
In his list of words from 'Namaqua Hottentots Language' Ms 2 38 Gordon has an entry 'Man Tivan ... Guy 'Chew', also 'Woman Wizard ... Guy Kaws'. The chewing and kaws are pretty sure a version of Khoe-B and Khoe's for resp. 'Man' and 'woman', added to Guy who equals Namaǃ Gei- = turbulent, medicine (cf. Kr.- R. 1969 NW 107). A wizard is about a 'medicine man' and M.M. A magician is a 'medicine woman', probably also 'witch'. There is in our rightful doubt whether Guy forǃ Gei is well compatible with Gordon's Co. Cobeeb. We should rather think of Gordon's AW Kai OWB from the listed list MS 2 40-1 for 'One Prepared Gift Insker Man', also 'Gift Tool or Tivarian'. The 'AW KAI OWB, literally' snake poison man '(Nama ǀ ao- , and read the whole as Co-Beeb, with -Beb (or -beb / s) spot indicator. The translation will be 'place of the witch', which was transferred to the river and the mountains. Also check Keikap from Alexander, another Witch River. Incidentally, it is stated that the term 'witch' does not necessarily have to be thought and probably no need to be a woman.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3319
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam vir Hexrivier
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Gordon 1791 MS 3 115 '' Cobeeb Hexe River '.
afr Gordon 1791 ms 3 115 ''cobeeb hexe rivier'.
eng Location of the Witch (Snake Gif-Man)
afr Plek van die Heks (Slang-gif-man)
eng In his list of words from 'Namaqua Hottentots Language' Ms 2 38 Gordon has an entry 'Man Tivan ... Guy 'Chew', also 'Woman Wizard ... Guy Kaws'. The chewing and kaws are pretty sure a version of Khoe-B and Khoe's for resp. 'Man' and 'woman', added to Guy who equals Namaǃ Gei- = turbulent, medicine (cf. Kr.- R. 1969 NW 107). A wizard is about a 'medicine man' and M.M. A magician is a 'medicine woman', probably also 'witch'. There is in our rightful doubt whether Guy forǃ Gei is well compatible with Gordon's Co. Cobeeb. We should rather think of Gordon's AW Kai OWB from the listed list MS 2 40-1 for 'One Prepared Gift Insker Man', also 'Gift Tool or Tivarian'. The 'AW KAI OWB, literally' snake poison man '(Nama ǀ ao- , and read the whole as Co-Beeb, with -Beb (or -beb / s) spot indicator. The translation will be 'place of the witch', which was transferred to the river and the mountains. Also check Keikap from Alexander, another Witch River. Incidentally, it is stated that the term 'witch' does not necessarily have to be thought and probably no need to be a woman.
afr In sy lysie woorde uit 'Namaqua hottentots taal' ms 2 38 het Gordon ’n inskrywing 'man tovenaar...guy 'kauw', ook 'vrouw tovenaar...guy kaws'. Die kauw en kaws is redelik seker ’n weergawe van khoe-b en khoe-s vir resp. 'man' en 'vrou', toegevoeg tot guy wat gelyk te stel is met Nama ǃgei- = toormiddel, medisyne (vgl. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 107). ’n Towenaar is ongeveer ’n 'medisyneman' en m.m. ’n towenares ’n 'medisynevrou', waarskynlik ook 'heks'. Daar is by ons regmatige twyfel of guy vir ǃgei goed versoenbaar is met Gordon se co- van cobeeb. Ons moet liewer dink aan Gordon se aw kai owb uit die genoemde lysie ms 2 40-1 vir 'een geprepareerde gift suiger man', ook 'giftsuiger of tovenaar'. Die ‘aw kai owb, letterlik 'slang-gif-man' (Nama ǀao-ǃga-aob) kon, so lyk dit vir ons, in sy dele kai-ow saamgetrek het tot co-, Co- is hier ewegoed vroulik, en die geheel te lees as Co-beeb, met -beeb (of -beb/s) plekaanduidend. Die vertaling sal wees 'Plek van die Heks', wat op die rivier en die berge oorgedra is. Kyk ook KEIKAP van Alexander, 'n ander Heksrivier. Terloops word vermeld dat die term 'heks' nie noodwendig vroulik gedink moet word nie en hier waarskynlik ook nie ’n vrou hoef te wees nie.
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