
Van Plettenberg translates the name into our quote. Pettman sets this Candouw equal to Gantouw 3418, means Elandskloof. He does not carry any grounds for this. The equality is probably based on outward agreement in sound. Severall could of Plettenberg's Candauw, exchange form Gantouw, exactly on 33 ° 32 'S., 19 ° 34' O. This corresponds to the current farm 'Water Gorge 'No. Q.22-1 Dist. Worcester and close to the Hex River (cf. Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3319 Worcester). It lies just from the dooms. We believe that Waterkloof is the translation of this Candauw (cf. O.A. Cango, where the Can - like Old-Cape Kam- = 'Water'). The dew is old-Cape for 'Kloof' (Hott 415), Nama Dao.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3319 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Water Kloof
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 66 'from the Hexe River after the Queek Valley. Wy tricks briefly looked along a road the candy; Although the hexe riviers mountains continuous, several turnties and steylens four uures long and uncomfortable when we left behind a few less uncomfortable, Rueym was one and half an hour ago, Quamen Wy on the street, being a cloof between two Not very high mountains ... 'Petman 1931 Sapn 39 '' Gantouw is The Europeananized Form of the Name Given by the Hottentots to A Pass in the Hottentots Holland Mountains (ǃ Kani,
Taurotragus Oryx, The moose). The 'Day story' or Jan Hartogh's Raise (1707) Speaks or 'The cloof of the Mountains that went through those hottentots. 1778-9) As the name of a pass in the hex river Mountains: 'Wy tricks ahead of that along a road on the candauw, which between the hexe Riviers continuously continued,' & c. This name is Derived from the Same Two Words as Gan-rope '. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 27 'Candouw, Worcester, C. SYN. Gantouw '.
afr Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 66 'Van de Hexe rivier na de Queek Valley. Wy trocken kort daar aan langs een weg de Candauw genaamt; dewelke tusschen de Hexe riviers bergen doorlopende, door haare verscheidene draayen en steyltens vier uuren lang en ongemakkelijk viel toen wy daar na een minder ongemakkelyken weg, nog ruym een en een half uur doorgereyst waren, quamen wy aan de Straat, zijnde een cloof tusschen twee niet zeer hoge bergen...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 39 ''Gantouw is the Europeanised form of the name given by the Hottentots to a pass in the Hottentots Holland mountains (ǃKani, Taurotragus oryx, the eland). The ‘Dagverhaal’ of Jan Hartogh’s landtocht (1707) speaks of ‘De Cloof van het Gebergte die door die Hottentots Gan- touw werd gent en door ons Elandspat.’ The name Candauw is given in the ‘Dagverhaal’ of Governor van Plettenberg’s landreis (1778-9) as the name of a pass in the Hex Rivier mountains: ‘Wy trocken kort daar aan langs een weg de Candauw genaamt, dewelke tusschen de Hexe riviers bergen doorlopende,’ &c. This name is derived from the same two words as Gan- touw'. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 27 'Candouw, Worcester, C. Syn. Gantouw'.
eng Waterkloof
afr Waterkloof
eng Van Plettenberg translates the name into our quote. Pettman sets this Candouw equal to Gantouw 3418, means Elandskloof. He does not carry any grounds for this. The equality is probably based on outward agreement in sound. Severall could of Plettenberg's Candauw, exchange form Gantouw, exactly on 33 ° 32 'S., 19 ° 34' O. This corresponds to the current farm 'Water Gorge 'No. Q.22-1 Dist. Worcester and close to the Hex River (cf. Topo Cadastral Series 1969 Skin 3319 Worcester). It lies just from the dooms. We believe that Waterkloof is the translation of this Candauw (cf. O.A. Cango, where the Can - like Old-Cape Kam- = 'Water'). The dew is old-Cape for 'Kloof' (Hott 415), Nama Dao.
afr Van Plettenberg vertaal die naam in ons aanhaling nie. Pettman stel hierdie Candouw gelyk aan Gantouw 3418, betekenende Elandskloof. Hy voer geen gronde hiervoor aan nie. Die gelykstelling berus waarskynlik op uiterlike ooreenkoms in klank. Skead kon Van Plettenberg se Candauw, wisselvorm Gantouw, presies situeer op 33° 32' S., 19° 34' O. Dit stem ooreen met die huidige plaas 'Water Kloof’ nr Wor. Q.22-1 dist. Worcester en na aan die Hexrivier (vgl. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3319 Worcester). Dit le net suidelik van De Dooms. Ons meen dat Waterkloof die vertaling is van hierdie Candauw (vgl. o.a. CANGO, waar die Can- soos Ou-Kaaps Kam- = 'water' is). Die -dauw is Ou-Kaaps vir 'kloof’ (HOTT 415), Nama dao-.
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