
The topographical series 1972 skin 3322 Oudtshoorn enables us to follow the path of Gordon well. We do not find the gorge, however, the valley called 'Karelaagde', and at the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1969 is the correlating farm 'Karee Valley', no p.a.q. 1-38 on 3323 AC. This certainly makes the declaration of the Kloof name. The T- stand for a suction consonant, in Nama, the tree name is develarized toǃ (K) Are, in Afrikaans we know it as Karee, usually for the Rhus Lancea. The K- was heard by Gordon as G-, who is lived, cf. 5 a 3. There is little doubt that 'caraagte' and 'karee emptiness' also comes directly from Khoekhens.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3323
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Gordon 1777 ms / 45 '... By a good path, WY by the end of the Swarte Mountains came through a large wide gorge of the further mountains ... separated; This clof is called TGare in Hottentots ... '
afr Gordon 1777 ms / 45 '...door een goed pad kwamen wy by het einde der Swarte gebergte zynde hier door een grote brede kloof van de verdere gebergte...gescheiden; deze cloof heet in hottentots tgare...'
eng The topographical series 1972 skin 3322 Oudtshoorn enables us to follow the path of Gordon well. We do not find the gorge, however, the valley called 'Karelaagde', and at the corresponding Topo Cadastral Card 1969 is the correlating farm 'Karee Valley', no p.a.q. 1-38 on 3323 AC. This certainly makes the declaration of the Kloof name. The T- stand for a suction consonant, in Nama, the tree name is develarized toǃ (K) Are, in Afrikaans we know it as Karee, usually for the Rhus Lancea. The K- was heard by Gordon as G-, who is lived, cf. 5 a 3. There is little doubt that 'caraagte' and 'karee emptiness' also comes directly from Khoekhens.
afr Die Topografiese reeks 1972 vel 3322 Oudtshoorn stel ons in staat om die pad van Gordon goed te volg. Die kloof vind ons nie hierop opgeteken nie, wel die laagte genoem 'Kareelaagte', en op die ooreenstemmende Topo-kadastrale kaart 1969 is die korrelerende plaas 'Karee leegte', nr P.A.Q. 1-38 op 3323 AC. Dit maak die verklaring van die kloofnaam hierby seker. Die T- staan vir ’n suigkonsonant, in Nama is die boomnaam gedevelariseer tot ǃ(k)are-, in Afrikaans ken ons dit as karee, gewoonlik vir die Rhus lancea. Die k- is deur Gordon gehoor as g-, wat gewoon is, vgl. 5 A 3. Daar is wel min twyfel dat 'Kareelaagte' en 'Karee leegte' ook regstreeks uit Khoekhoens kom.
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