Attakwas(Berge, -Kloof Ens.) En Attaquas(Glen) Ens.

The name Attakwaskloof comes from 1752 in Haas every travel report to the Far East; The quotes relate to the -kloof, but equally well-known the Attakwasberg. Furthermore, the selection of the citations gives an indication of spelling variants (there is more), and the first two refers to the tribe to whom the places were named and established in the area before they went up in the Bantu rooms. The -qua is the suffix of the MV. Plus the sow. Attention exit -a (in Nama -gu + A), Atta-Kwa is then the 'mans of Atta' or the 'Attamanne', possibly the name of an earlier chief. Cfg. Also Maingard SAJS 28 504 for other distractions.

About this item

Attakwas(Berge, -Kloof Ens.) En Attaquas(Glen) Ens.
Alternative Title
Attakwas(Berge, -Kloof Ens.) En Attaquas(Glen) Ens.
Georeference Sources
K 3321
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Of Riebeeck 1660 Daghregister 3 310 '... as Oocq de Natien ... Get the ... Chamquas ... Atiquas ...' Croese 1668 Daghjournaal in GM RZA 1 128 'With his return overland he discovered [Croese] De Stam of Attacia. D. 6 Nov. 23 Nov. 1668. This trunk was a little darker of skin color than the hot tones on the cape, so caffe blood will have been in '. [Opsomming in Woorde van Molsbergen.] Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 265 'to cause the countries between this castle and ... the attacoquas clove ...' [and verskeie other ventplank.] Thunberg 1773 resa 2 59 'HARTEQVAS POOR' [and elsewhere, eg 116 118.] Sparrman 1775/292 'Artaquask gap' [and elsewhere, eg 294-5.] Paterson 1777 NFJ 25 'In The Afternoon We Came To A Small Establishment, situated under the Atquas Kloaf .. . 'Van Reenen J 1790 VRV 8 144' Hattaqua's gap '. Stow 1905 Native Races 244 'The Attaqua Lived on Both Sides of the Langeberg, Above Mossel Bay, and Near The Present Town of George, Hence Attaqua gorge.'
afr Van Riebeeck 1660 Daghregister 3 310 '...als oocq de natien...genaempt de... Chamquas...Atiquas...' Croese 1668 Daghjournaal in GM RZA 1 128 'bij zijn terugkeer overland ontdekte hij [Croese] de stam der Attaqua. D. 6 Nov., 23 Nov. 1668. Deze stam was wat donkerder van huidkleur dan de Hottentotten aan de Kaap, dus zal er wel Kafferbloed in geweest zijn'. [Opsomming in woorde van Molsbergen.] Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 265 'Ter zaake dat de landen tusschen dit casteel Attaquascloof leggende...' [en verskeie ander vindplase.] Thunberg 1773 RESA 2 59 'Harteqvas klof' [en elders, bv. 116 118.] Sparrman 1775 / 292 'Artaquaskloof ’ [en elders, bv. 294-5.] Paterson 1777 NFJ 25 'In the afternoon we came to a small establishment, situated under the Atquas Kloaf...' Van Reenen J 1790 VRV 8 144 'Hattaqua’s Kloof’. Stow 1905 Native Races 244 'The Attaqua lived on both sides of the langeberg, above Mossel Bay, and near the present town of George, hence Attaqua Kloof’.
eng Men of Atta or the Attamanne
afr Manne van Atta of die Attamanne
eng The name Attakwaskloof comes from 1752 in Haas every travel report to the Far East; The quotes relate to the -kloof, but equally well-known the Attakwasberg. Furthermore, the selection of the citations gives an indication of spelling variants (there is more), and the first two refers to the tribe to whom the places were named and established in the area before they went up in the Bantu rooms. The -qua is the suffix of the MV. Plus the sow. Attention exit -a (in Nama -gu + A), Atta-Kwa is then the 'mans of Atta' or the 'Attamanne', possibly the name of an earlier chief. Cfg. Also Maingard SAJS 28 504 for other distractions.
afr Die naam Attakwaskloof kom van 1752 af in haas elke reisberig na die verre ooste voor; die aanhalings het betrekking op die -kloof, maar ewe bekend het ook die Attakwasberg geword. Verder gee die keur uit die sitate ’n aanduiding van spellingvariante (daar is meer), en die eerste twee verwys na die stam na wie die plekke vernoem is en wat daar in die omgewing gevestig was voordat hulle in die Bantoestamme opgegaan het. Die -qua is die suffiks van die mv. plus die sog. aandagsuitgang -a (in Nama -gu + a), Atta-kwa is dan die 'man- ne van Atta' of die 'Attamanne', moontlik die naam van ’n vroeëre hoofman. Vgl. ook Maingard SAJS 28 504 vir ander afleiding.
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