
Elandspad' and 'Elandskloof' is the literal translation of the Khoekhoense name preserved in various spellings (cf. Slipped). In Old Cape, the inland names were recorded for the moose as Cana, Gan (n) a, can- (n) a etc. (cf. Hott 264-5), in Nama Ikhani. The Lich Dew, -Douw, Touw and Equality etc. Agree with Old Cape for 'Road' and 'Gorge', in Nama Dao- (cf. Hott 415-6 and Kr.-R. 1969 NW 53). 'Elandskloof' soon shortened to 'gorge' (cf. It was the way that was later followed with the vehicles (cart marks are still visible) and who got a little right of the current Sir Lowry Road as the fitting new highway. [By the way, Severad writes 'T'kanua OUTS' on p. 207, but improve it to 'T'kanna OUTS' on p. 225. Of course, the t'-set a suction consonant.]

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3418 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Sir Lowry’s Pass
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng [Writer 1689 VRV 12 208 calls that place already 'gap', shortened from that fuller 'Elandskloop', so also by GM RZA 2 EV] HARTOGH 1707 GM RZA 2 8 '... quamen to the evening under the cloof of it Mountains gene through the hottentots Gantouw gene) and by us the Elandspat ... 'Pettman 1931 SAPN 39' Gantouw is The Europeananized Form of the Name Given by the Hottentots to A Pass in the Hottentots Holland Mountains (ǃ Kani, Taurotragus Oryx, The moose) '. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 207 'Sir Lowry's pass ... Syn [onyms] Elands Pad ... Gantouw. T'kana Ouwe; Candouw ... Candauw '.
afr [Schrijver 1689 VRV 12 208 noem die plek alreeds net 'Kloof’, verkort uit die voller 'ElandsklooP’, so ook by GM RZA 2 e.v.] Hartogh 1707 GM RZA 2 8 '...quamen teegen den avond onder de Cloof van het Gebergte die door de Hottentots Gantouw werd gen) en door ons het Elandspat...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 39 'Gantouw is the Europeanised form of the name given by the Hottentots to a pass in the Hottentots Holland Mountains (ǃKani, Taurotragus oryx, the eland)'. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 207 'Sir lowry’s Pass...Syn[onyms] Elands Pad... Gantouw. T’Kana Ouwe; Candouw...Candauw'.
eng Elandspad' and 'Elandskloof' is the literal translation of the Khoekhoense name preserved in various spellings (cf. Slipped). In Old Cape, the inland names were recorded for the moose as Cana, Gan (n) a, can- (n) a etc. (cf. Hott 264-5), in Nama Ikhani. The Lich Dew, -Douw, Touw and Equality etc. Agree with Old Cape for 'Road' and 'Gorge', in Nama Dao- (cf. Hott 415-6 and Kr.-R. 1969 NW 53). 'Elandskloof' soon shortened to 'gorge' (cf. It was the way that was later followed with the vehicles (cart marks are still visible) and who got a little right of the current Sir Lowry Road as the fitting new highway. [By the way, Severad writes 'T'kanua OUTS' on p. 207, but improve it to 'T'kanna OUTS' on p. 225. Of course, the t'-set a suction consonant.]
afr Elandspad' en 'Elandskloof' is die letterlike vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam wat in verskeie spellings vir ons bewaar is (vgl. Skead). In Ou-Kaaps is die inlandse name vir die eland opgeteken as cana, gan(n)a, kan- (n)a ens. (vgl. HOTT 264-5), in Nama Ikhani. Die lich-dauw, -douw, -touw en -ouwe ens. stem ooreen met Ou-Kaaps vir 'pad' en 'kloof’, in Nama dao- (vgl. HOTT 415-6 en Kr.-R. 1969 NW 53). 'Elandskloof’ het in die omgang gou verkort geraak tot 'Kloof’ (vgl. Schrijver), ter aanduiding van die pad wat die elande oopgetrap het as hulle die Hottentotshollandse berge afgekom het. Dit was die pad wat later met die voertuie gevolg is (wawielmerke is glo nog sigbaar) en wat effens regs daarvan die huidige Sir lowryweg as die ver- vangende nuwe hoofweg gekry het. [Terloops, Skead skryf 'T’Kanua Ouwe' op bl. 207, maar verbeter dit tot 'T’Kanna Ouwe' op bl. 225. Die T’-stel natuurlik ’n suigkonsonant voor.]
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