Nauga, Nouga

If -ga the quantity index, such as Nama -Xa- = abundant, many, provided with, then the Nau- here, according to return, or ǀ Ao- = snake, with prelude N-, which can, therefore, 'Slangryk' ((ǀ N) ao-xa), or it is ǀǀ Khau- = booty, which is troublesome to make linguistically part. If the two traditions should be chosen, then rather 'Slangryk', we believe, because of the language aspects, but also because in the neighborhood is striking many places with ingredient • 'snake', eg. The farm Slanghoek and Snake River, the river itself (snake and snake angle rivers), and the mountains of Slanghoek Mountains and Slanghoek peak, all only in the Worcester angle here at 3319/3320. The name appears here as 'Nauga', a farm, 'Nauga's port', a farm, 'Nouga', a side line, and 'nokashoogte', -n mountain. We believe that 'nogwgat', again a farm, at 3319 BD / 3320 CA, is just a whole nettimological adaptation of the tightly farm names Nauga / Nouga, M.A.W. That, despite the Afrikaans-Dutch appearance, simply a Khoekhoense name is in a strange spelling.

About this item

Nauga, Nouga
Alternative Title
Nauga, Nouga
Georeference Sources
K 3319/3320
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1939 'Nauga'. Place and station 8 km from Touws River to Ladismith. 'There are two traditions about the name Nauga. It is apparently a snake name that used Hottentots; The second probably was the right descent that an old girl told me, she was apparently 100 years and life still. The name is according to pronunciation (g) Nauga, it was a nest of robbers near Naugatspoort '. Letter from Mr Van der Merwe Yes, owner of the farm.
afr PNK 1939 'Nauga'. Plaas en daarop stasie 8 km van Touwsrivier af na ladismith. 'Daar is twee oorlewerings oor die naam Nauga. Dit is glo 'n naam vir slange wat Hottentots gebruik het; die tweede heelwaarskynlik die regte afkoms was wat 'n ou meid my vertel het, sy is glo 100 jaar en lewe nog. Die naam is volgens uitspraak (G)nauga, dit was ’n nes van rowers naby Naugatspoort'. Brief van mnr Van der Merwe JA, eienaar van die plaas.
eng If -ga the quantity index, such as Nama -Xa- = abundant, many, provided with, then the Nau- here, according to return, or ǀ Ao- = snake, with prelude N-, which can, therefore, 'Slangryk' ((ǀ N) ao-xa), or it is ǀǀ Khau- = booty, which is troublesome to make linguistically part. If the two traditions should be chosen, then rather 'Slangryk', we believe, because of the language aspects, but also because in the neighborhood is striking many places with ingredient • 'snake', eg. The farm Slanghoek and Snake River, the river itself (snake and snake angle rivers), and the mountains of Slanghoek Mountains and Slanghoek peak, all only in the Worcester angle here at 3319/3320. The name appears here as 'Nauga', a farm, 'Nauga's port', a farm, 'Nouga', a side line, and 'nokashoogte', -n mountain. We believe that 'nogwgat', again a farm, at 3319 BD / 3320 CA, is just a whole nettimological adaptation of the tightly farm names Nauga / Nouga, M.A.W. That, despite the Afrikaans-Dutch appearance, simply a Khoekhoense name is in a strange spelling.
afr Indien -ga die kwantiteitsindeks is, soos Nama -xa- = volop, baie, voorsien van, dan is die nau- hier, volgens opgawe, of ǀao- = slang, met voorgevoegde n-, wat wel kan, dus 'Slangryk' ((ǀN)ao-xa), of dit is ǀǀkhau- = buit, wat lastig is om taalkundig voegsaam te maak. As daar tussen die twee oorlewerings gekies moet word, dan liewer 'Slangryk', meen ons, vanweë die taalaspekte, maar ook omdat hier in die buurt opvallend baie plekke is met bestanddeel •‘Slang-', bv. die plase Slanghoek en Slangrivier, die rivier self (Slang- en Slanghoekriviere), en die berge Slanghoekberge en Slanghoekpiek, almal net in die Worcesterhoek hier op 3319/3320. Die naam verskyn hier as 'Nauga', 'n plaas, 'Nauga's Poort', ’n plaas, 'Nouga', 'n sylyn, en 'Nougashoogte', -n berg. Ons meen dat 'Nouwgat', weer ’n plaas, op 3319 BD/3320 CA, net ’n volksetimologiese aanpassing van die digbyliggende plaasname Nauga/Nouga is, m.a.w. dat dit, ten spyte van die Afrikaans-Nederlandse voorkoms, gewoon ’n Khoekhoense naam is in ’n vreemde spelling.
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