Komdo, Komdo(Berge), Komdos(Ruggens), Comdo

On the oldest cards, the farm is spelled as 'Como', on the Top Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth appears as 'Comdo' but the name is spelled in a compound with the connection s for the adjacent farm ' Comdos Ruggens '. The corresponding topographical map 1973 gives the mountain in the plural form as 'Comperate', with land surveying 41 on it. All the places lie at the eastern tip of the Baviaanskloof Mountains. A baboon is at Beutler 1752 a 'Gomee' (Hott 221). With the change of K- (in Com-) and G- (in GOM) there is a great equality. Furthermore: The -do of Coming Is the old member for Dao - which means 'gorge', also 'gate'. Everything is taken, coming - do - to understand as 'Bobbejaankloof', in Dutch 'Baviaanskloof'. Here, the Baviaanskloof forest reserve, here at Como and Comdo Ruggens. Geographically and onomastic is the factual agreement, so that it is obvious to believe that the Dutch name translates the Older Khoekhoen name for the gorge here. The Baviaanskloofberge clearly received his name from the gorge. SESA 1970 2 215 Share O.A. with: 'There are so Many baby babons If the Khoekhoen in their naming for the gorge and the mountain mass did not involve the striking of the Simianic population.

About this item

Komdo, Komdo(Berge), Komdos(Ruggens), Comdo
Alternative Title
Komdo, Komdo(Berge), Komdos(Ruggens), Comdo
Georeference Sources
K 3322 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Baviaanskloof
eng Division card 1890 of Field Cornress Gamtoos River 'Como', place. Q. 10-15, and north of 'Komdos Ruggens', and on other maps. Surveying 1973 'Komdoberg. Old name of mountain 16 miles [26 km] North West of Hankey, in that district. Accent on Com-. Meaning Uncertain. '
afr Afdelingskaart 1890 van Veldkornetskap Gamtoosrivier 'Komdo', plaas Uit. Q. 10-15, en noord daarvan 'Komdos Ruggens', en op ander kaarte. Opmeting 1973 'Komdoberg. Ou naam van berg 16 myl [26 km] noordwes van Hankey, in daardie distrik. Aksent op Kom-. Betekenis onseker.'
eng On the oldest cards, the farm is spelled as 'Como', on the Top Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3324 Port Elizabeth appears as 'Comdo' but the name is spelled in a compound with the connection s for the adjacent farm ' Comdos Ruggens '. The corresponding topographical map 1973 gives the mountain in the plural form as 'Comperate', with land surveying 41 on it. All the places lie at the eastern tip of the Baviaanskloof Mountains. A baboon is at Beutler 1752 a 'Gomee' (Hott 221). With the change of K- (in Com-) and G- (in GOM) there is a great equality. Furthermore: The -do of Coming Is the old member for Dao - which means 'gorge', also 'gate'. Everything is taken, coming - do - to understand as 'Bobbejaankloof', in Dutch 'Baviaanskloof'. Here, the Baviaanskloof forest reserve, here at Como and Comdo Ruggens. Geographically and onomastic is the factual agreement, so that it is obvious to believe that the Dutch name translates the Older Khoekhoen name for the gorge here. The Baviaanskloofberge clearly received his name from the gorge. SESA 1970 2 215 Share O.A. with: 'There are so Many baby babons If the Khoekhoen in their naming for the gorge and the mountain mass did not involve the striking of the Simianic population.
afr Op die oudste kaarte word die plaas gespel as 'Komdo', op die Topo- kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth verskyn dit as 'Comdo' maar daar word die naam in 'n samestelling met die verbindings-s vir die aangrensende plaas gespel 'Komdos Ruggens'. Die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 gee die berg in die meervoudsvorm aan as 'Kom- doberge', met landmetersbaken 41 daarop. Al die plekke le aan die oostelike punt van die Baviaanskloofberge. 'n Bobbejaan is by Beutler 1752 ’n 'gomee' (HOTT 221). Met die wisseling van k- (in Kom-) en g- (in gom-) is daar 'n groot gelykheid. Verder: die -do van Komdo is wel die ou lid vir dao- wat o.a. 'kloof' beteken, ook 'poort'. Alles tesaam geneem, is Kom-do te verstaan as 'Bobbejaanskloof', in Nederlands 'Baviaanskloof'. Juis hier le die Baviaanskloof-bosreservaat, hier by Komdo en Komdosruggens. Geografies en onomasties is daar die feitlike ooreenkoms, sodat dit voor die hand le om te meen dat die Hollandse naam die ouer Khoekhoense naam vir die kloof hier vertaal. Die Baviaanskloofberge het duidelik sy naam van die kloof gekry. Sesa 1970 2 215 deel o.a. mee: 'There are so many baboons in the high mountains that Pieter Strijdom- ...erected a factory there in the 1920s for the manufacture of shoes, travelling-bags and other articles from baboon-hide'. Eintlik sou dit vreemd gewees het as die Khoekhoen in hulle naamgewing vir die kloof en die bergmassa nie die opvallendheid van die simiaanse bevolking daarby betrek het nie.
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