Knui(Poort, -Rivier), Knuy, K’Nuy, Knuy(Rivier) Ens.

The spelling immediately remembers the name for the Nuy River Eastly Worcester, declared by us as equivalent with the name for the big farm over both banks of the river - the farm is called 'The Willowe River', our 'Wilge (R ) River ', cf. th a ** 942-3. That Nuy and this Knuy is the same word, and both mean' Wilge (r) '. The Nama word for the willow as found in the Orange River is Thui- (Cr. -R. 1969 NW 205). It was difficult for the White to give this word The heater is formed so that the -n- for the hearer can be prominent. In K'nuy, D> E is still reflected, as such uplifted by the apos- Teps afterwards, in Knuy not so remarkable (cf. Also Kneu), and in the spellings with N- -, cf. Nuy already mentioned, or invited - in maiden (river) in this part. What gives power to the attempt to bind this Knuy (also Knui) with the willow tree, is the fact that not only nuy is relatively close to our knuy (Nuy on 3319 da), but that on the eastern side of Knuy , So east of Ladismith, and summarly close to Knuy, the house River lies, where the sound word is another spelling of ╪hui- = willow tree (s) river means 'Wilgerboom River'), a spelling in which this time the nationality not cast, ie No -n- in the name is not. Then it: In the House River, the Kobus River runs the 'Wilghou River', he flows over the farm called him, viz. The 'Wilgoul river' No S. both in Khoekhens as in Dutch (Afrikaans and Dutch), in fact, also in English, eg. 'Willow Glen' at 3322 AC. Here close. It seems to be a bit difficult to believe that Knuy and = Bhui - the same word, but the glyphan [H] and the half-consonant [n], and then if they are preceded by a suction consonant, create a problem for the other-tales to give the Khoekhoian word a fixed contour in their own language. In fact it looks like Hard to reconcile knuy, knu- and their hybrid compounds with ╪hui, but there is little space for doubt that they belong together, and in the case of Knuy - that it means 'willow tree'.

About this item

Knui(Poort, -Rivier), Knuy, K’Nuy, Knuy(Rivier) Ens.
Alternative Title
Knui(Poort, -Rivier), Knuy, K’Nuy, Knuy(Rivier) Ens.
Georeference Sources
K 3321 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Division card of Ladismith 1890 'K'nuy', farm SW. Q. 13-8, over Horn, the top of the 'Knuy Riv.', 'Comper Wagendrift'. Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3320 Ladismith 'Knuy' for farm, 'Knuirivier' for the tributary of Groot River, and 'Kauis Wagendrift'. Corresponding topographical map 1972 The same except 'knuyswagendrift'. Survey 1955 'Knuirivier, District Ladismith .. . ', And surveying 1964' Cracked, name of a port 8 miles [13 km] southwest of Ladismith, located on the farm Knui ... '
afr Afdelingskaart van ladismith 1890 'K’Nuy', plaas Sw. Q. 13-8, oor horn loop die bopunt van die 'Knuy Riv.', 'Knuis Wagendrift'. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3320 ladismith 'Knuy' vir plaas, 'Knuirivier' vir die sytak van Grootrivier, en 'K'Nuis Wagendrift'. Ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1972 dieselfde behalwe 'Knuyswagendrift'. Opmeting 1955 'Knuirivier, distrik ladismith...', en Opmeting 1964 'Knuipoort, naam van ’n poort 8 myl [13 km] suidwes van ladismith, geleë op die plaas Knui...'
eng The spelling immediately remembers the name for the Nuy River Eastly Worcester, declared by us as equivalent with the name for the big farm over both banks of the river - the farm is called 'The Willowe River', our 'Wilge (R ) River ', cf. th a ** 942-3. That Nuy and this Knuy is the same word, and both mean' Wilge (r) '. The Nama word for the willow as found in the Orange River is Thui- (Cr. -R. 1969 NW 205). It was difficult for the White to give this word The heater is formed so that the -n- for the hearer can be prominent. In K'nuy, D> E is still reflected, as such uplifted by the apos- Teps afterwards, in Knuy not so remarkable (cf. Also Kneu), and in the spellings with N- -, cf. Nuy already mentioned, or invited - in maiden (river) in this part. What gives power to the attempt to bind this Knuy (also Knui) with the willow tree, is the fact that not only nuy is relatively close to our knuy (Nuy on 3319 da), but that on the eastern side of Knuy , So east of Ladismith, and summarly close to Knuy, the house River lies, where the sound word is another spelling of ╪hui- = willow tree (s) river means 'Wilgerboom River'), a spelling in which this time the nationality not cast, ie No -n- in the name is not. Then it: In the House River, the Kobus River runs the 'Wilghou River', he flows over the farm called him, viz. The 'Wilgoul river' No S. both in Khoekhens as in Dutch (Afrikaans and Dutch), in fact, also in English, eg. 'Willow Glen' at 3322 AC. Here close. It seems to be a bit difficult to believe that Knuy and = Bhui - the same word, but the glyphan [H] and the half-consonant [n], and then if they are preceded by a suction consonant, create a problem for the other-tales to give the Khoekhoian word a fixed contour in their own language. In fact it looks like Hard to reconcile knuy, knu- and their hybrid compounds with ╪hui, but there is little space for doubt that they belong together, and in the case of Knuy - that it means 'willow tree'.
afr Die spelling laat onmiddellik dink aan die naam vir die rivier Nuy oostelik van Worcester, daar deur ons verklaar as gelykbetekenend met die naam vir die groot plaas oor albei oewers van die rivier — die plaas heet 'De Willege Rivier', ons 'Wilge(r)rivier', vgl. TH A** 942-3. Daardie Nuy en hierdie Knuy is o.i. dieselfde woord, en albei beteken 'Wilge(r)'. Die Namawoord vir die wilgerboom soos aangetref in die Oranjerivier is Thui- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 205). Dit was vir die Blanke moeilik om hierdie woord \/eer te gee. Die stam bevat 'n nasaliteit wat uit -n- gerealiseer is, en die suigklap T word gevorm ongeveer waar die -n- agter die botande gevorm word, sodat die -n- vir die hoorder prominent kan wees. In K’Nuy word d>e klapklank nog spesiaal weergegee, as sodanig uitgehef deur die apos- treof agterna, in Knuy nie so opvallend uitgehef nie (vgl. ook KNEU), en in die spellings met N- is dit ingelyf. So kom ╪hui- in plekname, veral in riviername, volgens die spelling by Blankes, yoor met N-, vgl. Nuy reeds genoem, of Nooi- in NOOIENS(RIVIER) in hierdie deel. Wat krag verleen aan die poging om hierdie Knuy (ook Knui) met die wilgerboom te ver- bind, is die feit dat nie alleen Nuy betreklik naby le aan ons Knuy nie (Nuy op 3319 DA), maar dat aan die oostelike kant van Knuy, dus oos van ladismith, en somaar redelik naby aan Knuy, die Huisrivier le, waar die grondwoord ’n ander spelling is van ╪hui- = wilgerboom (Hui(s)rivier beteken 'Wilgerboomrivier'), ’n spelling waarin hierdie keer die nasaliteit nie uitgebring is nie, d.w.s. geen -n- in die naam is nie. Dan nog dit: in die Huisrivier loop via die Kobusrivier die 'Wilgenhoutrivier', hy vloei oor die plaas wat na horn heet, nl. die 'Wilgenhout Rivier' nr Sw. Q. 13-75. Van al die genoemdes is die Wilgenhoutrivier (net oos van Seweweeks- poort) nog die naaste aan Knuy. Die Salix capensis kom hier baie voor, en hy verleen sy naam aan plekke sowel in Khoekhoens as in Hollands (Afrikaans en Nederlands), trouens, ook in Engels, bv. 'Willow Glen' op 3322 AC. hier digby. Dit lyk weliswaar bietjie moeilik om te glo dat Knuy en =bhui- dieselfde woord is, maar die glyklank [h] en die halfkonsonant [n], en dan nog as hulle voorafgegaan word deur ’n suigkonsonant, skep ’n probleem vir die andertaliges om die Khoekhoense woord ’n vaste kontoer te gee in hulle eie taal. In feite lyk dit moeilik om Knuy-, Knui- en hulle hibridiese samestellings met ╪hui- te versoen, maar daar is wel weinig ruimte vir twyfel dat hulle saamhoort, en in die geval van Knuy- dat dit beteken 'wilgerboom-'.

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