
The place 'Gonnakraal' lies on the farm 'Murderkuyl' No. M. B. Q. 1-5. The idea took us that we can have a toponimic core group again, of which the one component is Dutch or Afrikaans and the other component Khoekhens. Topographically, the names come 'Gonnakraal' and 'murder kuil' well. Linguistically also. ǃ Gou- means (literally) 'throw in the dust' (Kr.R. 1969 NW 127), transmitter 'in the substance (late)'. It joins Nama ǀ Gonǃ Gon = strangled, kill, and the s. NW. Also assassination (Kr.-r. 74). The second member, - Na, maybe like Nama A- = 'Loch' (Kr.- 2), for the 'Kuyl' of 'murder skuyl'. It looks good that 'murder kuyl' can be the translation of 'gonna'. Now follow the interesting determination that strengthens our suspicion. V.S. Forbes 1965 PTSA 22 determines that the current Murder Kuil River, the eastern tributary of the Little Brak River, is the 'Conna' reached by Beutler's saying on October 10, 1752 (GM RZZ 3 335) - cf. Conna in th a * 291. Beutler's 'Conna' and our 'Gonna (Kraal)', as it looks, one and the same name, a Khoekhoense name of which murder pit / murder skuyl is the translation. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn is 'Gonnakraal' entered as 'Gannakraal' who focuses on the right meaning of the name and rather reminds of the well-known Solsola Sp. Let us make it clear: This ganna (kraal) is incorrect entry of gonna (kraal) which means murder pit (kraal). But to return to this Gonnakraal. There is little doubt that the ground word here is gonna and not Ganna, d.w.s. That the place name is actually Gonnakraal. Now we know that the gonnabos frequent in the bushes of George, that this gonna have a species of the FAM. Thymmelaea Ceae is that his bass is soft and strong and readily used as queue, and also that beads have been beaten with gonna. With a name like gonna and in composition with -kraal in mind, it seems, notwithstanding the connection with 'murder-kuyl' and 'Murder Kuil River' that established us geographically and linguistically. Whether this Gonnakraal can be declared on CC as The gonna- (kraal) on DC, the one only west, the other just east of George, and that the meaning can also be here the 'bead made of the gonnabos'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3322 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn 'Gonnakraal'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn 'Gonnakraal'.
eng The place 'Gonnakraal' lies on the farm 'Murderkuyl' No. M. B. Q. 1-5. The idea took us that we can have a toponimic core group again, of which the one component is Dutch or Afrikaans and the other component Khoekhens. Topographically, the names come 'Gonnakraal' and 'murder kuil' well. Linguistically also. ǃ Gou- means (literally) 'throw in the dust' (Kr.R. 1969 NW 127), transmitter 'in the substance (late)'. It joins Nama ǀ Gonǃ Gon = strangled, kill, and the s. NW. Also assassination (Kr.-r. 74). The second member, - Na, maybe like Nama A- = 'Loch' (Kr.- 2), for the 'Kuyl' of 'murder skuyl'. It looks good that 'murder kuyl' can be the translation of 'gonna'. Now follow the interesting determination that strengthens our suspicion. V.S. Forbes 1965 PTSA 22 determines that the current Murder Kuil River, the eastern tributary of the Little Brak River, is the 'Conna' reached by Beutler's saying on October 10, 1752 (GM RZZ 3 335) - cf. Conna in th a * 291. Beutler's 'Conna' and our 'Gonna (Kraal)', as it looks, one and the same name, a Khoekhoense name of which murder pit / murder skuyl is the translation. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn is 'Gonnakraal' entered as 'Gannakraal' who focuses on the right meaning of the name and rather reminds of the well-known Solsola Sp. Let us make it clear: This ganna (kraal) is incorrect entry of gonna (kraal) which means murder pit (kraal). But to return to this Gonnakraal. There is little doubt that the ground word here is gonna and not Ganna, d.w.s. That the place name is actually Gonnakraal. Now we know that the gonnabos frequent in the bushes of George, that this gonna have a species of the FAM. Thymmelaea Ceae is that his bass is soft and strong and readily used as queue, and also that beads have been beaten with gonna. With a name like gonna and in composition with -kraal in mind, it seems, notwithstanding the connection with 'murder-kuyl' and 'Murder Kuil River' that established us geographically and linguistically. Whether this Gonnakraal can be declared on CC as The gonna- (kraal) on DC, the one only west, the other just east of George, and that the meaning can also be here the 'bead made of the gonnabos'.
afr Die plek 'Gonnakraal' le op die plaas 'Moordkuyl' nr M. B. Q. 1-5. Die gedagte het by ons posgevat dat ons hier weer ’n toponimiese kerngroep kan he waarvan die een komponent Nederlands of Afrikaans en die ander komponent Khoekhoens is. Topografies kom die name 'Gonnakraal' en 'Moordkuyl' goed oreen; taalkundig eintlik ook. ǃGou- beteken (letterlik) 'in die stof neergooi' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 127), oordragtelik 'in die stof (laat) byt'. Dit sluit aan by Nama ǀga-ǃgon = verwurg, doodslaan, en die s. nw. ook sluipmoord (Kr.-R. 74). Die tweede lid, -na, is dalk soos Nama a- = 'loch' (Kr.-R. 2), vir die 'kuyl' van 'Moordkuyl'. Dit lyk dus goed moontlik dat 'Moordkuyl' die vertaling kan wees van 'Gonna-'. Nou volg die interessante vasstelling wat ons vermoede versterk. V.S. Forbes 1965 PTSA 22 stel vas dat die huidige Moordkuilrivier, die oostelike sytak van die Klein-Brakrivier, die 'Conna' is wat Beutler se gesêl- skap op 10 Oktober 1752 bereik het (GM RZA 3 335) — vgl. CONNA in TH A* 291. Beutler se 'Conna' en ons 'Gonna(kraal)' is, soos dit lyk, een en dieselfde naam, 'n Khoekhoense naam waarvan Moordkuil/ Moordkuyl die vertaling is. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn is 'Gonnakraal' ingeskryf as 'Gannakraal' wat die aandag verder aftrek van die juiste betekenis van die naam en eerder laat dink aan die bekende Salsola sp. laat ons dit duidelik stel: hierdie Ganna(kraal) is foutiewe inskrywing van Gonna(kraal) wat Moordkuil(kraal) beteken. Maar om terug te keer na hierdie Gonnakraal. Daar is weinig twyfel dat die grond- woord hier gonna is en nie ganna nie, d.w.s. dat die pleknaam eintlik Gonnakraal is. Nou weet ons dat die gonnabos hier in die bosse van George veelvuldig voorkom, dat hierdie gonna 'n spesie van die fam. Thymelaea- ceae is, dat sy bas sag en sterk is en geredelik as tou gebruik is, en ook dat krale met gonna geslaan is. Met ’n naam soos gonna en in samestelling met -kraal in gedagte, lyk dit tog, nieteenstaande die verband met 'Moord- kuyl' en 'Moordkuilrivier' wat ons geografies en taalkundig vasgestel het. of hierdie Gonnakraal op CC tog verklaar kan word soos die GONNA- (KRAAl) op DC, die een net wes, die ander net oos van George, en dat die betekenis ook hier kan wees die 'Kraal wat van die gonnabos gemaak is'.
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