
With the communication that this kangokop on Kanga lies, one thinks instantly (as the PNC did indeed) that the name kangokop (with the-) incorrectly or analogically originated in connection with the well-known grand name, and that it was rather Kangakop should have been. We tried at Kanga, the farm name, to make acceptable that Kanga means the place with 'many can-trees', where the canom is a kind of basboom, an oyris compressa. Then this kangokop is very correct just a head where the can-trees occur. The member -go (of this Kango) is like Ou-Cape Cou = 'Montagne' or mountain, since 1655 in the form and meaning (cf. Hott 217). Kangokop is therefore literally the 'can (tree) mountain head', with the concept 'mountain / head' first expressed in Khoekhens with -go, and then in Dutch with -kop.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3321 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1965 'Kangokop, name of a head 22 miles [35 km] south of Ladismith, lie on farm Kanga Lad. 2-12 '.
afr Opmeting 1965 'Kangokop, naam van ’n kop 22 myl [35 km] suid van ladismith, le op plaas Kanga lad. 2-12'.
eng With the communication that this kangokop on Kanga lies, one thinks instantly (as the PNC did indeed) that the name kangokop (with the-) incorrectly or analogically originated in connection with the well-known grand name, and that it was rather Kangakop should have been. We tried at Kanga, the farm name, to make acceptable that Kanga means the place with 'many can-trees', where the canom is a kind of basboom, an oyris compressa. Then this kangokop is very correct just a head where the can-trees occur. The member -go (of this Kango) is like Ou-Cape Cou = 'Montagne' or mountain, since 1655 in the form and meaning (cf. Hott 217). Kangokop is therefore literally the 'can (tree) mountain head', with the concept 'mountain / head' first expressed in Khoekhens with -go, and then in Dutch with -kop.
afr Met die mededeling dat hierdie Kangokop op Kanga le, dink mens dadfelik (soos die PNK inderdaad gedoen het) dat die naam Kangokop (met die -o-) verkeerdelik of analogies ontstaan het in aansluiting by die bekende groot- naam, en dat dit eerder Kangakop moes gewees het. Ons het by KANGA, die plaasnaam, geprobeer om aanneemlik te maak dat Kanga beteken die plek met 'Baie kan-bome', waar die kanboom ’n soort basboom is, ’n Osyris compressa. Dan is hierdie Kangokop heel korrek net 'n kop waar die kan-bome voorkom. Die lid -go (van hierdie Kango) is soos Ou-Kaaps cou = 'montagne' of berg, reeds sedert 1655 in die vorm en betekenis op- geteken (vgl. HOTT 217). Kangokop is dus letterlik die 'Kan(boom)berg- kop', met die begrip 'berg/kop' uitgedruk eers in Khoekhoens met -go, en dan in Hollands met -kop.
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