Coega, Coega Kamma (Kloof), Coegas(Kop), -(Rivier), -(Riviermond)

Other spellings are o.a. Kooga, Kougha, Kowcha, Kura, Qura and Xura (Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 37). Gordon used the particular article, De Cougha; Today it no longer appears to this place. The starting point of the C / Koega Fantilie is the river name, especially at or near its mouth with the pan-like formation there. The river itself was insignificant. On the topo-cadastral series 1969 sheet 3324 Port Elizabeth comes 'Coega' as farm name (no. Q. 40-91, on that a post office), or the name appears in compositions such as 'Coega Kammas Gorge' No. Q. 15-12, 'Coegas head' No. Q. 22-4, 'Coegas River Mouth' No. Q. 1-49, all in the District Port Elizabeth. The river name is spelled on modern maps 'Coegas River' and 'Koega (s) river'. The APN 1951 80 states the spelling for the post office and the railway station at this location as 'Coega'. Sometimes the name was lost, as for the current 'Jahleel Island', also known as Coega Island / Island ', and' Coega Rock ', across the mounding point in the bay. Gordon's statement is important, it is the only one for this Coega that we have been involved. The old name is well descriptive for this level and dry run between Sunday and blackhead rivers. The lawyer at Gordon recorded with a suction patch is CoE / Cow which includes Old Cape returns for 'Earth, Land, Land' in old Writings such as holding 1655, Koo 1797, Kchaau 1805 (Hott 203 and 368 ), in Nama and Korana oaǃ 'River' (Nama ǀǀ Gam). Coega is then 'Land River', and should not be confused with names that mean 'thorn tree kingdom' or 'hippo - rich', although the sound agreements are often very strong.

About this item

Coega, Coega Kamma (Kloof), Coegas(Kop), -(Rivier), -(Riviermond)
Alternative Title
Coega, Coega Kamma (Kloof), Coegas(Kop), -(Rivier), -(Riviermond)
Georeference Sources
K 3325
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Gordon 1778 ms 1 124 '... came ... On the river the Coughha Zynde ground river ...' Dies., Aid. 'By De Coughha loved the cattle place of Ferreira'. Dies., Aid. '... Reed Z: O: On through the lame forest after cozy mouth that runs in the middle of the large cove against three clippy islets, ais sy in see, Dog This is once in Seven A Agt Years ... 'Dies., Aid.' ... Since the Cougha was stuck ... 'Dies., Aid.' ... The Cackha is also broke in the dry tyd, Excelled a fountain Digt by the carrier ... 'Leisten 1779 Map in Koeman 1952' Coecha R. ' Van de Graaff GJ 1785- 94 Map in Koeman 'Coecha' and 'Koecha Riv.' Frederici 1789 and 1790 map in Koeman 'Kuga R.' Lichtenstein approx. 1806 Map in Koeman 'Koega Riv.
afr Gordon 1778 ms 1 124 '...kwamen...aan het riviertje de Cougha zynde grond rivier...' Dies., aid. 'By de Cougha vond de veeplaats van ferreira'. Dies., aid. '...reed z:o: aan door de kreupelbos na coughas mond die midden in de grote inham tegen over drie klippige eilandjes, ais sy in see loopt, dog dit is eens in seven a agt jaaren...' Dies., aid. '...daar de cougha opgestopt was...' Dies., aid. ' Cougha word ook in de droge tyd brak, uitgenomen een fontein digt by de wagen- drift...' leisten 1779 kaart in Koeman 1952 'Coecha R.' Van de Graaff GJ 1785- 94 kaart in Koeman 'Coecha' en 'Koecha Riv.' Frederici 1789 en 1790 kaart in Koeman 'Kuga R.' lichtenstein ong. 1806 kaart in Koeman 'Koega Riv.
eng Other spellings are o.a. Kooga, Kougha, Kowcha, Kura, Qura and Xura (Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 37). Gordon used the particular article, De Cougha; Today it no longer appears to this place. The starting point of the C / Koega Fantilie is the river name, especially at or near its mouth with the pan-like formation there. The river itself was insignificant. On the topo-cadastral series 1969 sheet 3324 Port Elizabeth comes 'Coega' as farm name (no. Q. 40-91, on that a post office), or the name appears in compositions such as 'Coega Kammas Gorge' No. Q. 15-12, 'Coegas head' No. Q. 22-4, 'Coegas River Mouth' No. Q. 1-49, all in the District Port Elizabeth. The river name is spelled on modern maps 'Coegas River' and 'Koega (s) river'. The APN 1951 80 states the spelling for the post office and the railway station at this location as 'Coega'. Sometimes the name was lost, as for the current 'Jahleel Island', also known as Coega Island / Island ', and' Coega Rock ', across the mounding point in the bay. Gordon's statement is important, it is the only one for this Coega that we have been involved. The old name is well descriptive for this level and dry run between Sunday and blackhead rivers. The lawyer at Gordon recorded with a suction patch is CoE / Cow which includes Old Cape returns for 'Earth, Land, Land' in old Writings such as holding 1655, Koo 1797, Kchaau 1805 (Hott 203 and 368 ), in Nama and Korana oaǃ 'River' (Nama ǀǀ Gam). Coega is then 'Land River', and should not be confused with names that mean 'thorn tree kingdom' or 'hippo - rich', although the sound agreements are often very strong.
afr Ander spellings is o.a. Kooga, Kougha, Kowcha, Kura, Qura en Xura (Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 37). Gordon het die bepaalde lidwoord gebruik, De Cougha; vandag kom dit vir hierdie plek nie meer daarmee voor nie. Die beginpunt van die C/Koega-fantilie is wel die riviernaam, veral by of naby sy uitmonding met die panagtige formasie daar. Die riviertjie self was onbeduidend. Op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1969 vel 3324 Port Elizabeth kom 'Coega' voor as plaasnaam (nr Uit. Q. 40-91, daarop ’n poskantoor), of die naam verskyn in samestellinge soos 'Coega Kammas Kloof' nr Uit. Q. 15-12, 'Coegas Kop' nr Uit. Q. 22-4, 'Coegas River Mouth' nr Uit. Q. 1-49, almal in die distrik Port Elizabeth. Die riviernaam word op moderne kaarte gespel 'Coegasrivier' en 'Koega(s)rivier'. Die APN 1951 80 stel die spelling vir die poskantoor en die spoorwegstasie op hierdie plek vas as 'Coega'. Soms het die naam verlore gegaan, soos vir die huidige 'Jahleel Island', ook op 'n tyd bekend gewees as Coega-Eiland/Is- land', en 'Coega Rock', regoor die uitmondingspunt in die baai. Gordon se verklaring is belangrik, dit is die enigste vir hierdie Coega wat ons raakgeleës het. Die ou naam is goed beskrywend vir hierdie vlak en droë lopie geleë tussen die Sondags- en die Swartkopsriviere. Die grondwoord by Gordon met ’n suigklap opgeteken, is Coe-/Koe- wat aan- sluit by Ou-Kaapse opgawes vir 'aarde, grond, land' in ou skryfwyses soos hou 1655, koo 1797, kchaau 1805 (HOTT 203 en 368), in Nama en Korana o.a. ǃgu- naas ǃhu-. Die -ga in die naam is wel die adjektiwiese formans, o.a. vir hoeveelheid. In 'Coega Kamma Kloof' is die lid -kamma gelyk te stel met 'water' of 'rivier' (Nama ǀǀgam-). Coega is dan 'Grondrivier', en moet nie verwar word met name wat 'Doringboomryk' of 'Seekoei- ryk' beteken nie, hoewel die klankooreenkomste dikwels baie sterk is.
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