei or Napky should be associated with some of the milk-containing plants that are indigenous in this area and in Dutch for farm names Here (as whorlop indicated) is preserved as 'milk wood' without or with the generic term 'forest (Sie)'. The member -ky / -kei is then like old-Cape hey- [hai] for 'tree / bush / wood' (cf. oa hott 313) so that Napky is literally understanding as 'after-tree / wood', or with V $ R- drop of the first member, as 'milk (forest) tree / wood'. The change of K (in -ky or -kei) and of H (in hei or hai-) is quite common; hai - For 'tree / wood', however, does not have a suction . 'Naboom'.

About this item

Napkei, Napkeis(Kop), -(Rivier), Napky, Napkys(Mond), Naptkys(Rivier)
Alternative Title
Napkei, Napkeis(Kop), -(Rivier), Napky, Napkys(Mond), Naptkys(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3420 AB/BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
K 3420 AB/BA
eng SECTION CARD 1890 'NAPTKY'S R.', 'Napky's mouth'. Survey 1955 'Napkys (NAP 'T (click) KYS), Place Napky and River, 15 miles [24 km] south of Swellendam. From the language of the Hessekwastam ... Meaning of the name Napky is unknown ... The Napky River is a dry river located in the rugge, and which only flows in the rainy season and sometimes comes extremely strongly. It runs at Napkysmond in the broader. Obtain information from LL Tomlinson of the Drostdy Museum '.
afr Afdelingskaart 1890 'Naptky’s R.', 'Napky’s Mond'. Opmeting 1955 'Napkys (Nap ‘t (klik) kys), plaas Napky en rivier, 15 myl [24 km] suid van Swellendam. Uit die taal van die Hessekwastam...Betekenis van die naam Napky is onbekend...Die Napkyrivier is ’n droë rivier geleë in die Ruggens, en wat slegs in die reenseisoen vloei en somtyds geweldig sterk afkom. Dit loop by Napkysmond in die Breeri- vier. Inligting verkry van ll Tomlinson van die Drostdy-museum'.
eng There is no direct assistance on the meaning, but we believe the meaning is determinable. The name applies to a river (one spokesman for surveying - we did not cite - call it a 'sprout'), on a farm 'De Napky' No S.. Q. 12-25, also on the farm 'Napky's mouth' no SW. Q. 14-39. On a region there at the river's eruption in the Bre River, and finally on a head just north of the Napkei River. West of Napkeyskop Le Aal Wine Coop with Land Surveyor Nr 75 on it, and above him is the Aalwynskloof. Adjacent to the farm Napky's mouth southward the farm 'Milk Houts Bosch' No S. SW. Q. 13-62, and further south-east on the same side of the Breede River le the old farm 'milk wood river' No SW. Q. 12-30. The terms 'Melkhoyt forest' and 'Melkbos' had old-time a wide application for latex-contained plants, cf. o.a. Smith 1966 CNSAP 230 for GNAP. An Euphorbia Sp., for NAP at 347, and for Naboom at 345 for more interference and for the ground. After (Boomspruit) in th a ** 834-5) and read what Smith's over the milk tree / Melkbos / Melkbossie, all for the Euphorbia spp., On p. 335-6, and about milkwood (tree) for O.A. The Siderox- ylon inerme. The Khoekhozen name, at Smith spelled Gnab, NAB and na- correspond to the NAP of NAP (T) KY or -Kei. It seems pretty sure we are dealing with the same word in both cases, and that the name Napkei or Napky should be associated with some of the milk-containing plants that are indigenous in this area and in Dutch for farm names Here (as whorlop indicated) is preserved as 'milk wood' without or with the generic term 'forest (Sie)'. The member -ky / -kei is then like old-Cape hey- [hai] for 'tree / bush / wood' (cf. oa hott 313) so that Napky is literally understanding as 'after-tree / wood', or with V $ R- drop of the first member, as 'milk (forest) tree / wood'. The change of K (in -ky or -kei) and of H (in hei or hai-) is quite common; hai - For 'tree / wood', however, does not have a suction . 'Naboom'.
afr Oor die betekenis is daar geen regstreekse hulp ontvang nie, maar ons meen die betekenis is bepaalbaar. Die naam is van toepassing op 'n rivier (een segsman vir Opmeting — ons het hom nie aangehaal nie — noem dit ’n 'spruit'), op ’n plaas 'De Napky' nr Sw. Q. 12-25, ook op die plaas 'Napky's Mond' nr Sw. Q. 14-39. op 'n streek daar by die rivier se uitwatering in die Breerivier, en ten slotte op n kop net noord van die Napkeirivier. Wes van Napkeiskop le Aalwynskop met landmetersbaken nr 75 daarop, en bokant hom is die Aalwynskloof. Grensend aan die plaas Napky’s Mond le ten suide daarvan die plaas 'Melk Houte Bosch' nr Sw. Q. 13-62, en verder suidooswaarts aan dieselfde kant van die Breerivier le die ou plaas 'Melk Hout Rivier' nr Sw. Q. 12-30. Die terme 'melkhoyt- bos' en 'melkbos' het oudtyds ’n bree toepassing gehad vir lateksbevat- tende plante, vgl. o.a. Smith 1966 CNSAP 230 vir gnap. 'n Euphorbia sp., vir nap op 347, en vir na- in naboom op 345 vir nog wisselspellinge en vir die grondbetekenis vgl. NA(BOOMSPRUIT) in TH A** 834-5) en daarby te lees wat Smith se oor die melkboom/melkbos/melkbossie, almal vir die Euphorbia spp., op bl. 335-6, en oor melkhout(boom) vir o.a. die Siderox- ylon inerme. Die Khoekhoense naam, by Smith gespel gnab, nab en na- stem ooreen met die Nap- van Nap(t)ky of -kei. Dit lyk redelik seker dat ons in albei die gevalle te doen het met dieselfde woord, en dat die naam Napkei of Napky in verband gebring moet word met die een of ander van die melkbevattende plante wat in hierdie omgewing inheems is en wat in Hollands vir plaasname hier (soos hoerop aangedui is) bewaar is as 'Melk- hout-' sonder of met die generiese term 'bos(sie)' daarby. Die lid -ky/-kei is dan soos Ou-Kaaps hei- [hai ] vir 'boom/bos/hout' (vgl. o.a. HOTT 313), sodat Napky letterlik te verstaan is as 'na-boom/hout', of met v$r- taling van die eerste lid, as 'melk(bos)boom/hout'. Die wisseling van k (in -ky of -kei) en van h (in hei- of hai-) is heel gewoon; hai- vir 'boom/hout' het egter nie ’n suigklap nie. Die vraag wat by ons opkom, is of die ge- noemde Hollandse plaasname onafhanklik van die Khoekhoense name ont- staan het, dan wel of hulle nie straks daaruit vertaal is nie. 'Naboom- plek'.
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