
T'gunaqua' is farm no. Q. 7-21, District Joubertina. On the eastern side, T'Gunaqua bordered T'gunaqua on 'pigs gap', farm no. Q. 6-31. For 'pig' is recorded in Old Cape O.A. 'Hakoe' (fall. 1705 107 b), 'ha ~ old' (Kolbe 1708 1 433), cf. Hott 492. Nienaber GS 1963 Hott 492 writes 'We can ... assume that [in Old Cape] was a word like GU-B for 'pork' with decisive elements for 'domestic' and 'wild' ... 'We believe it is possible that the first member of the farm name' T'Gunaqua ', viz. 'T'gu-', the word for 'pig' preserved. The t'- then set the suction sound for which kolbe indicated with a tilde, look above. The second member of the place name, '-na-', is simply the exit of the MV. Comm., 'T'guna-' means 'pigs' - however, we are used to thinking about '-qua' as ML. MV. There will normally not follow two multiples on each other. But this '-qua' is not a plural. It is possible here as possible as '-kwa', '-qua' in Genakwas, Kenakwas, ǀ Genaquas (th a * 414), viz. Like 'Valley', 'Gorge'. Linguistically, 'T'gunaqua' is then associated with 'pigs gorge', names of two places that also form topographically a unit. We suspect on the basis of the above considerations that 'pigs gap' can be a translation of the Khoekhoense name 'Tgunaqua'. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 does not occur one of the two names.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3323 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3322 Oudtshoorn 'T'gunaqua'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn 'T’Gunaqua'.
eng T'gunaqua' is farm no. Q. 7-21, District Joubertina. On the eastern side, T'Gunaqua bordered T'gunaqua on 'pigs gap', farm no. Q. 6-31. For 'pig' is recorded in Old Cape O.A. 'Hakoe' (fall. 1705 107 b), 'ha ~ old' (Kolbe 1708 1 433), cf. Hott 492. Nienaber GS 1963 Hott 492 writes 'We can ... assume that [in Old Cape] was a word like GU-B for 'pork' with decisive elements for 'domestic' and 'wild' ... 'We believe it is possible that the first member of the farm name' T'Gunaqua ', viz. 'T'gu-', the word for 'pig' preserved. The t'- then set the suction sound for which kolbe indicated with a tilde, look above. The second member of the place name, '-na-', is simply the exit of the MV. Comm., 'T'guna-' means 'pigs' - however, we are used to thinking about '-qua' as ML. MV. There will normally not follow two multiples on each other. But this '-qua' is not a plural. It is possible here as possible as '-kwa', '-qua' in Genakwas, Kenakwas, ǀ Genaquas (th a * 414), viz. Like 'Valley', 'Gorge'. Linguistically, 'T'gunaqua' is then associated with 'pigs gorge', names of two places that also form topographically a unit. We suspect on the basis of the above considerations that 'pigs gap' can be a translation of the Khoekhoense name 'Tgunaqua'. On the corresponding topographical map 1973 does not occur one of the two names.
afr T’Gunaqua' is plaas nr Un. Q. 7-21, distrik Joubertina. Aan die ooste- like kant grens T’Gunaqua aan 'Varkjes Kloof', plaas nr Un. Q. 6-31. Vir 'vark' is in Ou-Kaaps opgeteken o.a. 'hakoe' (Val. 1705 107 b), 'ha~ou' (Kolbe 1708 1 433), vgl. HOTT 492. Nienaber GS 1963 HOTT 492 skryf 'Ons kan...aanneem dat daar [in Ou-Kaaps] ’n woord was soos gu-b vir ‘vark’ met bepalende elemente vir ‘mak’ en ‘wild’...' Ons meen dis moontlik dat die eerste lid van die plaasnaam 'T'Gunaqua', nl. 'T’Gu-', die woord vir 'vark' bewaar. Die T’- stel dan die suigklank'voor wat Kolbe met ’n tilde aangedui het, kyk hierbo. Die tweede lid van die pleknaam, '-na-', is gewoon die uitgang van die mv. comm., 'T'Guna-' beteken 'varke' — ons is egter gewoond daaraan om aan '-qua' te dink as ml. mv. Daar sal tog normaalweg nie twee meervoude op mekaar volg nie. Maar hierdie '-qua' is nie ’n meervoud nie. Dit is hier moontlik te waar- deer soos '-kwa-', '-qua-' in GENAKWAS, KENAKWAS, ǀGenaquas (TH A* 414), nl. soos 'vallei', 'kloof'. Taalkundig is 'T’Gunaqua' dan vereenselwigbaar met 'Varkjes Kloof', name van twee plekke wat ook topografies ’n eenheid vorm. Ons vermoed op grond van die bogenoemde oorwegings dat 'Varkjes Kloof' 'n vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam 'Tgunaqua' kan wees. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 kom nie een van die twee name voor nie.
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