Norree, Nore, Nora

Lady Anne Barnard game standards also on this tour according to their English sound values. We believe the editor (Dr Robinson) has identified the place Noray wrongly. With the vague indications, it is extremely difficult to know where the tour group always found, unless a place is exactly localizable, as here with Brandvlei called their Noray. The agreement of Noray (English pronunciation) with ǀ Nor- Ree on the road from Swellendam to Brandvlei is so great that there should be no doubt that her Noray is none. Besides, Lady Anne Barnard mentions that it is a regional name ('The Country'), and on the map of the Divisional Board 1890 it is given exactly as an area or region. This region is located on the southern slopes of the Langeberg Mountains, between the mountains and the Breede River. The regional name (so also Prof. Vernon Forbes, when he focused our attention on this name in a recent letter 1979) went on the river and subdivided farms. The two sheets 3319 DB (1970) and 3319 DD (1977) on the scale 1:50 000 give the condition for today: There is 'Norree A No. 13' and 'Norree B No. 14', cut into funny form, And through their running 'Norneer River' (spelled like here). Noree B's eastern border is about 5 km east of the town of Robertson. What does the name Norree mean? We received no help at all. We can express sound-associated suspicions. So we saw on the map of the Divisional Council that Norry is actually a regional name, viz. Of the region between the high mountains ranging to the Breede River as its south border. Now Rest 1960 DNW 10 for 'Am Fusse des Berges' to: (Ihomi, d.i. 'Mountain') ǀ Nuri. ǀ Nuri- means the 'mountain slope' and the 'mountain foot', and it fits topographically and in sound acceptable good to Norree, who wants to say to 'Norree': the 'plain region between the (long) mountains and the river, to the foot of the mountain '. But we believe the statement is different. The Divisional Council only gives Norree as Regional Name. The river called Norneer River today was the 'Gore River' To the Breede River, 'which is in contrast to' Hex River or to De Gory '. At Goree's confluence with the Witch River. And (what our main determination is) between these goree 'Goree's Height'. The details are speaking at 3319 DD scale 1:50 () () (). 'Gorree's height 102' with land surveying on the south side of 'scour' Gor- Rees joined earlier to Norrees 13 and 14's south line. Now we can contract the lines. Norree and Goree are exchange forms of the same word. It gives the change N and G- who is very common in Old Cape (cf. Hott 180-1) and also in place names (cf. th a * 46). The current Norne River was known before 1900 as Geer River, and the farms Norree is bicycle in neighborhood with Gorrile layer and height. This is the one set of facts we have to do. The second set is the neighborhood of scurry head and 'goree's height' for the farm, or 'gore height' for the mountain. In fact, on the map of the Divisional Council is given up for scurry only one name, TW Gorree's height. 'Scab' is in Nama ǀ Goro ' and well with respect to the bottom filing.

About this item

Norree, Nore, Nora
Alternative Title
Norree, Nore, Nora
Georeference Sources
K 3319 DB/DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Lady Anne Barnard 1798 Journal in letters 144 '( Or These Valleys or Basons There Were Four. The Country is Called the Noray '. Map of the Divisional Council ± 1890 'Norree', name of the area between the Langeberg Mountains and the Breede River, and west of the 'Goree R.' Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3319 Worcester O.A. 'Norree A' (farm), through this farm runs 'Norneer River', south of Norree A another farm 'at the bottom of the nor'. ROBINSON DR AML 1973 [Editor] letters 144 [Note at Lady Anne Barnard, above] 'Noray: Probably Nuy, 9 m. East of Worcester '.
afr lady Anne Barnard 1798 Journal in letters 144 '(We) proceeded on our journey, falling down first into a valley, rendered almost green by a variety of...plants, and from which we fell down into another valley of the same description. Of these valleys or basons there were four. The country is called the Noray'. Kaart van die Afdelingsraad ± 1890 'Norree', naam van die gebied tussen die langeberge en die Breederivier, en wes van die 'Goree R.' Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3319 Worcester o.a. 'Norree A' (plaas), deur hierdie plaas loop 'Norreerivier', suidelik van Norree A nog 'n plaas 'Onder aan de Norre'. Robinson dr AMl 1973 [editor] letters 144 [aantekening by lady Anne Barnard, hierbo] 'Noray: probably Nuy, 9 m. east of Worcester'.
eng Lady Anne Barnard game standards also on this tour according to their English sound values. We believe the editor (Dr Robinson) has identified the place Noray wrongly. With the vague indications, it is extremely difficult to know where the tour group always found, unless a place is exactly localizable, as here with Brandvlei called their Noray. The agreement of Noray (English pronunciation) with ǀ Nor- Ree on the road from Swellendam to Brandvlei is so great that there should be no doubt that her Noray is none. Besides, Lady Anne Barnard mentions that it is a regional name ('The Country'), and on the map of the Divisional Board 1890 it is given exactly as an area or region. This region is located on the southern slopes of the Langeberg Mountains, between the mountains and the Breede River. The regional name (so also Prof. Vernon Forbes, when he focused our attention on this name in a recent letter 1979) went on the river and subdivided farms. The two sheets 3319 DB (1970) and 3319 DD (1977) on the scale 1:50 000 give the condition for today: There is 'Norree A No. 13' and 'Norree B No. 14', cut into funny form, And through their running 'Norneer River' (spelled like here). Noree B's eastern border is about 5 km east of the town of Robertson. What does the name Norree mean? We received no help at all. We can express sound-associated suspicions. So we saw on the map of the Divisional Council that Norry is actually a regional name, viz. Of the region between the high mountains ranging to the Breede River as its south border. Now Rest 1960 DNW 10 for 'Am Fusse des Berges' to: (Ihomi, d.i. 'Mountain') ǀ Nuri. ǀ Nuri- means the 'mountain slope' and the 'mountain foot', and it fits topographically and in sound acceptable good to Norree, who wants to say to 'Norree': the 'plain region between the (long) mountains and the river, to the foot of the mountain '. But we believe the statement is different. The Divisional Council only gives Norree as Regional Name. The river called Norneer River today was the 'Gore River' To the Breede River, 'which is in contrast to' Hex River or to De Gory '. At Goree's confluence with the Witch River. And (what our main determination is) between these goree 'Goree's Height'. The details are speaking at 3319 DD scale 1:50 () () (). 'Gorree's height 102' with land surveying on the south side of 'scour' Gor- Rees joined earlier to Norrees 13 and 14's south line.
Now we can contract the lines. Norree and Goree are exchange forms of the same word. It gives the change N and G- who is very common in Old Cape (cf. Hott 180-1) and also in place names (cf. th a * 46). The current Norne River was known before 1900 as Geer River, and the farms Norree is bicycle in neighborhood with Gorrile layer and height. This is the one set of facts we have to do. The second set is the neighborhood of scurry head and 'goree's height' for the farm, or 'gore height' for the mountain. In fact, on the map of the Divisional Council is given up for scurry only one name, TW Gorree's height. 'Scab' is in Nama ǀ Goro ' and well with respect to the bottom filing.
afr lady Anne Barnard spel plekname ook op hierdie toer volgens hulle Eng- else klankwaardes. Ons glo die redakteur (dr Robinson) het die plek Noray verkeerd geidentifiseer. Met die vae aanduidings is dit besonder moeilik om te weet waar die toergroep hulle altyd bevind het, tensy ’n plek presies lokaliseerbaar is, soos hier met Brandvlei wat na hulle Noray genoem word. Die ooreenkoms van Noray (Engelse uitspraak) met ǀNor- ree op die pad van Swellendam na Brandvlei is so groot dat daar geen twyfel behoort te bestaan dat haar Noray ons Norree is nie. Bowendien vermeld lady Anne Barnard dat dit ’n streeknaam is ('the country'), en op die kaart van die Afdelingsraad 1890 word dit presies aangegee as ’n gebied of streek. Hierdie streek le aan die suidelike hange van die langeberge, tussen die berge en die Breederivier. Die streeknaam (so noem ook prof. Vernon Forbes dit toe hy ons aandag op hierdie naam in ’n onlangse brief 1979 gevestig het) het oorgegaan op die rivier en op onderverdeelde plase. Die twee velle 3319 DB (1970) en 3319 DD (1977) op die skaal 1:50 000 gee die toestand vir vandag so weer: daar is 'Norree A nr 13' en 'Norree B nr 14', in snaakse vorm opgesny, en deur hulle loop 'Norreerivier' (gespel soos hier). Noree B se oosgrens is ongeveer 5 km oos van die dorp Robertson af. Wat beteken die naam Norree? Ons het hoegenaamd geen hulp hieroor ontvang nie. Ons kan klankasso- siatiewe vermoedens uitspreek. So het ons op die kaart van die Afdelingsraad gesien dat Norree eintlik ’n streeknaam is, nl. van die streek tussen die hoe langeberge wat strek tot aan die Breederivier as sy suidgrens. Nou gee Rust 1960 DNW 10 vir 'am Fusse des Berges' aan: (Ihomi, d.i. 'berg') ǀnuri-. ǀNuri- beteken die 'berghang' en die 'bergvoet', en dit pas topografies en in klank aanneemlik goed by Norree, wat dan vir 'Norree' wil se: die 'Vlaktestreek tussen die (lange)berge en die rivier, aan die voet van die berg'. Maar ons glo die verklaring is anders. Die Afdelingsraad se kaart gee Norree net aan as streeknaam. Die rivier wat vandag Norreerivier heet, was destyds die 'Goreerivier'. Dit stroom hoog van die langeberge af suidwaarts en word 'n sytak van die Heksrivier wat deur die Breederivier ontvang word. By die samevloeiingspunt heet die gebied op die Afdelingsraad se kaart 'Goree aan de Breede Rivier,' wat in teenstelling is met 'Hex Rivier of aan de Goree'. by Goree se samevloeiing met die Heksrivier. En (wat ons belangrikste vasstelling is) tussen hierdie Gorees le 'Goree's Hoogte'. Die besonderhede is sprekender op 3319 DD skaal 1:50 ()()(). 'Gorree’s Hoogte 102' met landmetersbaken daarop grens aan die suidekant aan 'Skurwekop'. en aan die noordweste aan 'Gorreeslaagte nr 103'. Gor- reeslaagte het vroeër aangesluit aan Norrees 13 en 14 se suidlyn. Nou kan ons die lyne saamtrek. Norree en Goree- is wisselvorme van die- selfde woord. Dit gee die wisseling n- en g- wat in Ou-Kaaps baie gewoon is (vgl. HOTT 180-1) en ook in plekname gerealiseer word (vgl. TH A* 46). Die huidige Norreerivier was voor 1900 bekend as Goreerivier, en die plase Norree is fietlik in buurskap met Gorrieslaagte en -hoogte. Dit is die een stel feite waarmee ons te doen het. Die tweede stel is die nabuurskap van Skurwekop en 'Goree’s Hoogte' vir die plasie, of 'Goreeshoogte' vir die berg. Trouens, op die kaart van die Afdelingsraad word vir Skurwekop net een naam opgegee, t.w. Gorree’s Hoogte. 'Skurf' is in Nama ǀgoro-, vgl. Schiirfpenz se ou naam GOROKHOMS in TH A* 455. Skurwe(kop) is m.a.w. in Ou-Kaaps 'Gorree(-kop- /hoogte)', en gevolglik is Norree- te vertaal met 'Skurwe-'. en wel met betrekking tot die bodemgesteldheid.
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