
Noaga', place no. Q. 20-3, Dist. Steytlerville is situated on the northern foot of the Great Winterhoek Mountains and east of the Groot River. On the south side of NoAga is 'Noaga's mountain', place no. Q. 20-15, and on its south side again 'Noaga's Berg No. 2 ', place no. Q. 20-16. 'Noaga's mountain' Border on the west side 'Blaauw Koppen' No. Q. 16-7 on which 'Blue Copies' with surveys are 36. On the south side of and adjacent to 'Blaaw Head', the farm is 'Blaauwkop Rante' no. Q. 20-18. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 is the whole point of the Great Winterhoek Mountains west of the Groot River. A distance of about 15 km, recorded as 'Blue Copies'. It brings us that we are dealing here with a naming group in which the Khoekhoense and the Dutch (and Afrikaans) names are topography and linguistically related. 'Blue' is in Nama '╪hoa' with the change of h and n (cf. th 'ǃ NOA' (HOTT 475) that exactly correlates with the first member of the Khoekhoense name 'Noaga'. We then believe that 'blue (congesters etc)' is a translation from Khoekhoens 'NOA (GA)'. The slot member -ga is simply the adjektivian exit -Xa, '╪noaxa' = 'bluish, bluish'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3324 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Topo-kadastrale reeseks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Noaga', 'Noaga's Berg'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth 'Noaga', 'Noaga’s Berg'
eng Noaga', place no. Q. 20-3, Dist. Steytlerville is situated on the northern foot of the Great Winterhoek Mountains and east of the Groot River. On the south side of NoAga is 'Noaga's mountain', place no. Q. 20-15, and on its south side again 'Noaga's Berg No. 2 ', place no. Q. 20-16. 'Noaga's mountain' Border on the west side 'Blaauw Koppen' No. Q. 16-7 on which 'Blue Copies' with surveys are 36. On the south side of and adjacent to 'Blaaw Head', the farm is 'Blaauwkop Rante' no. Q. 20-18. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 is the whole point of the Great Winterhoek Mountains west of the Groot River. A distance of about 15 km, recorded as 'Blue Copies'. It brings us that we are dealing here with a naming group in which the Khoekhoense and the Dutch (and Afrikaans) names are topography and linguistically related. 'Blue' is in Nama '╪hoa' with the change of h and n (cf. th 'ǃ NOA' (HOTT 475) that exactly correlates with the first member of the Khoekhoense name 'Noaga'. We then believe that 'blue (congesters etc)' is a translation from Khoekhoens 'NOA (GA)'. The slot member -ga is simply the adjektivian exit -Xa, '╪noaxa' = 'bluish, bluish'.
afr Noaga', plaas nr Uit. Q. 20-3, dist. Steytlerville is aan die noordelike voet van die Groot-Winterhoekberge en oos van die Grootrivier geleë. Aan die suidekant van Noaga is 'Noaga’s Berg', plaas nr Uit. Q. 20-15, en aan sy suidekant weer 'Noaga’s Berg no. 2', plaas nr Uit. Q. 20-16. 'Noaga’s Berg' grens aan die westekant aan 'Blaauw Koppen' nr Uit. Q. 16-7 waarop 'Bloukoprante' met opmetingsbaken 36 is. Aan die suidekant van en aangrensend aan 'Blaauw Koppen' is die plaas 'Blaauwkop Rante' nr Uit. Q. 20-18. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 is die hele punt van die Groot-Winterhoekberge wes van die Grootrivier. 'n afstand van ongeveer 15 km, opgeteken as 'Bloukoprante'. Dit kom ons voor dat ons hier weer te make het met n naamkerngroep waarby die Khoekhoense en die Nederlandse (en Afrikaanse) name topo- grafies en taalkundig met mekaar verband hou. 'Blou' is in Nama '╪hoa' wat met die wisseling van h en n (vgl. TH A* 46 by 5 D 6) allofo- neer met '╪noa', trouens in Ou-Kaaps is 'blau' opgeteken as 'ǃnoa' (HOTT 475) wat presies korreleer met die eerste lid van die Khoekhoense naam 'Noaga'. Ons meen dan dat 'Blou(koprante ens)' 'n vertaling is uit Khoekhoens 'Noa(ga)'. Die slotlid -ga is gewoon die adjektiwiese uitgang -xa, '╪Noaxa' = 'Blouerig, Blouagtig'.

Item sets