Kanga, -(Dam), -(Rivier)

The section card of Ladismith 1890 gives the following out of time when the area was still dungeon: the farm Kanga Nr Lad. Q. 2-12 is bordered on its northern side by the neighboring farm 'Plum Bosch Kuilen' No Lad. Q. 2-17. By Plum Bosch Kuilen and Kanga, the River River streams Kanga River from the high area of ​​the northern slopes of the long mountain to the Gourits River. The River's starting point here is the 'Plum Bosch Kuilen' have. If the Khoërhoen name of the current 'Plum Bosch (Kuilen)', also because it follows the usual pattern of early naming, viz. of a bullying that exists that the original in-national name because its relevance is retained, and that the younger form arises as a translation in the language of the new occupiers of the places. Almost always the double tailure can then be convincing by setting the words out of the two languages. In this case we can't do it, because The inland name for the plum is not kept in our material. However, if the argument applies, as we believe, then again we have a case where the place name gives the language supply and return a lost word. According to Smith 1966, the plum is the Osyris Compressa (Aberd.), Who wants to say that the plant type is also found in the world of Aberdeen and there is native. It strengthens O.I. The argument. The member of Kanga may be quantitiesuffix -xa, d.w.s. Can-GA means the pits where there are 'many can trees'.

About this item

Kanga, -(Dam), -(Rivier)
Alternative Title
Kanga, -(Dam), -(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3321 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1958 'Kangarivier, an old name for the river 19 miles [31 km] south of Ladismith. Come from Hottentots. Origin unknown. Le on farm kanga'. Questionnaire of surveying 1962 'Kangadam, old name, District Riversdale, 20 miles [32 km] north of town. Name from Hottentots ... '
afr Opmeting 1958 'Kangarivier, 'n ou naam vir die rivier 19 myl [31 km] suid van ladismith. Kom uit Hottentots. Oorsprong onbekend. le op plaas Kanga'. Vraelys van Opmeting 1962 'Kangadam, ou naam, distrik Riversdal, 20 myl [32 km] noord van dorp. Naam uit Hottentots...'
eng The section card of Ladismith 1890 gives the following out of time when the area was still dungeon: the farm Kanga Nr Lad. Q. 2-12 is bordered on its northern side by the neighboring farm 'Plum Bosch Kuilen' No Lad. Q. 2-17. By Plum Bosch Kuilen and Kanga, the River River streams Kanga River from the high area of ​​the northern slopes of the long mountain to the Gourits River. The River's starting point here is the 'Plum Bosch Kuilen' have. If the Khoërhoen name of the current 'Plum Bosch (Kuilen)', also because it follows the usual pattern of early naming, viz. of a bullying that exists that the original in-national name because its relevance is retained, and that the younger form arises as a translation in the language of the new occupiers of the places. Almost always the double tailure can then be convincing by setting the words out of the two languages. In this case we can't do it, because The inland name for the plum is not kept in our material. However, if the argument applies, as we believe, then again we have a case where the place name gives the language supply and return a lost word. According to Smith 1966, the plum is the Osyris Compressa (Aberd.), Who wants to say that the plant type is also found in the world of Aberdeen and there is native. It strengthens O.I. The argument. The member of Kanga may be quantitiesuffix -xa, d.w.s. Can-GA means the pits where there are 'many can trees'.
afr Die Afdelingskaart van ladismith 1890 gee die volgende te sien uit die tyd toe die area nog dunbewoon was: Die plaas Kanga nr lad. Q. 2-12 word aan sy noordelike kant begrens deur die buurplaas 'Pruim Bosch Kuilen' nr lad. Q. 2-17. Deur Pruim Bosch Kuilen en Kanga stroom die riviertjie Kangarivier uit die hooggebied van die noordelike hange van die lange- berg af na die Gouritsrivier. Die riviertjie se beginpunt is hier die 'Pruim Bosch Kuilen'. Die S.A.-reeks 1966 skaal 1:50 000 vel 3321 CD Sandkraal toon aan dat die toestand sedert 1890 deur bv. onderverdeling baie ver- ander het, of liewer, minder oorsigtelik geword het. So le die eintlike Pruimboskuile vandag op die aangrensende plaas 'Marthinus Kloof'. Dit is die kuile waar die pruimbos was en wat die rede vir die genoemde plaas- naam geword het. gelêt op die ou, vroeë name is ons geneig om Kanga as die Khoekhoense naam van die huidige 'Pruim Bosch (Kuilen)' te beskou, ook omdat dit die gewone patroon van vroeë naamgewing volg, nl. van ’n dubbeltaligheid wat daarin bestaan dat die oorspronklike in- landse naam omrede sy toepaslikheid behou word, en dat daarnaas die jonger vorm opkom as vertaling in die taal van die nuwe inbesitnemers van die plekke. Byna altyd kan die dubbeltaligheid dan oortuigend bewys word deur die woorde uit die twee tale langsmekaar te stel. In hierdie geval kan ons dit nie doen nie, omdat die inlandse naam vir die pruimbos nie in ons materiaal bewaar is nie. As die argument egter geld, soos ons meen, dan het ons hier weer 'n geval waar die pleknaamkunde aan die taalvoorraad hulp verleen en ’n verlore woord teruggee. Die pruimbos is volgens Smith 1966 CNSAP 378 die Osyris compressa (Aberd.), wat wil se dat die plant- soort ook in die wêreld van Aberdeen aangetref is en daar inheems is. Dit versterk o.i. die argument. Die lid -ga van Kanga kan moontlik die kwanti- teitsuffiks -xa- wees, d.w.s. Kan-ga beteken die kuile waar daar 'baie kan- bome staan'.
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