
There are many spelling variants, cf. Also Hawekwa. Botha 1927 31 suspects O.I. With good law that the Ibequarivier, tributary of the Krommer River in the discride of Calvinia, was named after them. Obiekwaland, at Buttner Tobiekwaland, is now unacceptable. It was replaced by Hawekwa as Place Name. The explanation of the stem name as 'murders' comes from Hahn: however, he calls it as a probability, his followers as a fact. Hahn connects it to Nama ǀǀ OB = kills (see his sucker), but there is no evidence whatsoever. Just note the breakdown of the first syllable, in our listings O, U, Ha, Possible I, at Moodie also OE, then there can be little reason for any indity. Why not think aboutǃ Au-B = hunter as foundation? It would be as MV. Laubikwa or hunters give. Not that we suggest it - we only point to the arbitrariness of such speculations.

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eng Daghjournnael 1669 MAART 22, Verslag Van Borghorst, in Moodie I960 Record I 303 'There is a gear of Certain Hottentots Called obiqua ...' Daghjournnael 1671 Nov. 28 by Botha 1927 PNCP 31 '... The Ubequas ...' Buttner 1716 21 'When you get on top of the mountain, the Tobi Quasland or the Land Van Waveren ...' Hahn Th 1868 Contribution 9 'The most famous bushermaners are ... the obouqua (probably ǀǀ Obiqua, ie murder guys) ... 'Pettman 1931 SAPN 16' The Obiqua Mountains, Near Wellington, CP, Das Their Name FROM A Bushman Clan Or Tribe ... According to Botha The Word Obiqua Means 'Murderers'. '
afr Daghjournael 1669 Maart 22, Verslag van Borghorst, in Moodie I960 Record I 303 'There is a gang of certain Hottentots called Obiquas...' Daghjournael 1671 Nov. 28 by Botha 1927 PNCP 31 '...the Ubequas...' Buttner 1716 21 'Wenn man oben auf den berg komt, so begint das Tobi- quasland oder das land Van Waveren...' Hahn Th 1868 Beitrage 9 'Die bekanntesten Buschmanner sind...die Obuqua (wahrscheinlich ǀǀObiqua, d.h. Mordkerle) ...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 16 'The Obiqua Mountains, near Wellington, C.P., derive their name from a Bushman clan or tribe...According to Botha the word Obiqua means ‘murderers’.'
eng There are many spelling variants, cf. Also Hawekwa. Botha 1927 31 suspects O.I. With good law that the Ibequarivier, tributary of the Krommer River in the discride of Calvinia, was named after them. Obiekwaland, at Buttner Tobiekwaland, is now unacceptable. It was replaced by Hawekwa as Place Name. The explanation of the stem name as 'murders' comes from Hahn: however, he calls it as a probability, his followers as a fact. Hahn connects it to Nama ǀǀ OB = kills (see his sucker), but there is no evidence whatsoever. Just note the breakdown of the first syllable, in our listings O, U, Ha, Possible I, at Moodie also OE, then there can be little reason for any indity. Why not think aboutǃ Au-B = hunter as foundation? It would be as MV. Laubikwa or hunters give. Not that we suggest it - we only point to the arbitrariness of such speculations.
afr Daar is baie spellingvariante, vgl. ook HAWEKWA. Botha 1927 31 vermoed o.i. met goeie reg dat die Ibequarivier, sytak van die Krommerivier in die dis- trik van Calvinia, na hulle vernoem is. Obiekwaland, by Buttner Tobiekwaland, is nou ongebruiklik. Dit is vervang deur Hawekwa as pleknaam. Die verklaring van die stamnaam as 'Mordkerle' is afkomstig van Hahn: hy noem dit egter as 'n waarskynlikheid, sy navolgers as ’n feit. Hahn verbind dit met Nama ǀǀob = dood (kyk sy suigkonsonant), maar daar bestaan hoegenaamd geen bewys voor nie. let maar op die onvastigheid van die eerste lettergreep, in ons aanhalinge O-, U-, HA-, moontlik I-, by Moodie ook nog Oe-, dan kan daar weinig goeie rede wees vir enige stelligheid. Hoekom dan nie liewer dink aan ǃau-b = jagter as grondslag nie? Dit sou as mv. lAubikwa of Jagters gee. Nie dat ons dit voorstel nie - ons wys net op die willekeurigheid van sulke spekulasies.
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