
This farm Doukamma, No Geo.q.2-19, Dist. Knysna, to the Keurbooms River bush reserve, west, comes in the earliest records and maps with the closing member as -komma, but as --com (a), kum (a) etc. With the change G- and D (see pronunciation of Victorin, and further quotes under Goukamma) before us, Doukamma is just a rapid ruling of Goukamma, actually from Goukom (M) A, D.W.S. of the ghokum vy. Over time, the closing portion has come, - kum etc. Change to the new comb (mother), apparently analogically with many river names lock on -kamma = water / river. 'Ghokumvy spot'. See further dewing (kraal) containing the same ingredient with the same meaning. Doukamma and the equivalent goukamma lie in a straight line ong. 36 km apart. Up to Humansdorp district, the ghokumvy is very abundant and home.

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Georeference Sources
K 3323 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sparr man 1775 card 'Daukoma R.' [For 3422 BB], Van Reenen DG 1803 VRV 18 66 Footnote 'She farm Douwkama to the Keurbooms River'. Victorin 1854 Travels 37 '... The Gaukamma (Pronounced Dukoma) ...'
afr Sparrman 1775 kaart 'Daukoma R.' [vir 3422 BB], Van Reenen DG 1803 VRV 18 66 voetnoot 'Sy plaas Douwkama aan die Keurboomsrivier'. Victorin 1854 Travels 37 '...the Gaukamma (pronounced Dukoma)...'
eng This farm Doukamma, No Geo.q.2-19, Dist. Knysna, to the Keurbooms River bush reserve, west, comes in the earliest records and maps with the closing member as -komma, but as --com (a), kum (a) etc. With the change G- and D (see pronunciation of Victorin, and further quotes under Goukamma) before us, Doukamma is just a rapid ruling of Goukamma, actually from Goukom (M) A, D.W.S. of the ghokum vy. Over time, the closing portion has come, - kum etc. Change to the new comb (mother), apparently analogically with many river names lock on -kamma = water / river. 'Ghokumvy spot'. See further dewing (kraal) containing the same ingredient with the same meaning. Doukamma and the equivalent goukamma lie in a straight line ong. 36 km apart. Up to Humansdorp district, the ghokumvy is very abundant and home.
afr Hierdie plaas Doukamma, nr Geo.Q.2-19, dist. Knysna, aan die Keurboomsrivier-bosreserwe, ten weste daarvan, kom in die vroegste optekeninge en kaarte voor met die slotlid nie as -komma nie, maar as -kom(a), -kum(a) ens. Met die wisseling g- en d- (kyk uitspraak van Victorin, en verder aanhalings onder GOUKAMMA) voor ons, is Doukamma net ’n wisseluitspraak van Goukamma, eintlik van Goukom(m)a, d.w.s. van die ghokum-vy. Met verloop van tyd het die slotgedeelte -kom, -kum ens. verander tot die nuwe -kam(ma), blykbaar analogies met baie riviername se slot op -kamma = water/rivier. 'Ghokumvyplek'. Kyk verder DOUKOMS(KRAAl) wat dieselfde bestanddeel met dieselfde betekenis bevat. Doukamma en die gelykbetekenende Goukamma le in ’n reguit lyn ong. 36 km uitmekaar. Tot in Humansdorp-distrik is die ghokumvy baie volop en tuis.
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