
Branch Scap' and 'Takkap River' may be Afrikaans names, but we do not think so. We had a few cases where apparently Afrikaans names are actually named, cf. Grapp1es, Koornhu1s. Etc. We believe that Takkapfri- Four) is also such a case. The suspicion of us on toponimic and topographical bonds. Takkap River is a tributary of the Emperes River and flows from the southwest towards the village of McGregor, district Robertson. The Branch Pap River flows at the border of the farm 'de Rietvally A' No. 1904-26-1524. To the north of the Takkap River and adjacent to the Rietvally A, the farm is 'Rietvally' No. Q- 48-44, and further north-west and adjacent to Rietvalley is the farm 'de Rietvally' no. . Q. 48-46. We believe the names 'branch juice (river)' and 'Rietvally' is both linguistic and topographically associated Branch juice . 97) that connects well to the slot member '-kap' of 'branch juice' - for alternating G and K and of B and P cf. Thr a * 42 at 5 a 3 and 5 A 1. If this is true, then we again have a case where a Khoekhoen name as component of a naming core group occurs for another component of the same naming core group. Then 'Rietvally' is a translation of Khoekhoian 'branch juice'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Takkap, Takkap(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 3319 DD/3419 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3319 Worcester 'Takkap River'. Topographic range 1975 sheet 3319 Worcester 'branch juice', 'Takkap River'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3319 Worcester 'Takkaprivier'. Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 3319 Worcester 'Takkap', 'Takkaprivier'.
eng Branch Scap' and 'Takkap River' may be Afrikaans names, but we do not think so. We had a few cases where apparently Afrikaans names are actually named, cf. Grapp1es, Koornhu1s. Etc. We believe that Takkapfri- Four) is also such a case. The suspicion of us on toponimic and topographical bonds. Takkap River is a tributary of the Emperes River and flows from the southwest towards the village of McGregor, district Robertson. The Branch Pap River flows at the border of the farm 'de Rietvally A' No. 1904-26-1524. To the north of the Takkap River and adjacent to the Rietvally A, the farm is 'Rietvally' No. Q- 48-44, and further north-west and adjacent to Rietvalley is the farm 'de Rietvally' no. . Q. 48-46. We believe the names 'branch juice (river)' and 'Rietvally' is both linguistic and topographically associated Branch juice . 97) that connects well to the slot member '-kap' of 'branch juice' - for alternating G and K and of B and P cf. Thr a * 42 at 5 a 3 and 5 A 1. If this is true, then we again have a case where a Khoekhoen name as component of a naming core group occurs for another component of the same naming core group. Then 'Rietvally' is a translation of Khoekhoian 'branch juice'.
afr Takkap' en 'Takkaprivier' kan dalk Afrikaanse name wees, maar ons dink nie so nie. Ons het baiemaal gevalle gehad waar oenskynlik Afrikaanse name eintlik volksetimologiese aanpassings van Khoekhoense name is, vgl. GRAPP1ES, KOORNHU1S. ens. Ons meen dat Takkapfri- vier) ook so 'n geval is. Die vermoede grand ons op toponimiese en topografiese verbande. Takkaprivier is 'n sytak van die Keisersrivier en vloei vanuit die suidweste in die rigting van die dorpie McGregor, distrik Robertson. Die Takkaprivier vloei aan die grens van die plaas 'De Rietvally A' nr 1904-26-1524. Ten noordweste van die Takkaprivier en aangrensend aan De Rietvally A is die plaas 'Rietvally' nr Wor. Q- 48-44, en verder noordweswaarts en aangrensend aan Rietvalley is die plaas 'De Rietvally' nr. Wor. Q. 48-46. Ons meen die name 'Takkap(rivier)' en 'Rietvally' is sowel taalkundig as topografies met mekaar vereenselwigbaar. 'Riet' is in Nama =Ta- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 32) wat met die eerste lid van die naam Takkap ooreenstem; die palatale suigkonsonant word verteenwoordig deur die anlaut T-. Vir 'vallei' is in Ou-Kaaps opgeteken o.a. tkiia en tkaa (HOTT 490), dit stem ooreen met Nama Tga-b = 'Fläche' (Kr.-R. 97) wat goed aansluit by die slotlid '-kap' van 'Takkap' — vir wisseling van g en k en van b en p vgl. onderskeidelik TH A* 42 by 5 A 3 en 5 A 1. Indien dit alles juis is, dan het ons weer 'n geval waar 'n Khoekhoense naam as komponent van n naamkerngroep vertaald vir 'n ander komponent van dieselfde naamkerngroep voorkom. Dan is 'Rietvally' ’n vertaling van Khoekhoense 'Takkap'.
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