
This post office (at the time of the questionnaire, it always existed) was then in an opening or 'island' in the 'forest reserve' (so entered on the Topo Cadastral Series 1969 sheet 3322 Oudtshoorn) Eastern from George. On the available Maps we do not find the name (cf. eg the division card of 1890, or on the early maps at Koeman 1952). There are other places with this name, eg. Gonnakraal on CC, ie west of George (on the Put murder kuyl), a name that occurs on cards. Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 232 Disclose that the Gonna is a collective name for species of Thymelaeaceae, especially for the T. Pusserina and Struthiola, and that Gonnaas is very useful for use as described by Mr Grobler. On his authority: One of the uses is for making branch bays, eg. For horn cattle or cattle, but in many names in this area is a 'bead' the accommodation of a captain and its people.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3322 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1960 'Gonnakraal, open spot in forest, 12 miles [19 km] northeast of George, in that district. Old name, possibly hottentots. Also name of a post office there. Focus on the -na van Gonna. The Gonna (Thyelaeaceae) is a heavy-like plant. It is generally common in the George, Knysna and Humansdorp areas. It is especially known for the soft strong bark that is obtained, the Gonnatou. Open spots in the Knysna and George forests have almost all names. Gonnabos is often found as the main plant in the 'islands'. Someone probably hit a hakal of Gonnadaks in the old days. The gonnabosse grows easily up to 6 feet high. I have often seen Gonnakrals in that world. Located on state land. I know the area. PC Grobler '.
afr Opmeting 1960 'Gonnakraal, oop kol in bos, 12 myl [19 km] noordoos van George, in daardie distrik. Ou naam, moontlik Hottentots. Ook naam van 'n poskantoor daar. Nadruk op die -na van Gonna. Die gonna (Thy- melaeaceae) is ’n heideagtige plant. Dit kom vry algemeen voor in die George-, Knysna- en Humansdorp-gebiede. Dit is veral bekend vir die sagte sterk bas wat daarvan verkry word, die gonnatou. Oop kolle in die Knysna- en George-woude het bykans almal name. Gonnabos word dik- wels as die belangrikste plant in die ‘eilande’ aangetref. Iemand het waarskynlik in die ou dae daar ’n oskraal van gonnatakke geslaan. Die gonnabosse groei maklik tot 6 voet hoog. Ek het al dikwels gonnakrale in daardie wêreld gesien. geleë op staatsgrond. Ek ken die gebied. PC Grobler'.
eng This post office (at the time of the questionnaire, it always existed) was then in an opening or 'island' in the 'forest reserve' (so entered on the Topo Cadastral Series 1969 sheet 3322 Oudtshoorn) Eastern from George. On the available Maps we do not find the name (cf. eg the division card of 1890, or on the early maps at Koeman 1952). There are other places with this name, eg. Gonnakraal on CC, ie west of George (on the Put murder kuyl), a name that occurs on cards. Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 232 Disclose that the Gonna is a collective name for species of Thymelaeaceae, especially for the T. Pusserina and Struthiola, and that Gonnaas is very useful for use as described by Mr Grobler. On his authority: One of the uses is for making branch bays, eg. For horn cattle or cattle, but in many names in this area is a 'bead' the accommodation of a captain and its people.
afr Hierdie poskantoor (ten tye van die vraelys het dit altans bestaan) was dan in ’n opening of 'eiland' in die 'bosreserwe' (so ingeskryf op die Topo- kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn) oostelik van George. Op be- skikbare kaarte vind ons die naam nie terug nie (vgl. bv. die afdelingskaart van 1890, of op die vroeë kaarte by Koeman 1952). Daar is wel ander plekke met hierdie naam, bv. Gonnakraal op CC, d.w.s. wes van George (op die plaas Moordkuyl), 'n naam wat op kaarte voorkom. Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 232 deel mee dat die gonna ’n versamelnaam is vir spesies van Thymelaeaceae, veral vir die T. Pusserina en Struthiola, en dat gonna- bas baie nuttig is vir gebruik soos deur mnr Grobler beskryf. Op sy gesag: een van die gebruike is vir die maak van takkrale, bv. vir horingvee of beeste, maar in talle name in hierdie omgewing is ’n 'kraal' die verblyf- plek van ’n kaptein en sy mense.
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