
Kourkamma' is farm no. Q. 3-19, District Namaqualand. In th a ** 778, after analogy of Kourkam 2917 CD also declared the farm name kourma as 'gravel pits', 'gravel water'. With the topographical tools we have now, we must reconsider the statement. Kourkamma is about triangular. On the northern corner thereof is 'Coolamma's cup', cf. Topographic range 1970 1:50 000 Skin 2918 CB kangnas. From the north, 'Coolamma's cavity' and his tributaries, who gather about coworkamma's cup, over the farm Kourma, cf. Topographic series 1975 Skin 2918 Pofadder. It seems that Kourkamma and Coolamma are the same name interchangea. Coolamma's cavity closes on the farm 'Dabeeb' at the 'Brak River'. Dabeeb also declared us as 'brackish'. Kourkamma is bordered for its full length on the northeastern side by the farm 'Brakdam'. On topographical grounds it looks like 'Coolamma's cavity,' 'Curkamma's cup,' 'Kourma,' 'Brakdam,' 'Brakri- four' and 'Dabeeb' form a naming group. The question is whether a linguistically can be a mortgage between 'brackish' and 'Koer -' / 'Kour'. We mean. Chief Board member D Leopernh said in a discussion on Daverob in 1977: 'Daverob is' brackish. ' We also say Ikhurulkeib. ǃ Khuruǃ Keib is the same word that translates the name just '. If we understand Mr LuiTh correctly, it means that Ikhuru and Dawe (exchange form of Dabe, look Dabeeg etc.) both 'brackish' means. Support for this we find in the topographical cohesion of Coolamm / Kourkamma, Brak River and Dabeeb. The member of the name is then Leopern's Ikhuru and means 'Brak'. The member is like Nama ǀǀ Gammi and means 'water', 'River' (Hott 522 S.V. Water IV). Then we have the same difference that often occurs, viz. That the Afrikaans component of a toponimic group (here Brak River) is the (partial) translation of the Khoekhoian component (here Kourkamma, Coolamma). For the statement that Ikhuru primer means 'lime' (such as Nama Ikhoro) and that 'Brak' is the secondary meaning is N.A.V. The watermaking as a result of contact with the lime floor cf. Khurukeib.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3320 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3320 Ladismith 'Kounie Gorge'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3320 ladismith 'Kounie Kloof'
eng Kourkamma' is farm no. Q. 3-19, District Namaqualand. In th a ** 778, after analogy of Kourkam 2917 CD also declared the farm name kourma as 'gravel pits', 'gravel water'. With the topographical tools we have now, we must reconsider the statement. Kourkamma is about triangular. On the northern corner thereof is 'Coolamma's cup', cf. Topographic range 1970 1:50 000 Skin 2918 CB kangnas. From the north, 'Coolamma's cavity' and his tributaries, who gather about coworkamma's cup, over the farm Kourma, cf. Topographic series 1975 Skin 2918 Pofadder. It seems that Kourkamma and Coolamma are the same name interchangea. Coolamma's cavity closes on the farm 'Dabeeb' at the 'Brak River'. Dabeeb also declared us as 'brackish'. Kourkamma is bordered for its full length on the northeastern side by the farm 'Brakdam'. On topographical grounds it looks like 'Coolamma's cavity,' 'Curkamma's cup,' 'Kourma,' 'Brakdam,' 'Brakri- four' and 'Dabeeb' form a naming group. The question is whether a linguistically can be a mortgage between 'brackish' and 'Koer -' / 'Kour'. We mean. Chief Board member D Leopernh said in a discussion on Daverob in 1977: 'Daverob is' brackish. ' We also say Ikhurulkeib. ǃ Khuruǃ Keib is the same word that translates the name just '. If we understand Mr LuiTh correctly, it means that Ikhuru and Dawe (exchange form of Dabe, look Dabeeg etc.) both 'brackish' means. Support for this we find in the topographical cohesion of Coolamm / Kourkamma, Brak River and Dabeeb. The member of the name is then Leopern's Ikhuru and means 'Brak'. The member is like Nama ǀǀ Gammi and means 'water', 'River' (Hott 522 S.V. Water IV). Then we have the same difference that often occurs, viz. That the Afrikaans component of a toponimic group (here Brak River) is the (partial) translation of the Khoekhoian component (here Kourkamma, Coolamma). For the statement that Ikhuru primer means 'lime' (such as Nama Ikhoro) and that 'Brak' is the secondary meaning is N.A.V. The watermaking as a result of contact with the lime floor cf. Khurukeib.
afr Kourkamma' is plaas nr Nam. Q. 3-19, distrik Namakwaland. In TH A** 778 het ons na analogie van KOURKAM 2917 CD ook die plaasnaam Kourkamma verklaar as 'Gruisputs', 'Gruiswater'. Met die topografiese hulpmiddele wat ons nou het, moet ons die verklaring miskien heroor- weeg. Kourkamma is ongeveer driehoekig. Op die noordelike hoek daarvan is 'Koerkamma se Koppie', vgl. Topografiese reeks 1970 1:50 000 vel 2918 CB Kangnas. Vanuit die noorde loop 'Koerkamma se Holte' en sy sytakke, wat ongeveer by Koerkamma se Koppie bymekaar kom, oor die plaas Kourkamma, vgl. Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder. Dit blyk dan dat Kourkamma en Koerkamma wisselspellinge van dieselfde naam is. Koerkamma se Holte sluit op die plaas 'Dabeeb' aan by die 'Brakrivier'. DABEEB het ons ook verklaar as 'Brak-'. Kourkamma word vir sy voile lengte aan die noordoostelike kant begrens deur die plaas 'Brakdam'. Op topografiese gronde lyk dit dan asof 'Koerkamma se Holte,' 'Koerkamma se Koppie,' 'Kourkamma,' 'Brakdam,' 'Brakri- vier' en 'Dabeeb' ’n naamkerngroep vorm. Die vraag is of daar taalkundig ’n verband kan wees tussen 'Brak-' en 'Koer-'/'Kour-'. Ons meen wel. Hoofraadslid D luiperth het in 1977 in 'n gesprek oor Daverob gesê: 'Daverob is ‘Brakplekkie’. Ons se ook IKhurulkeib. ǃKhuruǃkeib is maar dieselfde woord wat die naam net reg vertaal'. As ons mnr luiperth reg verstaan, beteken dit dat Ikhuru- en dawe- (wisselvorm van dabe-, kyk DABEEG ens.) albei 'brak' beteken. Steun hiervoor vind ons in die topografiese samehorigheid van Koerkamma/Kourkamma, Brakrivier en Dabeeb. Die lid Kour-/Koer- van die naam is dan soos luiperth se Ikhuru- en beteken 'Brak'. Die lid -kamma is soos Nama ǀǀgammi en beteken 'water', 'rivier' (HOTT 522 s.v. water iv). Dan het ons dieselfde ver- skynsel wat horn dikwels voordoen, nl. dat die Afrikaanse komponent van 'n toponimiese groep (hier Brakrivier) die (gedeeltelike) vertaling van die Khoekhoense komponent is (hier Kourkamma, Koerkamma). Vir die verklaring dat Ikhuru primer 'kalk' beteken (soos Nama Ikhoro) en dat 'brak' die sekondêre betekenis is n.a.v. die watersmaak as gevolg van aanraking met die kalkbodem vgl. KHURUKEIB.
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