Sijnna, Synna

The river had many names, especially at its mouth, eg. In Portuguese (Rio de Nazareth), in French (Le Fleuve Large), in Khoekhens (Synna / Synna), and in Dutch (Breede, Bree and Dwarsrivier), cf. o.a. Du Ples- SIS 1973 investigates 207-8, and Skerad 1973 Gazette 21. Our interest is the name Sijnna who recorded the Baastuine Jan Hartogh. From many rivers on his feathering east to Swellendam, he also recorded the names and kept them for us. Some are undoubtedly translated into Dutch (eg. Elandspad and Bot River), but some are not translated into Twyveld. We know because we cannot make their linguistically true of Khoekhens in Dutch. This is the case with Synna (Synna) and Breede River. Apparently this river was called by the Dutch to its breadth so. 'Deeze stream is the first in which Men in Europe de Name of River Zoude' declared Paravicini Di Capelli (VRV 46 21), coming from the side of the Cape. About the meaning we get no indication of outside. But we can look Whether there can be a chance for sighs. The Breede River originates in the mountains at Ceres and flows over Worcester, Robertson and Swellendam to where it is at Witsand in the sea A feather on to Buffeljagts River 'The' bakkelei r . It is that Nama has the word sunu- which means 'der Kampf, Schwill Ringen, 'Wrestling', Todesringings '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 351). Read us as Sunnu-ǃ A , as we believe, the coincidence is that sun and fighting 'We believe that the name Synna has a piece of forgotten history to the foundation, and that the name was only applicable to the under the long river. We conclude that JW Cloppenburg 1768 Journal MS 15 tells something in general Old Magistrate Horak's farm 'Bacaliel' who got his name from the battle of 'improper Hottentots'.

About this item

Sijnna, Synna
Alternative Title
Sijnna, Synna
Georeference Sources
K 3319/3320/3421
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Breerivier
eng Hartogh J 1707 Daghregister O.D. Nov 11 'At the afternoon we left. Van Riviersdend], and quamen after 2 uuren Marchers at the Breeden River, through the Hottentots Sijnna Gene (AA) Mt ... '
afr Hartogh J 1707 Daghregister o.d. 11 Nov. 'S'namiddags vertrokken wij vandaar [nl. van Riviersonderend], en quamen na 2 uuren marcherens aan de breede rivier, door de hottentots Sijnna gen(aa)mt...'
eng The river had many names, especially at its mouth, eg. In Portuguese (Rio de Nazareth), in French (Le Fleuve Large), in Khoekhens (Synna / Synna), and in Dutch (Breede, Bree and Dwarsrivier), cf. o.a. Du Ples- SIS 1973 investigates 207-8, and Skerad 1973 Gazette 21. Our interest is the name Sijnna who recorded the Baastuine Jan Hartogh. From many rivers on his feathering east to Swellendam, he also recorded the names and kept them for us. Some are undoubtedly translated into Dutch (eg. Elandspad and Bot River), but some are not translated into Twyveld. We know because we cannot make their linguistically true of Khoekhens in Dutch. This is the case with Synna (Synna) and Breede River. Apparently this river was called by the Dutch to its breadth so. 'Deeze stream is the first in which Men in Europe de Name of River Zoude' declared Paravicini Di Capelli (VRV 46 21), coming from the side of the Cape. About the meaning we get no indication of outside. But we can look Whether there can be a chance for sighs. The Breede River originates in the mountains at Ceres and flows over Worcester, Robertson and Swellendam to where it is at Witsand in the sea A feather on to Buffeljagts River 'The' bakkelei r . It is that Nama has the word sunu- which means 'der Kampf, Schwill Ringen, 'Wrestling', Todesringings '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 351). Read us as Sunnu-ǃ A , as we believe, the coincidence is that sun and fighting 'We believe that the name Synna has a piece of forgotten history to the foundation, and that the name was only applicable to the under the long river. We conclude that JW Cloppenburg 1768 Journal MS 15 tells something in general Old Magistrate Horak's farm 'Bacaliel' who got his name from the battle of 'improper Hottentots'.
afr Die rivier het baie name gehad, veral by sy monding, bv. in Portugees (Rio de Nazareth), in Frans (le Fleuve large), in Khoekhoens (Sijnna/ Synna), en in Hollands (Breede-, Bree- en Dwarsrivier), vgl. o.a. Du Ples- sis 1973 Ondersoek 207-8, en Skead 1973 Gazetteer 21. Ons belangstelling is die naam Sijnna wat die baastuinier Jan Hartogh opgeteken het. Van baie riviere op sy veeruilstog ooswaarts na Swellendam het hy die inlandse name ook opgeteken en hulle so vir ons bewaar. Party is ontwyfelbaar oor- vertaal in Hollands (bv. Elandspad en Botrivier), maar sommige is onge- twyveld nie oorvertaal nie. Dit weet ons omdat ons hulle taalkundig nie uit Khoekhoens in Hollands waar kan maak nie. Dit is die geval met Sijnna (Synna) en Breerivier. Blykbaar is hierdie rivier deur die Hollanders na sy breedte so genoem. 'Deeze stroom is de eerste welke men in Europa de naam van Rivier zoude geven' verklaar Paravicini di Capelli (VRV 46 21), komende van die kant van die Kaap. Oor die betekenis kry ons geen aanduiding van buite nie. Maar ons kan kyk of daar kans vir suggesiies is. Die Breerivier ontspring in die berge by Ceres en vloei verby Worcester, Robertson en Swellendam tot waar dit by Witsand in die see uitwater. Ou reisigers wat ooswaarts gaan, moes dit kruis. In 1676 is Jl Visser op 'n veeruiltog tot by Buffeljagtsrivier gewees. Op die terugpad was hulle aan by 'n plek 'Backley Plaats' by Swellendam. Dertien jaar later, in 1689, was vaandrig I Schrijver na die Inkwas, en hier by Swellendam was hy aan die 'Backeley revier'. Die 'Bakkeleij R.', ook 'Bakkeleys R.', is nou die Koringlandsrivier wat deur Swellendam loop en wat ’n sytak van die Breerivier is (kyk Skead 107). Nou kom daar iets wat taalkundig hierby skyn aan te sluit. Dit is dat Nama die woord sunu- het wat beteken 'der Kampf, schweres Ringen, ‘worsteling’, Todesringen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 351). lees ons Synna as Sunnu-ǃa- (met ǃa-b as Nama vir 'rivier'), dan stem dit tog opmerklik goed ooreen met 'Bakleirivier'. Die vraag is nou of dit bloot ’n toevallige ooreenkoms is, dan wel of dit, soos ons meen, nie toevallig is dat Sun- en Baklei- by mekaar aanknoop nie. Die benedeloop van die Breerivier was in Khoekhoens Synna, en hier, net suid van Swellendam, was die sytak van die Synna met die ou naam van 'Bakleirivier'. Ons meen dat die naam Synna 'n stukkie vergete geskiedenis tot grondslag het, en dat die naam net op die onderloop van die lang rivier van toepassing was. Ons meld terloops dat JW Cloppenburg 1768 Journal ms 15 iets heel in die algemeen vertel oor oud-landdros Horak se plaas 'Bacalijplaats' wat sy naam gekry het van die veldslag van 'oneensgeworden Hottentotten'.
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