
The member is like Nama Dao-B, 'trace, road, footpath, gap, gate', the genusuffix is ​​omitted. The acent sign before the first member represents a suction patch. This word was kept in two dialects, in the eastern dialect it was recorded by Sparrman 1775-6 (T'nani) and shoppingmann 1788 for 'finger' (Hott 501), and in Kora Noent Meinhof 1930 123ǃ Nani-B But then for 'thumb', literally 'sixth (finger)', at Inani, the word for 'six'. The 'thumb' as 'six' must be understood. In the primitive counting process, the fingers are counted off the hand, first the five of the hand, and then the fingers of the other hand, starting at the thumb that will be 'six'. Here is one of the few cases where the native name is an alternative name, d. W.S. The Afrikaans name is not a translation thereof. Why it was called 'fingerad', no longer seems, possibly the gorges or rudens gave the impression that the environment's inefficios look like the fingers. Located northeast of George. There is also a 'Devilberg'. The names remind the difficult road that went over devil's kick for those who preferred the shorter road. Read about this O.A. In Yes Heese S.J. [19661 The Church in the Clouds, Centenary Memorial Book Uniondale bis. 9 e. v.

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K 3322 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Duivelskop
eng Gordon 1778 ms / 143 '... where fishing in the people come from the long clof, about a quad car path Noord from here over the mountains the devils head or 'nanni DOOW was called finger pad, from a wedewe cule in the long cloof '.
afr Gordon 1778 ms / 143 '...waar in de menschen uit de lange cloof komen vissen, over een quaad wagen pad noord van hier over de bergen de duivels kop of 'nanni douw genaamt zijnde vinger pad, van eene wedewe Cule in de lange cloof’.
eng The member is like Nama Dao-B, 'trace, road, footpath, gap, gate', the genusuffix is ​​omitted. The acent sign before the first member represents a suction patch. This word was kept in two dialects, in the eastern dialect it was recorded by Sparrman 1775-6 (T'nani) and shoppingmann 1788 for 'finger' (Hott 501), and in Kora Noent Meinhof 1930 123ǃ Nani-B But then for 'thumb', literally 'sixth (finger)', at Inani, the word for 'six'. The 'thumb' as 'six' must be understood. In the primitive counting process, the fingers are counted off the hand, first the five of the hand, and then the fingers of the other hand, starting at the thumb that will be 'six'. Here is one of the few cases where the native name is an alternative name, d. W.S. The Afrikaans name is not a translation thereof. Why it was called 'fingerad', no longer seems, possibly the gorges or rudens gave the impression that the environment's inefficios look like the fingers. Located northeast of George. There is also a 'Devilberg'. The names remind the difficult road that went over devil's kick for those who preferred the shorter road. Read about this O.A. In Yes Heese S.J. [19661 The Church in the Clouds, Centenary Memorial Book Uniondale bis. 9 e. v.
afr Die lid -douw is soos Nama dao-b, 'spoor, pad, voetpad, kloof, poort', die genussuffiks is weggelaat. Die aksentteken voor die eerste lid verteenwoordig ’n suigklap. Hierdie woord is in twee dialekte bewaar gebly, in die oostelike dialek is dit opgeteken deur Sparrman 1775-6 (t’nani-) en Winkelmann 1788 vir 'vinger' (HOTT 501), en in Kora noent Meinhof 1930 123 ǃnani-b, maar dan vir 'duim', letterlik 'sesde(vinger)', by Inani, die woord vir 'ses'. Die 'duim' as 'ses' moet so verstaan word. By die primitiewe telproses word die vingers van die hand afgetel, eers die vyf van die een hand, en dan die vingers van die ander hand, beginnende by die duim wat 'ses' sal wees. Hier is een van die weinige gevalle waar die inboorlingnaam ’n alternatiewe naam is, d. w.s. die Afrikaanse naam is nie ’n vertaling daarvan nie. Waarom dit 'Vingerpad' genoem is, blyk nie meer nie, moontlik het die klowe of ruens daar die indruk gewek dat die omgewing se oneffenhede soos die vingers van die hand lyk. geleë noordoos van George. Daar naby is ook ’n 'Duiwelsberg'. Die name herinner aan die moeilike pad wat oor Duiwelskop gegaan het vir hulle wat die korter pad verkies het. lees hieroor o.a. in JA Heese s.j. [19661 Die kerk in die wolke, Eeufees-Gedenkboek Uniondale bis. 9 e. v.
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