
The Bega River originates northwest of Alexandria and flows eastwards to water on the border between the districts Alexandria and Bathurst in the Bushmans River. Two spheres or tributaries of the Bega River originate on the farm 'de Bega' No Alx. Q. 2-3. The farm is bordered by Brakfontein Nr on the eastern side. Q. 5-40; On his east side, the farm is 'No.' No. F. 8-17. To the south of this farm De Bega is the farm 'milkwoods tree' No Alx. Q. 1-18. On topographical grounds, there is a connection between the Names de Bega, Bega River and Melkwoods Tree. There is also a relationship between the names. BI is Nama for 'Milch Busch' (Cr. R. 1969 NW 39), which joins Ou-Cape Bi, Bie- = Milk (Hott 382). Based on the above considerations, we believe 'milkwoods tree', at least in its first component, is a translation of the Khoekhoian river and regional name 'Bega'. Contact form of BL- = Milkwood, Melkbos, and the slot member -GA is probably like Nama -Xa, the exit morpheme that indicates multiplicity. So '(the place / river of) many milk bushes / milkwood trees'. Cfg. Begha in th a * 260, for another place / river, viz. At 3327 A, where the first member, be- / bi-, is associated with 'milk'. For all certainty, it is emphasized that it is about the Bega River to the north of Alexandria.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3326 CB/DA
kyk ook BIKA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo-Kadastrale Reeks 1965 Vel 3326 East London 'Begarivier', 'de Bega'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 3326 East london 'Begarivier', 'De Bega'
eng The Bega River originates northwest of Alexandria and flows eastwards to water on the border between the districts Alexandria and Bathurst in the Bushmans River. Two spheres or tributaries of the Bega River originate on the farm 'de Bega' No Alx. Q. 2-3. The farm is bordered by Brakfontein Nr on the eastern side. Q. 5-40; On his east side, the farm is 'No.' No. F. 8-17. To the south of this farm De Bega is the farm 'milkwoods tree' No Alx. Q. 1-18. On topographical grounds, there is a connection between the Names de Bega, Bega River and Melkwoods Tree. There is also a relationship between the names. BI is Nama for 'Milch Busch' (Cr. R. 1969 NW 39), which joins Ou-Cape Bi, Bie- = Milk (Hott 382). Based on the above considerations, we believe 'milkwoods tree', at least in its first component, is a translation of the Khoekhoian river and regional name 'Bega'. Contact form of BL- = Milkwood, Melkbos, and the slot member -GA is probably like Nama -Xa, the exit morpheme that indicates multiplicity. So '(the place / river of) many milk bushes / milkwood trees'. Cfg. Begha in th a * 260, for another place / river, viz. At 3327 A, where the first member, be- / bi-, is associated with 'milk'. For all certainty, it is emphasized that it is about the Bega River to the north of Alexandria.
afr Die Begarivier ontspring noordwes van Alexandria en vloei ooswaarts om op die grens tussen die distrikte Alexandria en Bathurst in die Boesmans- rivier uit te water. Twee bolope of sytakke van die Begarivier ontspring op die plaas 'De Bega' nr Alx. Q. 2-3. Die plaas word aan die oostekant be- grens deur Brakfontein nr Uit. Q. 5-40; aan sy oostekant is die plaas 'De Bega' nr Uit. F. 8-17. Ten suide van hierdie plaas De Bega is die plaas 'Melkhoute Boom' nr Alx. Q. 1-18. Op topografiese gronde bestaan daar ’n verband tussen die name De Bega, Begarivier en Melkhoute Boom. Ook taalkundig is daar ’n verband tussen die name. Bi is Nama vir 'Milch- busch' (Kr. R. 1969 NW 39), wat aansluit by Ou-Kaaps bi-, bie- = melk (HOTT 382). Op grond van die bogenoemde oorwegings meen ons dat 'Melkhoute Boom', ten minste in sy eerste komponent, ’n vertaling van die Khoekhoense rivier- en streeknaam 'Bega' is. Be- is wisselvorm van bl- = melkhout, melkbos, en die slotlid -ga is waarskynlik soos Nama -xa, die uitgangsmorfeem wat veelvuldigheid aandui. Dus '(Die plek/rivier van) baie melkbosse/melkhoutbome'. Vgl. BEGHA in TH A* 260, vir ’n ander plek/rivier, nl. op 3327 A, waar die eerste lid, Be-/Bi-, in verband gebring word met 'melk'. Vir alle sekerheid word beklemtoon dat dit hier gaan oor die Begarivier ten noorde van Alexandria.
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