Thuata, Tuhata

In the English issue in VRV 12, on p. 225 The name reflected as Thuata. That it should be understood that Tuhata (or Thuata) is the Khoekhounense form 'of the translated Olifants River, suffer no doubt. The -ta will reflect the term 'river', the T- perhaps as Schnalz to appreciate and the - (T) A such as. Namaǃ A-B = River. The -ta will not be exchange form for -da (s), in the meaning of 'place' or as diminutiefformance. Then the Thua the member for 'elephant'. In Old Cape we get for 'Elephant' O.A. Two (b) a (Hott 406) which is good with thua correlation, corresponding to Nama ╪khoa (change T / D with k). 'Olifants River' is then a literal translation from Khoens, here to understand the river that is a tributary of the Gourits River. This river had more than one name, or parts had different names, cf. CunnyCamma and Kwacao.

About this item

Thuata, Tuhata
Alternative Title
Thuata, Tuhata
Georeference Sources
K 3321 DA by vereniging met Gouritsrivier
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
DA by vereniging met Gouritsrivier (ou naam van Olifantsrivier)
eng Writer 1689 GM RZA 3 105 '... Ten we came an a river, from the Hottentots Tuhata, which is called Oliphants River ...'
afr Schrijver 1689 GM RZA 3 105 '...ten 5 uuren kwamen wij an een rivier, van de Hottentots Tuhata, dat is Oliphants rivier genaamt...'
eng In the English issue in VRV 12, on p. 225 The name reflected as Thuata. That it should be understood that Tuhata (or Thuata) is the Khoekhounense form 'of the translated Olifants River, suffer no doubt. The -ta will reflect the term 'river', the T- perhaps as Schnalz to appreciate and the - (T) A such as. Namaǃ A-B = River. The -ta will not be exchange form for -da (s), in the meaning of 'place' or as diminutiefformance. Then the Thua the member for 'elephant'. In Old Cape we get for 'Elephant' O.A. Two (b) a (Hott 406) which is good with thua correlation, corresponding to Nama ╪khoa (change T / D with k). 'Olifants River' is then a literal translation from Khoens, here to understand the river that is a tributary of the Gourits River. This river had more than one name, or parts had different names, cf. CunnyCamma and Kwacao.
afr In die Engelse uitgawe in VRV 12 word op bl. 225 die naam weergegee as Thuata. Dat dit verstaan moet word dat Tuhata (of Thuata) die Khoekhoense vorm' van die vertaalde Olifantsrivier is, ly geen twyfel nie. Die -ta sal wel die begrip 'rivier' weergee, die t- miskien as schnalz te waardeer en die -(t)a soos bv. Nama ǃa-b = rivier. Die -ta sal wel nie wisselvorm vir -da(s) wees nie, in die betekenis van 'plek' of as diminutiefformans. Dan is die thua- die lid vir 'olifant'. In Ou-Kaaps kry ons vir 'olifant' o.a. two(b)a (HOTT 406) wat goed met thua- korreleer, ooreenstemmend met Nama ╪khoa- (wisseling t/d met k). 'Olifantsrivier' is dan ’n letterlike vertaling uit Khoekhoens, hier wel te begryp die rivier wat ’n sytak van die Gouritsrivier is. Hierdie rivier het meer as een naam gehad, of dele het verskillende name gehad, vgl. CUNNYCAMMA en KWACAO.
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