Kanna(Land) Ong.

Nama ǀǀganas, 'n Acaciagiraffae Burch. Die T- stel die suigkonsonant voor. Die wisseling in spelling van k en g is heel gewoon in Ou-Kaaps (HOTT 178-9, en 5 A 3).

About this item

Kanna(Land) Ong.
Alternative Title
Kanna(Land) Ong.
Georeference Sources
K 3319 - 3323
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
afr Beutler 1752 GM RZA 3 275 '...en aan die noordkant’t Cannasgebergte tot grensen, ook is aan gedagte Matjesrivier het eynde van het gesegde Can- naland, hetwelk sig noordwaarts tot by het gesegde Cannaland strekt, gedagte landstreek word alsoo genoemt weegens een seeker gewas dat de Hottentotten Canna noemen, sijnde een sterk purgeermiddel, die se tot suyvering haarer lighaamen gebruyken, dit gewas siet er uyt omtrend als het lof van een Hottentots vyge, dog veel kleynder dragende eene geele blom...' Cloppenburg JW 1768 Journaal ms 39 (Kaapse Argief VC 96) '...een land streek...die het Canna Land genoemd word' [en hierby kanttekening:) '...hier Canaan, hetgeen abusivelijk en per raillerie dus genoemd word. Ganna is een ruigte of heester gewas waarvan as gemaakt en men loog tot zeep maakt. Dit Canna Land begint met de Heks Rvier'. Thunberg 1772 RESA 2 60 '...land, kalladt Canna land, af somlige Canaans land'. Masson 1774 by Forbes 1965 PTSA 43 '...a rugged country, which the new inhabitants name Canaan's Land, though it might rather be called the Land of sorrow, for no land could exhibit a more wasteful prospect...' Sparrman 1775 VCGH / 296 'There is another shrub frequently found in the Carrow, which grows here likewise, and is called Canna-bosch; whence the whole tract of country hereabouts bears the name of Canna’s, and not Can- nan’s Land, as Mr Mason has called it...' ǀOok 'Canna’s-hoogte' is na die plant vernoem.l Paterson 1777 NFJ 23 'This is called, the Channa Land: and derives its name from a species of Mezembryanthimum which is called Channa by the natives, and is exceedingly esteemed among them...' Mentzel 1787 VRV 25 91 'Beyond Saffraan Kraal there is a poor piece of land called the ‘Land of Canaan’ by Masson...As an Englishman, he had misunderstood the Dutch meaning of the name; since it is really called ‘Kan- nas Land’ and derived its name from the Kannabosch which grows there in abundance...' Burchell 1811 I 189 '...Kanna Kraal...so named by the Hottentots, from a shrub which grows there...' [en voetnoot] 'Salsola aphylla. Kanna also signifies the antelope called Eland. The Kanna-bosch...may probably have been considered as the favourite food of the Kanna; and in this sense the word Kannaland, the name of a part of the Cape Colony, may with equal correctness be supposed to intend a country abounding either in the Eland, or in this shrub'. Backhouse 1838 Narrative 112 'This country is called the Little Karroo, or Kanneland, from its producing a bush abounding with soda, called Kannabosch'’.
afr Nama ǀǀganas, 'n Acaciagiraffae Burch. Die T- stel die suigkonsonant voor. Die wisseling in spelling van k en g is heel gewoon in Ou-Kaaps (HOTT 178-9, en 5 A 3).
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