
HOLT B 1959 PNTT 15 Take Pettman's statement. The Bantoname Qora can be transliterated asǃ (K) Ora, or adapted as to Kirby (ǃ Koxa). Also Gordon brings it in connection with 'ground' (Namaǃ cf.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3326 DA by uitmonding
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitmonding (’n ou naam vir Boesmansrivier) (meer by KOEGA)
eng Gordon 1778 ms I 124 '...aan het kleine riviertje de 'Cougha zynde grond rivier van Sondags rivier...' Smith A 1832 VRV 36 135 'Boschman’s River - Cougha'. Ibid. 140 'The original Hottentot name for...Bushmans River...should be...ǃkoxa...' [voet- noot van PR Kirby, bewerker.] Stevens CM 1877 Transactions of the S. Afr. Philosophical Society l/\ 55-6 'Qora...a Hottentot name given on account of the clay obtained there for pipe making' laangehaal deur Pettman 1931 SAPN 31.] Pettman 1931 SAPN 31 'Qora...a name common at one time to two rivers, one in Gcalekaland, Transkei, which still bears the name, the other, the river now known as the Bushman River, Albany district, C.P...The name would appear to be derived from... f goab, signifying mud, or clay...(and) -xa, indicating abundance...and thus we should get ╪goaxa, abounding in clay'.
afr Gordon 1778 ms I 124 '...aan het kleine riviertje de 'Cougha zynde grond rivier van Sondags rivier...' Smith A 1832 VRV 36 135 'Boschman’s River - Cougha'. Ibid. 140 'The original Hottentot name for...Bushmans River...should be...ǃkoxa...' [voet- noot van PR Kirby, bewerker.] Stevens CM 1877 Transactions of the S. Afr. Philosophical Society l/\ 55-6 'Qora...a Hottentot name given on account of the clay obtained there for pipe making' laangehaal deur Pettman 1931 SAPN 31.] Pettman 1931 SAPN 31 'Qora...a name common at one time to two rivers, one in Gcalekaland, Transkei, which still bears the name, the other, the river now known as the Bushman River, Albany district, C.P...The name would appear to be derived from... f goab, signifying mud, or clay...(and) -xa, indicating abundance...and thus we should get ╪goaxa, abounding in clay'.
eng HOLT B 1959 PNTT 15 Take Pettman's statement. The Bantoname Qora can be transliterated asǃ (K) Ora, or adapted as to Kirby (ǃ Koxa). Also Gordon brings it in connection with 'ground' (Namaǃ cf.
afr Holt B 1959 PNTT 15 neem Pettman se verklaring oor. Die Bantoenaam Qora kan getranslitereer word as ǃ(K)ora, of aangepas soos by Kirby (ǃKoxa). Ook Gordon bring dit in verband met 'grond' (Nama ǃgu-, Kora ǃku-), anders sou klankmatig eerder ingepas het ǃkho- = tabakspyp, en met die uitgang vir 'rivier' sou dit 'Pyprivier' geheet het, vgl. opgawe 1877. Ander wisselvorme is SAKOlKA en Ghio (Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 17). Die een en ander is nog onopgeklaar.
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