Boknes(Rivier, -Strand)

Today, the Boknessstrand is a coastal village and beach resort in the Dist. Alexandria and just west of the Bushman River. It appears late in the cards that are accessible to us, and never at Koeman 1952. There is no doubt about the closing member's old shape. It appears as - (K / C) to, -ax and -nas, and until the second half of the last century. The --nes is pretty sure a later statement, and being in a predominantly English environment, it may be a later version of their pronunciation of -nas, -nax. The -nes, with a view to what Gordon told, joined funny name declaring efforts. Today, the Boknessstrand is a coastal village and beach resort in the Dist. Alexandria and just west of the Bushman River. It appears late in the cards that are accessible to us, and never at Koeman 1952. There is no doubt about the closing member's old shape. It appears as - (K / C) to, -ax and -nas, and until the second half of the last century. The --nes is pretty sure a later statement, and being in a predominantly English environment, it may be a later version of their pronunciation of -nas, -nax. The -nes, with a view to what Gordon told, joined funny name declaring efforts. In his answer to our questionnaire 1974, an informant writes O.M. 'There are several theories ... (l) Wildlife was plentiful ... so abundant that it was referred to as the nest of goats, consequently goats. (2) It was traditionally the holiday place of all the Eastern Cape ministers. It was soon referred to as goats, because the biggest gross carried their goals. (3) In the local folk mouth is often spoken under the older Garde of Bakanas ... in Xhosa was referred to the diazer as the Bakan ... '[Read: Bakna], Interesting that the old exit -nas argai' stared ones. There is no great doubt about the meaning of the place name. Gordon's up to three times that it means Vaders River, in the first instance, the name of the river, also at all the said segslui. Furthermore, gordon explicitly that it is 'hottentots'. In addition, we certainly know that the river was lying in Khoekhoen's area: The maps of Wentzel, Leisten and Frederici show that the Gonak was still east of the Bushman's River. So we go to Khoekhens. Above early (already in 1697, Hott 488) for 'father' in Old Cape, also as translation of the 'Our Father', D.W.S. As an understanding of reverence, well the same as Nama Abo 'foregater, Hohher Vater', at Rust 1960 DNW 66. Gordon's one form is above 'Ka, where the' Ka clearly Old-Cape -Ka, actuallyǃ ka = 'River 'So, the whole' Vaders River '. The infix -n- in goat is still declared. Maybe: Bo- (k) -ǃ Na-ǃ A? The -s (-x) is well local.

About this item

Boknes(Rivier, -Strand)
Alternative Title
Boknes(Rivier, -Strand)
Georeference Sources
K 3326 CB/DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Gordon 1785 ms 2 138 '... Reason in ses hours with the ox truck around the high forest back to the mouth of Bokna or Vadersriv's mouth:' ibid. 138 '... the Bocna (in Hottentots) or Fathers River runs through Dese cloft ...' Ibid, MS 5 124 '... Bo'ka or father's river'. Collins 1809 in Moodie Record 5 50 '... On the banks of a Fine stream Called the Bokenax, Between Zlambia's Sea Kraal and Bosjesmans River'. Ibid. 53 '... A Country Well Watered by the Bokenax and Kooba Rivulets'. Backhouse 1844 card 'Boknas R.' Hall 1856 Card 'Bucknas'.
afr Gordon 1785 ms 2 138 '...reden in ses uren met de ossewagen om de hoge bos rug om na strand aan de mond van Bokna of Vadersriv:' Ibid. 138 '...het Bocna (in hottentots) of Vaders riviertje loopt door dese clooft...' Ibid, ms 5 124 ''ka of vadersrivier'. Collins 1809 in Moodie Record 5 50 '...on the banks of a fine stream called the Bokenax, between Zlambie’s sea kraal and Bosjesmans River'. Ibid. 53 '...a country well watered by the Bokenax and Kooba rivulets'. Backhouse 1844 kaart 'Boknas R.' Hall 1856 kaart 'Bucknas'.
eng Today, the Boknessstrand is a coastal village and beach resort in the Dist. Alexandria and just west of the Bushman River. It appears late in the cards that are accessible to us, and never at Koeman 1952. There is no doubt about the closing member's old shape. It appears as - (K / C) to, -ax and -nas, and until the second half of the last century. The --nes is pretty sure a later statement, and being in a predominantly English environment, it may be a later version of their pronunciation of -nas, -nax. The -nes, with a view to what Gordon told, joined funny name declaring efforts. Today, the Boknessstrand is a coastal village and beach resort in the Dist. Alexandria and just west of the Bushman River. It appears late in the cards that are accessible to us, and never at Koeman 1952. There is no doubt about the closing member's old shape. It appears as - (K / C) to, -ax and -nas, and until the second half of the last century. The --nes is pretty sure a later statement, and being in a predominantly English environment, it may be a later version of their pronunciation of -nas, -nax. The -nes, with a view to what Gordon told, joined funny name declaring efforts. In his answer to our questionnaire 1974, an informant writes O.M. 'There are several theories ... (l) Wildlife was plentiful ... so abundant that it was referred to as the nest of goats, consequently goats. (2) It was traditionally the holiday place of all the Eastern Cape ministers. It was soon referred to as goats, because the biggest gross carried their goals. (3) In the local folk mouth is often spoken under the older Garde of Bakanas ... in Xhosa was referred to the diazer as the Bakan ... '[Read: Bakna], Interesting that the old exit -nas argai' stared ones. There is no great doubt about the meaning of the place name. Gordon's up to three times that it means Vaders River, in the first instance, the name of the river, also at all the said segslui. Furthermore, gordon explicitly that it is 'hottentots'. In addition, we certainly know that the river was lying in Khoekhoen's area: The maps of Wentzel, Leisten and Frederici show that the Gonak was still east of the Bushman's River. So we go to Khoekhens. Above early (already in 1697, Hott 488) for 'father' in Old Cape, also as translation of the 'Our Father', D.W.S. As an understanding of reverence, well the same as Nama Abo 'foregater, Hohher Vater', at Rust 1960 DNW 66. Gordon's one form is above 'Ka, where the' Ka clearly Old-Cape -Ka, actuallyǃ ka = 'River 'So, the whole' Vaders River '. The infix -n- in goat is still declared. Maybe: Bo- (k) -ǃ Na-ǃ A? The -s (-x) is well local.
afr Vandag is die Boknesstrand ’n kusdorpie en strandoord in die dist. Alexandria en le net wes van die Boesmansrivier. Dit verskyn laat in die kaarte wat vir ons toeganklik is, en nooit by Koeman 1952 nie. Oor die slotlid se ou vorm bestaan daar geen twyfel nie. Dit verskyn as -(k/c)na, -nax en -nas, en wel tot in die tweede helfte van die vorige eeu. Die -nes is taamlik seker ’n latere uitspraak, en synde in ’n oorwegend Engelse omgewing, is dit moontlik ’n latere weergawe van hulle uitspraak van -nas, -nax. Die -nes het, met die oog op wat Gordon vertel het, tot grappige naamverklarende pogings gelêi. Vandag is die Boknesstrand ’n kusdorpie en strandoord in die dist. Alexandria en le net wes van die Boesmansrivier. Dit verskyn laat in die kaarte wat vir ons toeganklik is, en nooit by Koeman 1952 nie. Oor die slotlid se ou vorm bestaan daar geen twyfel nie. Dit verskyn as -(k/c)na, -nax en -nas, en wel tot in die tweede helfte van die vorige eeu. Die -nes is taamlik seker ’n latere uitspraak, en synde in ’n oorwegend Engelse omgewing, is dit moontlik ’n latere weergawe van hulle uitspraak van -nas, -nax. Die -nes het, met die oog op wat Gordon vertel het, tot grappige naamverklarende pogings gelêi. In sy antwoord op ons Vraelys 1974 skryf ’n informant o.m. 'Daar is verskeie teoriee...(l) Wild was volop dat daarna verwys is as die nes van bokke, gevolglik Boknes. (2) Dit was tradisioneel die vakansieplek van al die Oos-Kaapse predikante. Daar is spoedig na die plek verwys as Boknes, omdat die grootste gros van hulle bokbaardjies gedra het. (3) In die plaaslike volks- mond word dikwels onder die ouer garde van Bakanas gepraat... In Xhosa is na die Diaskruis verwys as die Bakan...' [lees: Bakna], Interessant dat die ou uitgang -nas argai'sties voortgelêwe het. Oor die betekenis van die pleknaam is daar wel geen groot twyfel nie. Gordon se tot drie keer toe dat dit beteken Vadersrivier, in eerste instansie die naam van die rivier, ook by al die genoemde segslui. Verder se Gordon uitdruklik dat dit 'Hottentots' is. Daarby weet ons seker dat die riviertjie in Khoekhoense gebied gelê het: die kaarte van Wentzel, leisten en Frederici toon aan dat die Gonakwas nog ten ooste van die Boesmansrivier gesêtel was. Ons gaan dus na Khoekhoens. Bo- is van vroeg af (reeds in 1697, HOTT 488) vir 'vader' in Ou-Kaaps gedokumenteer, ook as vertaling van die 'Onse Vader', d.w.s. as begrip van eerbied, wel dieselfde as Nama abo- 'Vorvater, hoher Vater', by Rust 1960 DNW 66. Gordon se een vorm is Bo 'ka, waar die 'ka duidelik Ou-Kaaps -ka, eintlik ǃka = 'rivier' is, die geheel dus 'Vadersrivier'. Die infiks -n- in Bokna- moet nog verklaar word. Miskien: Bo-(k)-ǃna-ǃa? Die -s (-x) is wel lokativerend.
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