
It seems that a piece of history has been lost over which historians can speculate, a front post drama. There is no doubt about the component, the eastern dialect form now joins Nama Khoe-S, Kora Khoe's, Griqua Khoi-S, all 'woman'. The member 'na is at inference 'white'. In the meaning we also get it. At LEMMATA Naudau and Nabe Alw. Gordon indicates a suction consonant with its sharp acent sign. For the term 'white' as color name, words are recorded that do not join a 'satisfactory; The probability is that it relates to Namaǃ Na-B, 'Das Light', Ina, 'Leuchten (Licht Ausstrahlen)' (Kr.-.), and coherently with 'bright', eg. ǃ Naaǃ to 'Innen Hell Werden' (Rust). 'White' is color association according to 'light', 'bright'. The place name reads 'Witvomspoort' in Afrikaans.

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Georeference Sources
K 3325
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Gordon 1779 ms 5 40 '... 'After peust white woman, the gate of the big river [D.i. that gamtoos] that wy could see from the Sasie'.
afr Gordon 1779 ms 5 40 '... 'na keuis witte vrouw hiet de poort van de grote rivier [d.i. die Gamtoos] die wy uit de Sasie konden zien'.
eng It seems that a piece of history has been lost over which historians can speculate, a front post drama. There is no doubt about the component, the eastern dialect form now joins Nama Khoe-S, Kora Khoe's, Griqua Khoi-S, all 'woman'. The member 'na is at inference 'white'. In the meaning we also get it. At LEMMATA Naudau and Nabe Alw. Gordon indicates a suction consonant with its sharp acent sign. For the term 'white' as color name, words are recorded that do not join a 'satisfactory; The probability is that it relates to Namaǃ Na-B, 'Das Light', Ina, 'Leuchten (Licht Ausstrahlen)' (Kr.-.), and coherently with 'bright', eg. ǃ Naaǃ to 'Innen Hell Werden' (Rust). 'White' is color association according to 'light', 'bright'. The place name reads 'Witvomspoort' in Afrikaans.
afr Dit lyk of hier ’n stukkie geskiedenis verlore gegaan het waaroor historici kan bespieel, ’n voorposdrama. Oor die komponent keuis is daar geen twyfel nie, die oostelike dialekvorm sluit nou aan by Nama khoe-s, Kora khoe-s, Griekwa khoi-s, almal 'vrou'. Die lid 'na is by inferensie 'wit'. In die betekenis kry ons dit ook o.a. by lemmata NAUDAU en NABE alw. Gordon dui met sy skerp aksentteken ’n suigkonsonant aan. Vir die begrip 'wit' as kleurnaam is woorde opgeteken wat nie by ’n 'na bevredigend aansluit nie; die waarskynlikheid is dat dit verband hou met Nama ǃna-b, 'das licht', Ina, 'leuchten (licht ausstrahlen)' (Kr.-R.), en daarmee samehangend met 'helder', bv. ǃnaa-ǃna 'innen hell werden' (Rust). 'Wit' is hiervolgens kleurassosiasie by 'lig', 'helder'. Die pleknaam lui 'Witvroupoort' in Afrikaans.
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