Touws(Rivier), (-Gebergte)

We made a choice to illustrate spelling variants (which are fairly confident) with forms of thause (the oldest), touse and T (H) OUWS, all with -S (E), but also without -S: T ( h) Old (w), Tau, Tow. Botha asks a question mark for a distraction possibility on the basis of audio agreement, backhouse has no doubt, and spot. Gordon expresses a distraction, the only one of the 1800 that does it in our material. Then it is without hesitation. Touws- at the mountains and the River contain the word heard in Nama as Tsao-S or-B = as, however, according to the ash or brakbos, also called Loogbos, usually the Solsola Aphylla (Smith 1966 CNSAP 65 EV) The exits are understood as lokativerend, so: the 'asthlace'. Maybe it was the name of the mountain and then it went on the river. For all the reporting travelers, the Cayman Hole in the 'Mountains' of the T (H) OUW (s) was an attraction that they did not miss. Several place names are related to the appearance of the important asbos, eg. Tsao, Tsaobis, Tsauchab and others. Dr du Plessis 1973 investigation 322 Name another statement that occurs at LL Tomlinson Historical Swellendam 26, viz. 'Thin and long', but it cannot be seriously considered and linguistically can't be laid.

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Touws(Rivier), (-Gebergte)
Alternative Title
Touws(Rivier), (-Gebergte)
Georeference Sources
K 3320
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Anon 1748/1755/1762 in Botha 1927 PNCP 33 'In 1748 the Name is Spelled As Thaause, in 1755 AS Thou and tenhou in 1762 AS Touw ... IT Probable That The Spelling of 1748 Thaause Might Stand for Touse Or Buffalo River? ' Sparrman 1775-6 [on Sy Map] 'Tau R.' [Walk in Gouritsrivierl. SwellenGrebel H 1776 GM RZA 4 1 'WY Reeden ... Na n't Touws Mountains to see the so-called Caaymansgat in it'. Ibid. 2 'WY REED ... after the touts riv.' Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 2 66 'At the foot of one of the Caro mountains there the row river predominated ...' ibid. 67 '... at the end of the Touws Mountains'. Gordon 1778 ms 2 157 'Four hours after the turn that the Tow of Ass river runs along'. Ibid. 157 'Arrived after 8 hours by Hartebeest fountain, the rope runs along'. Janssens JW 1803 GM RZA 4 207 'WY reassen along the river river that comes out of the bokkeveld'. Lichtenstein 1803-6 [on Sy Map] 'Tau R.' [Walk in gourits.] Backhouse 1838 Narrative 116 '... or the rope river, rope river ...'
afr Anon 1748/1755/1762 in Botha 1927 PNCP 33 'In 1748 the name is spelt as Thause, in 1755 as Thou and Thouw and in 1762 as Touw...Is it probable that the spelling of 1748 Thause might stand for Touse or Buffels River?' Sparrman 1775-6 [op sy landkaart] 'Tau R.' [loop in Gouritsrivierl. Swellengrebel H 1776 GM RZA 4 1 'Wy’t Thouwsgebergte om het daarin zijnde zogenaamde Caaymansgat te zien'. Ibid. 2 'Wy de Thouws Riv.' Van Plettenberg 1778 GM RZA 2 66 'aan de voet van een der Caro bergen daar de Touwsrivier voorby stroomd...' Ibid. 67 '...aan ’t einde van ’t Touws gebergte'. Gordon 1778 ms 2 157 'Vier uren na de draay daar de Tow of Ass rivier langs loopt'. Ibid. 157 'Arriveerde na 8 uren by hartebeest fontein daar de touw langs loopt'. Janssens JW 1803 GM RZA 4 207 'Wy reeden langs de Touwrivier welke uit het Bokkeveld afkomt'. lichtenstein 1803-6 [op sy landkaart] 'Tau R.' [loop in Gourits.] Backhouse 1838 Narrative 116 '...of the Touw Rivier, Rope River...'
eng We made a choice to illustrate spelling variants (which are fairly confident) with forms of thause (the oldest), touse and T (H) OUWS, all with -S (E), but also without -S: T ( h) Old (w), Tau, Tow. Botha asks a question mark for a distraction possibility on the basis of audio agreement, backhouse has no doubt, and spot. Gordon expresses a distraction, the only one of the 1800 that does it in our material. Then it is without hesitation. Touws- at the mountains and the River contain the word heard in Nama as Tsao-S or-B = as, however, according to the ash or brakbos, also called Loogbos, usually the Solsola Aphylla (Smith 1966 CNSAP 65 EV) The exits are understood as lokativerend, so: the 'asthlace'. Maybe it was the name of the mountain and then it went on the river. For all the reporting travelers, the Cayman Hole in the 'Mountains' of the T (H) OUW (s) was an attraction that they did not miss. Several place names are related to the appearance of the important asbos, eg. Tsao, Tsaobis, Tsauchab and others. Dr du Plessis 1973 investigation 322 Name another statement that occurs at LL Tomlinson Historical Swellendam 26, viz. 'Thin and long', but it cannot be seriously considered and linguistically can't be laid.
afr Ons het ’n keuse gemaak om spellingvariante te illustreer (wat redelik kon- stant is) met vorme Thause (die oudste), Touse en T(h)ouws, almal met -s(e), maar ook sonder -s: T(h)ou(w), Tau, Tow. Botha stel ’n vraagteken by ’n afleidingsmoontlikheid op grond van klankooreenkoms, Backhouse het geen twyfel nie, en kol. Gordon gee uit- druklik 'n afleiding, die enigste van voor 1800 wat dit in ons materiaal doen. Dan is dit sonder weifeling. Touws- by die -gebergte en die -rivier bevat die woord wat in Nama gehoor word as tsao-s of -b = as, wel na aanleiding van die as- of brakbos, ook loogbos genoem, gewoonlik die Salsola aphylla (Smith 1966 CNSAP 65 e.v.) Die uitgang -s is wel te verstaan as lokativerend, dus: die 'Asbosplek'. Miskien was dit eers die naam van die berg en toe het dit oorgegaan op die rivier. Vir al die verslaggewende reisigers was die Kaaimansgat in die 'Gebergte' van die T(h)ouw(s) ’n besienswaardigheid wat hulle nie graag misgeloop het nie. Verskeie plekname hou verband met die voorkoms van die belangrike asbos, bv. TSAO, TSAOBIS, TSAUCHAB en ander. Dr Du Plessis 1973 Ondersoek 322 noem nog 'n ander verklaring wat by ll Tomlinson Geskiedkundige Swellendam 26 voorkom, nl. 'dun en lank', maar dit kan nie ernstig oorweeg word nie en taalkundig kan geen verband gelê word nie.
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