Gamka Guntia

Gamka Guntia or blow corner' is placed no. Q. 4-65, Dist. For the same place, the one or a translation of the other or simply an alternative name. The farm 'Gamka Guntia Or blow angle' Le northwest of 'blowing neck' No. F. 13-3. 'Waving' is in Namaǃ Gum, 'Entzwei Wehen' isǃ Gum-Khoa,ǃ Gum Gaga (Rest 1960 DNW 72). With the consistent change of O and E, Gam of the member may agree withǃ Glue, and Gam-Ka may be withǃ Gum-Khoa (unlikely, including the nationality not realized in 'Gamka') or blowing with Igomla = 'apart' (by Mr J Boois 1979). However, we do not believe that there is a mortgage in the toponimic group of Gamka / blow corner / blowing neck. The linguistic connection is forcefully forced. Yet we believe that the solution is in a toponimic group. About the farm 'Gamka Guntia Or Waving Corner' runs the Kromp Off River, a tributary of the Holbak River. North of Gamka Guntia and adjacent is 'scruffy East' no. Q. 19-18 and 'Krompoort West' No. Q. 19-17. The river flows between the two farms by the 'scromping'. North of 'Krompoort West' is still the farm 'Lower Krom Gate' No. Q. 17-16. 'Crooked' is in Nama 'Gama' (Rust 37) that joins the member of Gamka. The second member of the name, viz. -Ka, maybe like 11ha, 'the Schucht. The Kluft '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 160) - for changing K and H. Th a * 45 at 5 c 4. On linguistic and toponimic grouping grounds, there is a case for the connection between 'Gamka' and 'scromping'. If this is precisely, 'scromps' is a translation of 'gam (a) ǀ ǀ ha (b) '. With the member 'Guntia' of the name we have less advice. Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Set Before:ǃ

About this item

Gamka Guntia
Alternative Title
Gamka Guntia
Georeference Sources
K 3325 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Gamka Guntia Or Waving Corner'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Gamka Guntia or Waai Hoek'
eng Gamka Guntia or blow corner' is placed no. Q. 4-65, Dist. For the same place, the one or a translation of the other or simply an alternative name. The farm 'Gamka Guntia Or blow angle' Le northwest of 'blowing neck' No. F. 13-3. 'Waving' is in Namaǃ Gum, 'Entzwei Wehen' isǃ Gum-Khoa,ǃ Gum Gaga (Rest 1960 DNW 72). With the consistent change of O and E, Gam of the member may agree withǃ Glue, and Gam-Ka may be withǃ Gum-Khoa (unlikely, including the nationality not realized in 'Gamka') or blowing with Igomla = 'apart' (by Mr J Boois 1979). However, we do not believe that there is a mortgage in the toponimic group of Gamka / blow corner / blowing neck. The linguistic connection is forcefully forced. Yet we believe that the solution is in a toponimic group. About the farm 'Gamka Guntia Or Waving Corner' runs the Kromp Off River, a tributary of the Holbak River. North of Gamka Guntia and adjacent is 'scruffy East' no. Q. 19-18 and 'Krompoort West' No. Q. 19-17. The river flows between the two farms by the 'scromping'. North of 'Krompoort West' is still the farm 'Lower Krom Gate' No. Q. 17-16. 'Crooked' is in Nama 'Gama' (Rust 37) that joins the member of Gamka. The second member of the name, viz. -Ka, maybe like 11ha, 'the Schucht. The Kluft '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 160) - for changing K and H. Th a * 45 at 5 c 4. On linguistic and toponimic grouping grounds, there is a case for the connection between 'Gamka' and 'scromping'. If this is precisely, 'scromps' is a translation of 'gam (a) ǀ ǀ ha (b) '. With the member 'Guntia' of the name we have less advice. Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Set Before:ǃ
afr Gamka Guntia or Waai Hoek' is plaas nr Uit. Q. 4-65, dist. Uitenhage. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart kom net die naam 'Guntia' hier voor. In sodanige gevalle waar 'n inlandse naam en ’n Afrikaanse naam vir dieselfde plek voorkom, is die een of 'n vertaling van die ander of bloot 'n alternatiewe naam. Die plaas 'Gamka Guntia or Waai Hoek' le noordwes van 'Waai Nek' nr Uit. F. 13-3. 'Waai' is in Nama ǃgom, 'entzwei wehen' is ǃgom-khoa, ǃgom-gaga (Rust 1960 DNW 72). Met die bestaanbare wisseling van o en e kan Gam- van die lid Gamka dalk oor- eenstem met ǃgom, en Gam-ka dalk met ǃgom-khoa (onwaarskynlik, o.a. omrede die nasaliteit wat nie in 'Gamka' gerealiseer word nie) of met Igomla = 'uitmekaar waai' (per mnr J Boois 1979). Ons glo egter nie dat daar ’n verband te soek is in die toponimiese groep Gamka/Waai Hoek/ Waai Nek nie. Die taalkundige verbandlegging is daarvoor te geforseerd. Tog meen ons dat die oplossing in ’n toponimiese groepering te vind is. Oor die plaas 'Gamka Guntia or Waai Hoek' loop die Krompoortrivier, ’n sytak van die Holbakrivier. Noord van Gamka Guntia en aangrensend is 'Krompoort East' nr Uit. Q. 19-18 en 'Krompoort West' nr Uit. Q. 19-17. Die rivier vloei tussen die twee plase deur die 'Krompoort'. Noord van 'Krompoort West' is nog die plaas 'lower Krom Poort' nr Uit. Q. 17-16. 'Krom' is in Nama 'gama' (Rust 37) wat goed aansluit by die lid Gam- van Gamka. Die tweede lid van die naam, nl. -ka, is miskien soos 11ha, 'die Schucht. die Kluft' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 160) - vir wisseling van k en h vgl. TH A* 45 by 5 C 4. Op taalkundige en toponimiese groeperings- gronde is daar ’n saak uit te maak vir die verbandlegging tussen 'Gamka' en 'Krompoort'. Indien dit juis is, is 'Krompoort' ’n vertaling van 'Gam(a)ǀ ǀha(b)'. Met die lid 'Guntia' van die naam het ons minder raad. Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening stel voor: ǃgusa = 'gehen', die geheel: 'Man geht in Windungen/Bogen', of 'Der Fluss...'
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