
The name Tradou (W) is still before O.A. For the head 'Tradoukop', for the river, the 'Tradourivier', for the farms 'Tradouws corner' no SW.q.9-2, just north of Barrydale, and 'on the Tradouw' no SW.Q. 8-49, also on the main road, but to the west of the town; The spelling as the names occur on Topo cadastral series 1969 sheet 3320 Ladismith. The starting point was the -dao-S or fit, port that was transferred to the river. The distraction such as Gordon, Hahn and Nienaber pa. There are many variations in spelling, but over the general, the name is well-covered, spelled according to the time of recording, and now Seifs spelled in Afrikaans. SHAD CJ 1973 Gazette 227 Draw another pulled form 'Trada'.

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K 3320 DC en DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng SPARRMAN 1775 1 235 '... The Tradaus-Mountains Stretch Away to the East, And Upon One Part of them is Situated Great Fathers Bosch'. Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 4 59 '... De Plaats van Den Old Heemraad Jacobus Steyn, called De Tradaauw, Located Grootvaders Bosch'. Gordon 1792? Ms 4 83 'Tradow is only a Foot Path Over These Chain of Mountains and Significes in Hottentots Women's Path'. Hahn T 1881 Tsuni ǀǀ Goam 19 'We Still Have The Name of Tradouw - I.E. Taradaob - For a Mountain-Pass Not Far From Swellendam. Taras is The Woman, as Ruler of the House, The Mistress ... Taras is Also A Woman or Rank, A Lady '. Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 369 'Tradou ... is traveled from Hottentots Taras, a woman, and Daos, a gate, and therefore means' women's port '.' Haasbroek LJ 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'On the Tradouw, a group of farms, neighborhood Barrydale. Means 'on the maid's path'. It is said that a footpath about the Langeberg went to Swellendam (the nearest magistrate). The road was used by the Hottentots passing from the Karoo to Swellendam. The Tradouws River runs through the valley ... then here is the beautiful Tradouwspas between Barrydale and Swellendam. At buffalojags, beyond the mountain, is also a farm Tradouw '. Cooke B 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Tradouwshoek, actually a group of farms. Tradouw means 'Meide Footpath'. The farms lie in a corner against the Langeberg mountains over which the Tradouwspas go '.
afr Sparrman 1775 1 235 '...the Tradaus-mountains stretch away to the east, and upon one part of them is situated Groot Vaders-bosch'. Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 4 59 '...de plaats van den oud heemraad Jacobus Steyn, genaamt de Tradaauw, gelegen aan’t Grootvaders bosch'. Gordon 1792? ms 4 83 'Tradow is only a foot path over these chain of mountains and signifies in Hottentots women’s path'. Hahn T 1881 Tsuni-ǀǀGoam 19 'We still have the name of Tradouw - i.e. Taradaob - for a mountain-pass not far from Swellendam. Taras is the woman, as ruler of the house, the mistress...Taras is also a woman of rank, a lady'. Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 369 'Tradou...is afgelêi van Hottentots taras, ’n vrou, en daos, ’n poort, en beteken dus ‘Vrouepoort’.' Haasbroek lJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Op de Tradouw, ’n groep plase, buurt Barrydale. Beteken ‘Op die Meid se pad’. Daar word gesê dat hier ’n voet- pad oor die langeberg na Swellendam (die naaste landdros) gegaan het. Die pad is gebruik deur die Hottentotte wat van die Karoo oorgestap het na Swellendam. Die Tradouwsrivier loop deur die vallei...dan is hier die pragtige Tradouwspas tussen Barrydale en Swellendam. By Buffelsjagts, anderkant die berg, is ook ’n plaas Tradouw'. Cooke B 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Tradouwshoek, eintlik ’n groep plase. Tradouw beteken ‘Meide-voetpad’. Die plase le in ’n hoek teen die langeberge waaroor die Tradouwspas gaan'.
eng The name Tradou (W) is still before O.A. For the head 'Tradoukop', for the river, the 'Tradourivier', for the farms 'Tradouws corner' no SW.q.9-2, just north of Barrydale, and 'on the Tradouw' no SW.Q. 8-49, also on the main road, but to the west of the town; The spelling as the names occur on Topo cadastral series 1969 sheet 3320 Ladismith. The starting point was the -dao-S or fit, port that was transferred to the river. The distraction such as Gordon, Hahn and Nienaber pa. There are many variations in spelling, but over the general, the name is well-covered, spelled according to the time of recording, and now Seifs spelled in Afrikaans. SHAD CJ 1973 Gazette 227 Draw another pulled form 'Trada'.
afr Die naam Tradou(w) kom nog voor o.a. vir die kop 'Tradoukop', vir die rivier, die 'Tradourivier', vir die plase 'Tradouws Hoek' nr Sw.Q.9-2, net noord van Barrydale, en 'Op De Tradouw' nr Sw.Q. 8-49, ook aan die hoof- pad maar ten weste van die dorp; die spelling soos die name voorkom op Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3320 ladismith. Die beginpunt was die -dao-s of pas, poort wat toe oorgedra is op die rivier. Die afleiding soos by Gordon, Hahn en Nienaber PJ. Daar is heelwat variasies in spelling, maar oor die alge- meen is die naam goed oorgelêwer, gespel volgens die tyd van optekening, en nou seifs in Afrikaans gespel. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 227 teken nog ’n saamgetrekte vorm 'Trada' op.
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